万茜的丈夫是谁                                    半夜鸡叫
A: We get up when the cock crows. 公鸡一叫我们就起床。
B: We begin working when the sun rises.太阳升起我们就干活。
C: We go home after the sun gets. 太阳落山我们才回家。
A: We work all day long. 我们整天干活。
B: We are very tired. 我们非常劳累。
C: But we get little food. 但我们得到的食物很少(吃不饱)。
L:I’ll make them work more. 地:我要让他们干更多的活。
W: Then we’ll get more grain. 婆:那么我们就可以收获更多的粮食。
L: The grain will become money. 地:粮食会变成钱。
W: Then we’ll be rich. 婆:那么我们就发财了。
L: But how? 地:可是用什么办法呢?
W: But how? 婆:用什么办法呢? L:Aha! I’ve got an idea.地:啊哈,我想出来一个主意。
W: Now I’M listening to you. 婆:你说给我听听。
L:I’ll pretend to be a cock a cock crowing at midnight.地:我装成一只公鸡。一只半夜叫的公鸡
W: That’s a good idea. How wise you are! 婆:真是个好主意。你真聪明。
A : I’m very tired and sleepy.  (打哈欠)我又困又累。  B: I’m very tired and sleepy,too. 我也又困又累。  C:  I want to sleep a bit more. 我想再睡一会。  A: But we have to get up. 但我们不得不起床。 B: Or the landlord will beat us. 要不地主会打我们。C: And he will give us no food.他还会不给我们饭吃。
4幕:(画外音):瞧,这个地主和他的老婆躲在角落里,偷偷的看着长工走向田地。 L:Ha,ha,ha---they are taken in. 地:哈哈,他们上当了。 W:Yes, they are taken in. 婆:是的,他们上当了。L: They’ll have to work more. 地:他们得多干活了。W:And we’ll get more grain.婆:我们可以收获更多的粮食。 L: The grain will become money. 地:粮食会变成钱。
W: Then we’ll be rich. 婆:那么我们就发财了。 L: Ha, ha ! 地:哈哈!
A:It’s strange. 真奇怪。    BC:What? 什么?
A: It’s still dark now. 天还黑着呢。 BC: Yes, we have been working here for three or four hours.是啊我们已经干了三,四个小时的活了。
A:There was something strange about the crow of that cock. 那只鸡的叫声有些奇怪。
BC: Yes, it was not like a real cock. 是啊,好像不是一只真的鸡。
A:It was like the voice of the landlord.  好像是地主的声音。
BC:Yes, we think so, too. 我们也这么想。
A:We must try to deal with him. 我们必须想办法对付他。
BC:But how? 怎么办呢?  A:We’ll catch the thief at the henhouse, then give him a good beating. 我们到鸡窝里去抓贼,再狠狠地揍他一顿。
胡悦鑫女友BC: Yes, we agree with you. 好,照你说的办。
A:It’s the cruel landlord. 是这个可恶的地主
B:We’ll give him a good beating. 我们好好地揍他一顿。
C:Let’s go. Be quick. 咱们走,快!
ABC:Stop thief! Stop thief! 捉贼!捉贼!
L:It’s me. It’s me. Your landlord. Don’t beat. 地:是我啊!是我啊!我是东家,不要打。
ABC: You, cruel thief, we’ll beat you to death. 你这可恶的贼!我们打死你!
L:Help! Help! Help! 地:救命啊!救命啊!救命啊!