话题一    教育指引及人物故事
Passage 1
When the well-known pianist Kong Xiangdong first made it big in the early 1990s, he was called the
  pianoprince  路金波个人资料钢琴王子    )”. His smarltook and music performance won the hearts of many fans.
Kong '  s mother had a great intereinstthe instrument, who provided him with a keyboard painted on王全安个人资料

paper. It was on this soundless

许晴个人资料“ instrument

  that he began his piano career at th mother put the



  in the kitchen and asked Kong to practice on it every dayis. t has

no childhood at all,关喆个人资料    ”  Kong ever said.

When he was seven, Kong    '  s mother borrowed enough money to buy a se-hcao


piano for him.