1. Winston Churchill 33.84 1364933
2. Mustafa Kemal Ataturk 33.19 1339039
3. Franklin Roosevelt 12.25 494096
4. Fidel Castro 11.43 461152
5. Vladimir Lenin 2.95 119218
6. Ronald Reagan 2.47 99808
7. Adolf Hitler 0.87 35466
8. Billy Graham 0.82 33073
2. Mustafa Kemal Ataturk 33.19 1339039
3. Franklin Roosevelt 12.25 494096
4. Fidel Castro 11.43 461152
5. Vladimir Lenin 2.95 119218
6. Ronald Reagan 2.47 99808
7. Adolf Hitler 0.87 35466
8. Billy Graham 0.82 33073
9. Nelson Mandela 0.23 9670
10.John Kennedy 0.21 8634
10.John Kennedy 0.21 8634
Artists & Entertainers
# Person % Tally
1. Elvis Presley 24.57 760297
2. Charles Aznavour 23.99 742413
3. Charlie Chaplin 16.26 503297
4. John Lennon 13.13 406416
5. Rolf Harris 6.90 213602
6. Safa Bute 4.68 145038
7. William Burroughs 3.86 119436
8. George Lucas 3.41 105538
9. The Beatles 0.33 10320
10.Disney 0.28 8806
# Person % Tally
1. Elvis Presley 24.57 760297
2. Charles Aznavour 23.99 742413
3. Charlie Chaplin 16.26 503297
4. John Lennon 13.13 406416
5. Rolf Harris 6.90 213602
6. Safa Bute 4.68 145038
7. William Burroughs 3.86 119436
8. George Lucas 3.41 105538
9. The Beatles 0.33 10320
10.Disney 0.28 8806
Builders & Titans
# Person % Tally
1. Richard Rogers 19.79 624275
2. Henry Ford 18.76 591624
3. Bill Gates 16.49 520151 叶子楣三级片
4. Howard Hughes 11.15 351551
5. Vehbi Koc 10.97 345902
6. Steve Jobs 9.58 302256
7. Murat Arslan 6.53 205913
8. Frank Lloyd Wright 5.54 174931
9. Sam Walton 0.22 7162
10.Walt Disney 0.11 3640
麦嘉的老婆# Person % Tally
1. Richard Rogers 19.79 624275
2. Henry Ford 18.76 591624
3. Bill Gates 16.49 520151 叶子楣三级片
4. Howard Hughes 11.15 351551
5. Vehbi Koc 10.97 345902
6. Steve Jobs 9.58 302256
7. Murat Arslan 6.53 205913
8. Frank Lloyd Wright 5.54 174931
9. Sam Walton 0.22 7162
10.Walt Disney 0.11 3640
Scientists & Thinkers
# Person % Tally
1. Enrico Fermi 21.25 769453
# Person % Tally
1. Enrico Fermi 21.25 769453
2. Jonas Salk 21.04 762048
3. Viktor Hambardzumian 15.30 554143
4. Milton Friedman 10.63 385181
5. Edward Teller 8.94 323981
6. Alan Turing 8.52 308806
7. Yasar Nuri Ozturk 8.06 292039
8. Vannevar Bush 3.30 119549
9. Albert Einstein 1.49 54262
10.John Kennedy 0.21 8634
3. Viktor Hambardzumian 15.30 554143
4. Milton Friedman 10.63 385181
5. Edward Teller 8.94 323981
6. Alan Turing 8.52 308806
7. Yasar Nuri Ozturk 8.06 292039
8. Vannevar Bush 3.30 119549
9. Albert Einstein 1.49 54262
10.John Kennedy 0.21 8634
Heroes & Icons
# Person % Tally
1. Yuri Gagarin 35.48 2068760
2. Nelson Mandela 27.67 1613406
3. Mustafa Kemal Ataturk 27.10 1580369
4. Che Guevara 2.47 144280
# Person % Tally
1. Yuri Gagarin 35.48 2068760
2. Nelson Mandela 27.67 1613406
3. Mustafa Kemal Ataturk 27.10 1580369
4. Che Guevara 2.47 144280
5. Mother Teresa 1.72 100365
6. Amelia Earhart 1.56 91290
7. Neil Armstrong 1.48 86396
8. John Galt 1.07 62532
9. Martin Luther King Jr. 0.25 14804
10.Elvis Presley 0.09 5502
6. Amelia Earhart 1.56 91290
7. Neil Armstrong 1.48 86396
8. John Galt 1.07 62532
9. Martin Luther King Jr. 0.25 14804
10.Elvis Presley 0.09 5502
· 1.穆罕默德 · 2.艾萨克·牛顿 · 3.耶 稣 · 4.释迦牟尼· 5.孔 子 · 6.圣·保罗 · 7.蔡 伦 · 8.约翰·古腾堡 · 9.克里斯托弗·哥伦布 · 10.阿尔伯特·爱因斯坦 · 11.卡尔·马克思 · 12.路易·巴斯德 · 13.伽俐留·伽俐略 · 14.亚里士多德 · 15.列 宁 · 16. 摩 西 · 17.查理·达尔文 · 18.秦始皇 · 19.奥古斯都·凯撒 · 20.毛 泽 东 · 21.成吉思汗 · 22. 欧几里德 · 23.马丁·路德 · 24. 尼古拉·哥白尼 · 25. 詹姆斯·瓦特 · 26. 君士坦丁大帝 · 27.乔治·华盛顿 · 28.迈克尔·法拉第 · 29. 詹姆斯·克拉克·麦克斯韦 · 30.奥维尔·莱特和威尔伯·莱特 · 31. 拉 瓦 泽 · 32. 西格蒙德·弗洛
伊德 · 33. 亚历山大大帝 · 34.拿破仑·波拿巴 · 35. 阿道夫·希特勒 · 36.威廉·莎士比亚 · 37.亚当·斯密 · 38. 托马斯·爱迪生 · 39. 安东尼·万·雷汶胡克 · 40. 柏 拉 图 · 41.伽利尔摩·马可尼 · 42.路德维希·冯·贝多芬 · 43. 沃纳·海森堡 · 44.亚历山大·格雷厄姆·贝尔 · 45.亚历山大·弗莱明 · 46.西蒙·玻利瓦尔 · 47.奥利弗·克伦威尔 · 48.约翰·洛克 · 49.米开朗基罗 · 50.乌尔班二世 · 51.欧 麦 尔 · 52.阿 育 王 · 53.圣·奥古斯丁 · 54.马克斯·普朗克 · 55.约翰·加尔文 · 56.威廉·T·G·莫顿 · 57.威廉·哈维 · 58. 安托万·亨利·贝克雷尔 · 59.格雷戈尔·孟德尔 · 60.约瑟夫·李斯特 · 61. 尼考罗斯·奥古斯特·奥托 · 62.路易·达盖尔 · 63.约瑟夫·斯大林” · 64.勒内·笛卡尔 · 65.儒略·凯撒 · 66.弗朗西斯科·皮扎诺 · 67.荷南多·科尔特斯 · 68. 伊莎贝拉一世 · 69.威廉大帝 · 70.托马斯·杰佛逊 · 71.让·雅克·卢梭 · 72.爱德华·詹纳 · 73.威廉·康拉德·伦琴 · 74.约翰·塞巴斯蒂安·巴赫 · 75.老 子 · 76.恩利克·费米 · 77.托马斯·马尔萨斯 · 78.弗朗西斯·培根 · 79.伏尔泰 · 80.约翰·菲茨杰拉德·肯尼迪 · 81.格雷戈里·平卡斯 · 82.隋 文 帝 · 83.摩 尼 · 84.瓦斯科·达·伽马 · 85.查理曼 · 86.塞鲁士大帝 · 87.伦哈特·欧拉 · 88.尼克罗·马基维利亚 · 89.琐罗亚斯德 · 90.米尼兹 · 91.彼得大帝 · 92.孟子 · 93.约翰·道尔顿 · 94.荷马 · 95.伊丽莎白女王一世 · 96.查士丁尼一世 · 97.约翰尼斯·开普勒 · 98. 帕伯罗·毕加索 · 99. 玛哈维拉 · 100.尼尔斯·玻尔
Michael H. Hart (born, in) is a who has also written three books on and controversial articles on a variety of subjects. Hart describes himself as a, while his critics call him a and a racial.
Hart's Top 10 (from the 1992 edition)
Rank | Name | Influence |
1 | (–) | The central human figure of Islam, regarded by Muslims as the messenger and last prophet of God. Also active as a diplomat, merchant, philosopher, orator, legislator, reformer, and military leader. |
2 | (–) | English physicist, mathematician, astronomer, natural philosopher, alchemist, and theologian. His law of universal gravitation and three laws of motion laid the groundwork for classical mechanics. |
3 | (7–2 BC – AD 26–36) | The central figure of Christianity, revered by Christians as the Son of God and the incarnation of God. Also regarded as a major prophet in the religion of Islam. |
4 | (–) | Spiritual teacher and philosopher. Founder of Buddhism. |
5 | (–) | Chinese thinker and social philosopher, whose teachings and philosophy have deeply influenced Chinese, Korean, Japanese, and Vietnamese thought and life. |
6 | (–) | One of the most notable of early Christian missionaries. |
7 | (–) | Widely regarded as the inventor of paper and the papermaking process.2020两会最新政策 |
8 | (–) | German printer who invented the mechanical printing press. |
9 | (–) | Italian navigator, colonizer and explorer whose voyages led to general European awareness of the American continents. |
10 | (–) | German Theoretical physicist, best known for his theory of relativity and specifically mass–energy equivalence, expressed by the equation E = mc2. |
The 100: A Ranking of the Most Influential Persons in History is a 1978 book by. It is a ranking of the 100 people who most influenced.
The book was reprinted in 1992 with several notable revisions made to the original list of 100 people and their associated rankings. Chief among these revisions was the demotion of figures associated with, such as and, and the introduction of. Hart took sides in the issue and substituted for. Hart also substituted and with, thus correcting an error in the first edition. was also promoted from the "Honorary Mentions" list, replacing. Finally, some of the rankings were re-ordered, although no one listed in the top ten changed position.
What mainly surprised readers was the first person on Hart's list.[] Hart decided to choose over or. Hart attributes this to the fact that Muhammad was successful in both the religious and political realms. He also writes that Muhammad's role in the development of Islam is far more influential than Jesus's collaboration in the development of. He attributes the development of Christianity to, who played a pivotal role in the dissemination of Christianity.