christmas is one of the most beautiful holidays of all time. it is the day when gods son was born on earth. hence, this day is sacred for all christians around the world. the christmas season gives rise to a number of christmas traditions that come along. here are a few of them that are celebrated with zest and enthusiasm worldwide for centuries.
on this day, many go to church, where they take part in special religious services. during the christmas season, they also exchange gifts and decorate their homes with
holly, mistletoe, and christmas trees.
decorating the christmas tree
this refers to the tradition of decorating a pine tree using lights, tinsels, garlands, ornaments, candy canes, etc. today, a christmas tree is an indispensable part of christmas celebration.
sending gifts to loved ones
this tradition comes from the story of the three wise men who got gifts for baby jesus on christmas. every christmas, gifts are exchanged among loved ones, especially children. the story of santa claus also comes from this tradition.五一调休补哪天
  from its modest beginnings, christmas has evolved into the biggest celebration in the world. now
let’s read it in detail. if you get any questions about this article, please contact wetrans without
hesitation! 从开始到现在,圣诞节已经发展成为世界上最大的庆祝活动。如此受欢迎的节日,
  first the word feast prepared for you guys:
drunkenness n. 沉醉;酩酊  feast 盛宴;宴会;节期;使人欢快的事物(或活动)ascend v. 上升;升高;登高  daunting v.使气馁
commission  n.佣金;回扣;委员会 v.正式委托(谱写或制作、创作);任命…为军官
mistletoe  n.槲寄生(结白小浆果,寄生于其他树木,常用于圣诞节装饰)
reconciliation n.和解;协调;调解; palm tree n.棕榈树;棕树;
林志颖前女友有哪些 confectioner n.甜食业;糖果店;糖果制造者 divinity n.神;神性;女神;
stripe n.条纹;线条; mint adj.完美的;新造的 n.薄荷;薄荷糖;铸币厂; v.铸(币)yule n.圣诞节fir tree n.冷杉树 manifestation n.显示;表示;
infant n.婴儿;幼儿;四岁到七岁之间的学童 adj. 初期的;初创期的  oak n.栎树log n. 日
志;原木;飞行日志 v.记录;把…载入正式记录;行驶;采伐(森林的)树木solstice n.(夏或冬)至 hearth n.壁炉炉床fertility n.丰产;富饶;能生育性;
sprinkle v.洒;撒;把…撒(或洒)在…上; mull n.乱七八糟  v.〈美口〉仔细考虑[讨论]; splinter v.分裂;(使)裂成碎片;  boisterous adj.热闹的;充满活力的;活蹦乱跳
iron stove n.铁炉pagan adj.异教的;非基督教的;无宗教信仰的  n.异教徒  nativity n.圣诞;耶稣降生;耶稣降生图  centerpiece n.中心装饰品;核心
evergree n.常青树;常绿树 adj.常绿的  somber adj. 忧郁的;昏暗的;阴森的
pastry n.油酥面团;油酥面皮;油酥糕点 secular adj.现世的;世俗的;非宗教的;
crucifixion n.钉死在十字架上;十字架苦像(耶稣受难的画像或艺术品)
bishop n.主教  berry n.浆果;莓 accoutrement n.装备
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  a common date 通用日期
december 25 was a significant date for various early cultures. the ancient babylonians believed
the son of the queen of heaven was born on december 25. the egyptians celebrated the birth of
the son of the fertility goddess isis on the same date, while ancient arabs contended that the moon
was born on december 24.
  the romans celebrated saturnalia, a feast named for saturn, god of agriculture, on december 21,
the winter solstice in the northern hemisphere. they believed the shortest day of the year was the birthday of the sun. the roman emperor constantine was a member of the sun-cult before converting to christianity in 312.
  some scholars suspect that christians chose to celebrate christs birth on december 25 to make it easier to convert the pagan tribes. referring to jesus as the light of the world also fit with existing pagan beliefs about the birth of the sun. the ancient return of the sun philosophy had been replaced by the coming of the son message of christianity.
  joyful and religious 快乐和宗教
gradually, christmas celebrations began to adopt the joyful, often boisterous, holiday traditions of pagan cultures. the story of the nativity was told through music, art, and dance.
  some medieval christians objected, however, maintaining that christmas should be a somber religious day, not a secular festival. after the reformation, certain protestant groups opposed christmas celebrations. oliver cromwell banned them in england. king charles ii restored christmas when he ascended the throne.
  in the american colonies, puritans, baptists, quakers, and presbyterians opposed the festivities, while catholics, anglicans (episcopalians), dutch reformed, and lutherans approved.
christmas celebrations became more common in america during the mid-1800s. the introduction of christmas services in sunday schools reduced religious opposition, while the charles dickens novel a christmas carol popularized the holiday as a family event