雅思考试叠衣服    篇一:圣诞节英语作文带翻译四年级 吴敏霞老公
    Every December 25 is the day when most Christians around the world celebrate the birth of Jesus. The church began to have no Christmas, about ten days after Jesus ascended to heaven. It is said that the first Christmas was held in the year 138 by the Roman bishop of St. Clermont. While the church history contained the first Christmas in 336 AD. Since the Bible did not remember when Jesus was born, the dates were different. When the Christmas night, the foreign people of many poor bb have called to "Christmas gift room" to the so-called Santa Claus to call, to Santa Claus to gift, who knows? Not to Christmas, greeting cards have been circulated in our class crazy, and I went to hold the job, the teacher's table is no longer a criss-cross the operation of this, wrinkled and prepared for the neutral pen, But some are not expensive but has a beautiful gift of the gift, there are peace fruit, greeting cards, small Christmas tree such things. We also send each student greeting cards, even the usual "enemies" also presented gifts to each other, but the way different finished.
    每年12月25日是全世界大多数基督徒纪念耶稣诞生的日子。教会开始并无圣诞节,约在耶稣升天后百余年内才有。据说:第一个圣诞节是在公元138年,由罗马主教圣克里门倡议举行。而教会史载第一个圣诞节则在公元336年。由于圣经未明记耶稣生于何时,故各地圣诞节日期各异。 每当耶诞夜里,外国的许多穷人家都纷纷打电话到“圣诞礼物取物处”给所谓的圣诞老人打电话,向圣诞老人要礼物,谁知还未到圣诞节,贺卡已在我们班里疯狂流传了,我去抱作业时,老师的桌上已不再是纵横交错的作业本、皱皱巴巴的备课本和来不及换的中性笔,而是一些并不华贵却有着美丽的包装的礼物,有平安果、贺卡、小圣诞树这类的东西。 我们同学也互赠贺卡,就连平时的“仇人”也互相赠送礼物,只是方式不同完了。
    Christmas is coming. Came to the street, every corner of the people feel the festive atmosphere. Almost all the shopping malls are decorated with Christmas trees, some on the door, and some in the hall. Christmas tree is a tower, wearing a green clothes, the body hung a small bell, gently touched, jingle, clanking issued a beautiful voice; golden light, like the sky blink of the stars; colorful small lanterns, one Flashing, beautiful! Look at
ps怎么画虚线the bank door stood a "snow doll". Wearing a blue hat, wearing a blue vest, gloves and shoes are blue, chubby face, curved eyebrows, round yo eyes, like two crystal purple grapes, sharp nose, is Orange, was triangular, smiling smile, really too cute myself! My little sister can not help but slip out her chubby little hands, holding the snow doll, but also tender and tender gas, said: "Hello! Hello! " However, the most striking is the butterfly shopping hall on the side of the side, with a white foam on a large table above the show a beautiful picture, it seems to tell people about a fairy tale: in a beautiful red house , Seven dwarves live happily together. Christmas is coming, they bounce out of the house, snowballs in the snow, snowballs, snowman ... ... decorated with three Christmas trees, one of which is about four meters tall, wearing a golden coat, covered with "sapphire ", Dazzling. At this time, only listen to the hoop, hoof despair ... ... from far and near, Santa grandfather filled with gifts, they are happy dancing. Although Christmas is not a traditional Chinese festival, but still bring us a lot of happiness.
    圣诞节到了。来到大街上,每个角落都让人感受到过节的气氛。 几乎所有的商场都摆着圣诞树,有的放在门口,有的摆在大厅。圣诞树呈塔形,穿着一件绿衣裳,身上挂着的一笔记本wifi热点
金素研个个小铃铛,轻轻一碰,叮当、叮当发出动听的声音;金的小灯,好像天上眨眼的星星;五颜六的小灯笼,一闪一闪的,美丽极了! 快瞧!银行门口站着一位神气活现的“雪娃娃”。头戴一顶蓝帽子,身穿一件蓝马甲,手套和鞋也是蓝的,胖乎乎的脸,弯弯的眉,圆溜溜的眼睛,像两颗晶莹的紫葡萄,尖尖的鼻子,是桔黄,呈三角形,可掬的笑容,真是太可爱喽!我家小妹溜溜忍不住伸出她胖乎乎的小手,握住雪娃娃,还嫩声嫩气的说:“你好!你好!” 不过,最引人注目的还是依蝶商场大厅的一旁,用白泡沫搭成的一个大台子上面所展示的一幅美丽图画,似乎在向人们讲述一个童话故事:在一栋漂亮的红房子里,七个小矮人快活的生活在一起。圣诞节到了,他们蹦蹦跳跳跑出家门,在雪地里滚雪球、打雪仗、堆雪人……,装饰了三棵圣诞树,其中有一棵高约四米,穿着金的外衣,浑身缀满了“蓝宝石”,璀灿夺目。这时,只听蹄嗒、蹄嗒……,由远而近,圣诞老爷爷满载礼物而来,他们高兴得手舞足蹈。 圣诞节虽然不是中国传统的节日,但依然带给我们很多快乐。
    On the eve of the Christmas, I and my friends have saved their own pocket money for Christmas money, Christmas boots, Christmas sticks, all dressed like a 21st century Christmas teenager, take a white carriage , Singing "bell ringing" on behalf of the Christm
as grandfather door to door to send gifts and send blessings. Christmas night, snow, we quietly wait 12 o'clock after the sound, then set out. The silver carriage ran fast, blink of an eye came to the door of the coffee shop, where the magnificent, standing at the door of the statue of Santa grandfather and a few shiny Christmas tree, the waiter wearing a Christmas hat with a smile to meet every one Guests, we gave the first gift to them - passionate. The silver carriage ran fast and came to Shuangxin intersection. Looking around, the vast expanse of white. At this point, came a burst of sweet and miserable shouting: "selling matches, and selling matches ... ..." only a ragged, barefoot, two cheeks flushed, with golden curls of the little girl in the pedestrian to sell. We can not help but be touched by the sadness of the girl. We gave the second gift to her - warmth. The silver carriage ran fast and came to a hospital ward. The patient is suffering from painful torture: avian flu, SARS, diabetes ... ... looking at these dejected, there is no courage to live the sick people, we can not help shed tears. Then we gave the third gift to him (hopefully). Then we sent more than a dozen gifts out. Gave the tenacious disabled girl, gave the plain "commoner Marshal", gave the selfless fearless "white angel" ... ... "Bell be
ll ... ..." alarm clock rang, I was mother pulled back from the dream, ah, more meaningful Christmas!
    一年一度的圣诞节前夕,我和伙伴们把一年来自己节省下来的零用钱买了圣诞帽、圣诞靴、圣诞棒,都把自己打扮的像个21世纪的圣诞少年,乘上白的马车,唱着“铃儿响叮当”代圣诞老爷爷挨家挨户的送礼物和送祝福。 圣诞节晚,白雪纷纷,我们静静地等12点钟声敲响后,便出发了。 银的马车跑得飞快,转眼来到尚匠咖啡门口,这里金碧辉煌,门口矗立着圣诞老爷爷的雕像和几棵亮闪闪的圣诞树,服务员们都戴着圣诞帽用微笑迎接来到的每一位客人,我们把第一件礼物送给了他们——热情。 银的马车跑得飞快,又来到了双馨路口。放眼望去,白茫茫的一片。此时,传来一阵阵悦耳而又凄惨的喊叫:“卖火柴了,卖火柴了……”只间一个衣衫褴褛,赤着脚,两腮通红,有着金卷发的小女孩在向行人叫卖。我们不禁被女孩的凄惨打动了。我们把第二件礼物送给了她——温暖。 银的马车跑得飞快,来到了医院的一个病房里。病人们正忍受着病痛的折磨:禽流感、非典、糖尿病……看着这些垂头丧气、没有活下去的勇气的病人们,我们不禁流下了眼泪。接着,我们把第三件礼物送给了他(她)们——希望。 随后,我们把十多件礼物都送了出去。送给了顽强的残疾女孩,送给了朴实无华的“布衣元帅”,送给了无私无畏的“白衣天使”……