
  (  ) 1. It's so dark. I can't find out _______ it's a boy _______ a girl.
爱情公寓胡一菲扮演者        A. if, and        B. that, and          C. either, or          D. whether, or
  (  ) 2. Could you tell me if he _______ to Shanghai?
        A. has gone          B. had gone              C. went            D. go
  (  ) 3. He told me _______ she would catch the early bus.
        A. which             B. whether            C. why        D. that
  (  ) 4. Mrs. Green asked me _______ I would go with her.
        A. what      B. which            C. why          D. that
  (  ) 5. I don't know _______ the coat _______ cheap enough.
        A. if, is      B. where,were      C. that ,was         D. if, were
  浮图塔肖铎与皇后几次(  ) 6. Call you tell me why _______ yesterday?
        A. you didn't come    B. did you not come    C. didn't you come        D. you don't co
  (  ) 7. He said that they _______ Yunnan.
        A. have been to        B. had gone to                C. have gone to        D. has gone to
  (  ) 8. Jack isn't sure _______ students there are in his class.
        A. how many            B. what                      C. which                  D. whether
  (  ) 9. Can you tell me _______ yesterday?
        A. what they do                  B. what they did  C. what do they do          D. what did they do
  (  ) 10. I want to know _______ his homework yesterday evening.
        A. if he finished      B. whether he had finished  C. had she finished        D. has she finished
  (  ) 11. Do you know what _______ this time yesterday?
        A. they are doing                    B. are they doing  C. they were doing            D. were they doing
  (  ) 12. Excuse me, can you tell me _______
        A. why was the train late    B. why the train was late  C. why is the train late        D. why the train is late
  (  ) 13. Do you know where _______ ? Someone is looking for him.
        A. he is                        B. he was                C. is he                        D. was he
  (  ) 14. He wanted to know how long _______ in hospital.
        A. she is staying      B. she had stayed    C. did she stay              D. she stay
  (  ) 15. My brother said he _______ going _______ his friend the next day.
        A. was, to meet                B. would go, has  C. will go, was going to                  D. will go, will
  (  ) 16. He told me that he _______ to London the next day.
        A. would go                B. go                        C. went                        D. has gone
  (  ) 17. He said that light _______ much faster than sound.
        A. traveled                B. will travel        C. travels                D. is traveling
  (  ) 18. Our teacher said that the moon _______ around the earth.
        A. turn              B. turned                C. has turned        D. turns
  (  ) 19. He said that April _______ the _______ month of a year.
        A. is, third                        B. is, fourth                C. was, fourth        D. was, third
  (  ) 20. Do you know _______ ?
        A. is it whose pen          B. whose pen is it  C. whose pen it is          D. it is whose pen
  1. He's gone to Hunan. I forgot _______ .
  2. She said,"They are waiting for a bus."
  3. Whose bag is it? Do you know _______ .
  4. What will you do? He asked _______ .
  5. Who teaches you maths? He asked me _______ .
  6. I have seen him. I remembered _______ .
  1 I wanted to know_______________________________(她在和谁交谈)

  2 He said_______________________________________(他以前见过我无头骑士之剑)

  3 I'm sorry for__________________________________(我所做的事)

  4 The teacher asked______________________________(谁能回答这个问题)

  5 Jane said that__________________________________(她将乘飞机去那里)

  6 I wanted to know_______________________________(是否有一些钱)

  7 We haven't decided____________________________(我们下一步该做什么)

  8 I think that English is___________________________(没有数学难)

  9 I'm not sure___________________________________(昨天天气是否晴朗)

  10专科有哪些专业He asked me__________________________________(是如何处理这件事的)

  11Do you know_________________________________(金勇俊黄静茵夫妇是否要下雨)

  12I wanted to know______________________________(她是否来还是不来)

01-- 05 DADCA          06--10 ABABA            11--15CBABA          16--20ACDBC
1. I forgot that he had gone to Hunan.
2. She said that they were waiting for a bus.
3. Do you know whose bag it is?
4. He asked what you would do.
5. He asked me who taught me maths.
6. I remembered that I had seen him.
1. whom she was talking with                               
2. he had seen me before
3. what I have done                                               
4. who could answer the question
郑凯angelababy5. she would go there by plane                               
6. if/whether she had any money
7. what we should do next                                       
8. not so difficult as maths
9. if/whether it will be sunny tomorrow               
10. what I did with the matter
11. if it is going to rain                                       
12. whether she would come or not