1I don't know _________ he will come tomorrow_________ he comesI'll tell you
AifWhether  BwhetherWhether  CifThat  DifIf
2I don't know _________ the day after tomorrow
Awhen does he come    Bhow will he come
C何韵诗事件if he comes          Dwhether he'll come
3Could you tell me _________ the nearest hospital is
Awhat  Bhow  Cwhether  Dwhere
4Could you tell me _________ the radio without any help
Ahow did he mend      Bwhat did he mend
Chow he mended        Dwhat he mended
5I want to know _________
Awhom is she looking after    Bwhom she is looking
C但愿人长久千里共婵娟是什么节日whom is she looking        Dwhom she is looking after
6Do you know where _________ now
Ahe lives    Bdoes he live  Che lived  Ddid he live
7Do you know what time _________
Athe train leave          Bdoes the train leave
Cwill the train leave      Dthe train leaves
8I don't know _________ Can you tell meplease
Ahow the two players are old    Bhow old are the two players
Cthe two players are how old    Dhow old the two players are
9The small children don't know _________
Awhat is their stockings in    Bwhat is in their stockings
Cwhere is their stockings in    Dwhat in their stockings
10I can't understand _________
Awhat does Christmas mean      Bwhat Christmas does mean
Cwhat mean Christmas does      Dwhat Christmas means
11. He said ________ she would leave the message on the headmaster's desk.
  A. that      B. where    C. which      D. what
12. In the bookshop, a reader asked the shopkeeper _______ Who Moved My Cheese was an interesting book.
  A. that    B. how    C. what      D. if
13. A: Could you tell me ________ she is looking for?  B: Her cousin, Susan.
  A. that      B. whose    C. whom        D. which
14. I want to know________.
A. what is his name  B. what's his name  C. that his name is  D. what his name is
15. Could you tell me________?
A. when did Tom come back      B. when does Tom come back
C. when Tom will come back      D. when Tom comes back
16. A: Could you tell me ________?     B: I'm not sure.
A. how many people have been out of hospital    B. when is Thanksgiving Day 
C. which animal does he like best              D. what time will the dolphin show start
17. Mr. King didn't know ________ yesterday evening.
A. when does his son come home              B. when his son comes home
C. when did his son come home                D. when his son came home
18. The teacher told us yesterday that December 25 ________ Christmas Day.
A. is        B. was      C. has been        D. which 
19. I wonder ________ you would like to come to my birthday party.
  A. that        B. whether        C. that if      D. that whether
20. A: I'm waiting for the mail. Do you know ________ it will arrive? 
B: Usually it comes by 4:00.
  A. how        B. where        C. when      D. what
21. Do you know ________ during the coming holiday?
  A. what will Tom do    B. what did Tom do    C. what Tom will do    D. what Tom did 
22. The teacher told us that light ________ much faster than sound. 
A. travels      B. traveled      C. would travel      D. had traveled
23. Do you know if ________ back next week?  If he ________ back, please let me know.
A. he comes, will come    B. will he come, comes   
C. he will come, comes      D. will he come, will come 
24. What did Mike say? He said ____________________.
A. if you were free the next week            B. what colour was it
C. the weather is fine                      D. summer comes after spring
含氟牙膏汪东城掉水里有人救是什么梗25. Tom asked my friend ________________.
A. where was he from          B. that the earth is bigger than the moon
C. when did he come back            D. not to be so angry
26. Let me tell you __________________.
A. how much is the car                      B. how much does the car cost
C. how much did I pay for the car          D. how much I spent on the car
27. Peter knew _______________.
A. whether he has finished reading the book    B. why the boy had so many questions
C. there were 12 months in a year              D. when they will leave for
1Does MrBrown enjoy living in ChinaCould you tell us?(改写句子)
→Could you tell us _________ MrBrown _________ living in China