What is an object?
An object is a constituent of a verb that generally follows a transitive verb and explains what the subject is doing。Besides transitive verbs。ns in English also require an object。nally。certain adjectives such as "worth" can also take an object。For example。"factory manager" is the object in "I am looking for the factory manager," "tractor" is the object in "He is driving a tractor," and "he doesn't know" is the object in "He said he doesn't know." Objects can be nouns。pronouns。infinitives。phrases。or clauses。It's important to note that there can be more than one object in a sentence.
For instance。"She is playing the piano now" has a noun object。"the piano."
We all like him" has a pronoun object。"him."
We all like to go to school" has an infinitive phrase object。"to go to school."
We all like swimming" has a gerund phrase object。"swimming."
I think that he is right" has a clause object。"that he is right."
He asked me what I was thinking about at that time" has a clause object。"what I was thinking about at that time."
The book is worth reading" has a gerund phrase object。"reading."
What are double objects and complex objects?
Sometimes。a verb can take two objects。such as "teach us chemistry," where "us" and "chemistry" are both objects。These two objects are called "double objects," which are the indirect object and direct object.
邹佩真My parents bought me a computer" has "me" as the indirect object and "a computer" as the direct object。This can also be expressed as "My parents bought a computer for me."
He gave me a book last Sunday" can also be expressed as "He gave a book to me last Sunday."
Some transitive verbs require a complement to complete their meaning。which is called a complex object。The first part of a complex object is usually a noun or pronoun。and the second part provides nal n about the n or identity of the first part。This second part is called the object complement。which can take different forms.
One form is an infinitive。usually with "to."
To use an infinitive with "to" as an object complement。certain verbs are required。such as tell。ask。invite。get。allow。wish。want。like。prefer。expect。encourage。advise。permit。order。and warn。For example。"They encouraged me to try again."
Some verbs。such as make。have。let。see。hear。watch。notice。and feel。do not require the infinitive to be used with "to" as an object complement。For example。"He made us stay for dinner."
Introduce can also be used with an object complement。For example。"Let me introduce you to Miss Li."
恶之花 姚晨事件Using the "-ing" form or past participle can also be used as an object complement。When the n of the object complement is happening at the same time as the noun or pronoun that is the object。the "-ing" form is used。For example。"He can hear his heart beating fast." When the object and object complement have a passive nship。the past participle is used。For example。"You'd better have the desk cleaned."
Certain verbs。such as call。name。make。think。find。and consider。can also be used with a noun or pronoun as the object。followed by a noun as the object complement to describe the identity of the object。For example。"I called this cat Mimi."
Other verbs。such as make。keep。find。and like。can be used with a noun or pronoun as the object。followed by an adjective as the object complement to describe the state or characteristics of the object。For example。"You must keep the classroom clean."