Short stories are due a revival. In recent years, there have been critically 1 collections by American writers such as Lydia Davis and Junot Díaz. But few others manage to 2 the bestseller lists, and they are all too often 3 by novels. 4 their heyday in the early 20th century, short stories are mostly viewed as trials or experiments before an author 5 with the real thing.
John Burnside, a Scottish poet and novelist, 6 this fixed idea in his latest collection, "Something Like Happy". Over 13 stories, Mr Burnside shows the versatility of the condensed 7 . His stories take place mostly in Scotland, in flats "high up on the third floor of an apartment block in the middle of Dundee" or in the back room of a hardware shop, 8 men drink "sweet, milky coffee" 9 waiting for the results of the races. His men carry knives or conduct extramarital 10 ; his women are often 11 housewives who drink, take up bell-ring
ing in their local church or fantasise about younger men 12 a way of filling in time.
Happiness is the subject that 13 the collection together. In other hands, this could become sentimental. 14 Mr Burnside, with only a few 15 , never allows that to happen. Instead, happiness 16 stays away from these figures; so much 17 they have almost ceased to 18 it. Rooted in the bleaker aspects of Scotland"s landscapes, it is something that his 19 continually search for, in these concise and poetic tales—yet 20 to find.(分数:30.00)
解析:[解析] 空格填入形容词,说明这些collections(短篇故事集)的特点,由下文的转折词But及bestseller lists(成为畅销书),这里应指这些文集是成功的,故填上acclai
解析:[解析] 空格处填入动词与bestseller lists(畅销书单)构成动宾搭配,句中的主语few others指few other collections(很少其他故事集),而书籍一般是“登上”畅销书的行列,故选reach“到达”合适。A、B为近义词,均指“得到”;meet与“畅销书单”不搭配。
解析:[解析] 本句对比短篇小说(short stories)与长篇小说(novels)的普及程度。由文章首句的due a revival(理应复兴)及heyday in the early 20th century可知,短篇小说过去兴旺,现在已不及长篇小说,故选overshadowed,指与长篇小说相比“相形见绌”。replaced干扰较强,但由上下文可知,短篇小说并未完全被取代,故排除。rejected“拒绝”;overlapped“重叠”。
 A.In addition to
 B.Similar to
 C.In place of
 D.In contrast to 
解析:[解析] 前一分句说heyday(辉煌的日子),后一分句说把短篇小说视为“试验”,两者情况相反,故应填上表对比的In contrast to。
&acks up
&acks down
&acks into
&acks on 
解析:[解析] 本句意为“作家在______真正事物之前,把短篇小说看做试验”,crack on指“努力继续干”符合文意。crack up“(体力、精神等)垮掉,吃不消”;crack down“严厉打击”;crack into“把……分裂为”。
解析:[解析] 空格下一句的shows 是对John Burnside的褒奖,结合前文说短篇小说的复兴,故推断这里说的是对前文提及的成见(写短篇小说只是个试验)的不认同,故选challenge“挑战”。
解析:[解析] 由于Mr Burnside写的是短篇小说,故填上form,实际上condensed form指代短篇小说。
解析:[解析] 空格处填入引导词,连接前后分句,空格后的句子主谓宾成分齐全,而空格前的a hardware shop表示地点,因此应填入表“地点”的关系副词,故选where。
gta5进不去游戏解析:[解析] 空格后为现在分词短语,故可首先排除连词once,该词后需接句子;而空格后的“等待赛马结果”与前面的“喝甜牛奶咖啡”不构成列举(like)或因果关系(for),而应该是在等待赛果期间喝咖啡,故选while。
解析:[解析] 四个选项均有“事件、事情”之意,但文中指的“婚外情”属于私人的事务,应用affair,该词可指“暧昧关系,私通”。matter“事情,问题”;event“事件,大事;比赛项目”;incident“发生的事;事变”。
解析:[解析] 空格后的定语从句中说到这些妇女靠上教堂敲钟和幻想年轻男性度日,故推断她们的生活较单调、寂寞,因此选lonely“寂寞的”。obedient“听话的”;aggressive“有野心的”;enthusiastic“热情的”。
解析:[解析] 考查as a 的固定用法,表示“以……的方式”。
上火吃什么 Bes
解析:[解析] 空格处填入动词作定语从句的谓语,表明主语the subject与宾语collection的关系,即“幸福这一主题______所有故事一起”,选项中只有tie“把……联系在一起”代入空
 A.In particular
 B.As a result
 C.For example
解析:[解析] 前一句指出幸福在其他人笔下可能是个煽情的(sentimental)主题,后一句提到Mr Burnside从来不允许这种情况发生,两者存在转折关系,故选But。
姚星彤整容 C.descriptions
解析:[解析] 空格所在短语为插入语,对never allows that to happen(从来不允许这种情况发生)作补充说明,填入exceptions“例外”,符合文意。exclusion“排除”;substitution“替补”;description“描述”。
补水美白产品排行榜 A.frequently 
解析:[解析] 前文提到Mr Burnside不会把幸福写得很煽情,下文则用含否定意味的ceased to(停止),故推断他笔下的人物通常不会拥有幸福,故选frequently“经常地”。
 B.in case that
 C.so that 
 D.so as
解析:[解析] 空格后的“他们停下来……”是前面“幸福远离这些故事人物”的结果,故应填上引导结果状语从句的so that,so much so that表示“达到这种程度以致……”。
 A.seek for
 B.believe in 
 C.give up
&n about
解析:[解析] 空格后的it指代happiness,由于故事人物与幸福无缘,故致使他们不再“相信”幸福,故选believe in。A项seek for为强干扰项,但下文的continually search for提示,故事的人物并没有放弃追寻幸福,故排除。
解析:[解析] 本句的主语it同样指happiness,his指代故事作者Mr Burnside,本句讲述故事的内容,故应该是故事的人物,即characters,与上文的figures对应。
解析:[解析] 空格前的yet表转折,表明空格内容与前面的continually search for“不断寻”语义相反,故表正面意义的C、D两项可先排除;decline指“拒绝”接受,与前文的“不断寻”相矛盾,填入fail指“不能到”,与上文呼应。
Around two billion people have no access to modern energy, and a billion have it only 21 . The 22 stoves that many of them use, the World Health Organisation 23 , produce pollution that 24 around 2 million premature deaths a year. Makeshift cookers 25 catch fire easily. And lives are not the only things 26 . Women and girls in rural villages lose time and energy walking around 27 dirty solid fuels, ranging from crop waste to cow dung.
The 28 of a stove that produces more heat, more cleanly and with less fuel is clear. 29 Kirk Smith, a stove specialist at the University of California at Berkeley, points out that most 30 to promote cleaner stoves have failed. Too much emphasis has 31 on technology and talking to people 32 , too little to 33 the women who actually do the cooking. When subsidies 34 , the schemes have faltered, with stoves left unused or broken.
Why might it be different this time? Wouter Deelder of Dalberg, a development consultancy, says that stoves have improved in 35 from the materials used to the design of chimneys. Even so, the new stoves can cost $30 or more. Greater efficiency 36 they p
ay for themselves in a few months, but the price is still prohibitive for people living 37 a few dollars a week. 38 , technology that works well in the laboratory may fall in the field, 39 fuels, cooking practices and even the shapes of vessels 40 widely.(分数:30.00)