  Contrary to the commonly held belief, ‘yǒngliǔ (咏柳)’ is not a single poem, but rather a genre consisting of a large number of different pieces, each typically consisting of several four-line stanzas. These are known as ‘bù’ and each bù can have a different rhyme scheme, tone pattern, or even subject matter. This diversity of form reflects the long history of this genre, which has been popular in China since the Tang dynasty (617-907). However, despite the variety of different bù that belong to the yǒngliǔ tradition, there are certain themes and images that run throughout all of them. The willow tree, for example, is a constant presence in yǒngliǔ poetry, and is utilized to evoke feelings of nostalgia and longin
g. This is because the falling branches of the willow are seen to symbolize tears, and this association has long made the tree a symbol of sadness in Chinese culture. Yet despite this, the willow is also seen as a symbol of resilience, as it is able to bend and sway in the wind without breaking. This dichotomy of sadness and resilience is at the heart of the yǒngliǔ genre, and is partly why it has remained so popular for over a thousand years.
  This excerpt from a yǒngliǔ poem by Song dynasty literati Gùān Zhòng (关仲) shows how yǒngliǔ motifs were not limited to the natural world, but could also be applied to human affairs. Here, the female figure is ‘lù (绿) hair’ and ‘cuì (翠) sleeves’ are described in the same terms as the willow, evoking feelings of grace and beauty while also suggesting a sense of fragility. The sense of distance between the two figures is emphasized by the fact that one is located inside a screen and the other outside it, adding an extra layer of meaning to the scene. And yet, despite these elements of separation and sadness, the poem also expresses a yearning for connection and understanding, as shown by the final two lines.孙坚范冰冰
  This yǒngliǔ poem by Táng dynasty poet Wáng Wéi (王维) is an example of how the theme of the willow could be used to link different aspects of the natural world. Here, the tree is referenced only at the end of the poem, when it is compared to the red bean plant. However, this link allows for a connection to be made between the joy of spring and the pain of separation, as the red beans growing in the south remind the speaker of a distant love. This connection between the natural world and human emotion is something that runs throughout yǒngliǔ poetry, and is one of the reasons why the genre has remained so popular over the centuries.
  When we look at yǒngliǔ from a linguistic perspective, its rhyme schemes and tonal patterns are some of its most distinctive features. Unlike many other forms of Chinese poetry, which rely on strict rules for meter, yǒngliǔ is far more flexible, and allows for rhyming patterns to change from one bù to the next. This freedom has made it a popular form for poets at all levels, and has led to countless variations on the basic structure. At the same time, the use of tonal patterns allows for a sense of musicality and rhythm to be established, even where strict meter is not present. This use of sound to convey meaning is something that has been recognized in Chinese literature for centuries, and is a key component of the yǒngliǔ tradition.
  Despite its long history, yǒngliǔ has continued to inspire poets in modern times. This can be seen in the work of writers such as Yè Chūnqiū (野草) and Xiǎo Kè (晓克), who have both used yǒngliǔ as a means of exploring contemporary themes and emotions. In doing so, these poets have helped to bring the tradition of yǒngliǔ into the present day, showing how this ancient form can still be relevant and powerful, even in a rapidly changing world. At the same time, these modern poets have also helped to expand the boundaries of yǒngliǔ, introducing new voices and perspectives into an established genre. This ability to adapt and evolve is another key feature of yǒngliǔ, and is one of the reasons why it has remained so important in Chinese literature for so many centuries.