东莞大岭山>蒋劲夫家暴女  (一)普通股首次公开发行
At present, China's exchange market, there are mainly two exchanges and three plates. The two exchange refers to the Shenzhen stock exchange and the Shenzhen Shanghai stock exchange, the three plate is the main board market, small and medium enterprises board and the gem. Motherboard market, small and medium enterprise board is mainly in the Shanghai and Shenzhen Stock Exchange listed transactions, enterprises listed comp
anies require a higher threshold, before the issuance of the total share capital of not less than 30 million yuan; and entrepreneurship in market in Shenzhen Stock Exchange listed transactions. Shenzhen stock exchange, mainly to support a part of innovative enterprises or high-tech venture, the threshold is low, but the total amount of capital required to issue a total of not less than 30 million yuan. Because the domestic listing threshold is higher, so many companies have chosen to list overseas, such as the United States and so on. The following article will be introduced one by one Enterprise Inc listed channels, to provide reference for China's Enterprise Inc.
A comparative study of domestic listing methods
IPO (initial public offering of shares) and (RM) backdoor listing is a common method used by Domestic Company in the territory. IPO refers to the Enterprise Inc through the stock exchange for the first time publicly issued shares to investors, to help raise funds for the development of enterprises. After the Enterprise Inc hand rough public offering of shares, the general can be traded on the stock exchange. RM is refers to the unlisted companies
with their own operating conditions, has been listed shell company's stake purchase, get a part of shell companies controlling stake, again to your company for the acquisition, so that their companies can be listed.
Two, the domestic Enterprise Inc listed in the United States
China's domestic enterprises listed in the United States as long as the way is the first public offering of ordinary shares and the way the reverse merger.
(a) the initial public offering of ordinary shares
Ordinary shares of the initial public offering, often take the form of IPO. Domestic companies through overseas registered the new company or buy shell companies and domestic companies in the capital into the new company or have to buy shell companies, in the name of the new company or www.jich www.boxuelun www.huayueting1 shell companies listed in overseas stock markets. Choose to register new company and shell company place to buy a very important. On the one hand
to consider tax is is preferential, on the other hand, but also conforms to the Chinese government to the provisions of the overseas listing of domestic enterprises. The common domestic companies will choose the new company registered in the British Virgin Islands, the Cayman Islands, Panama, tax avoidance Island, like Sina, Netease, Sohu company is used in this way in the Weisidake listed. Because of differences in factors such as each of the local settlement of securities and securities tax, our country enterprise company in the United States listed ordinary shares in the initial public offering generally take issue American depositary share certificate listing ways. China Life Insurance Limited by Share Ltd is through the issuance of the American Depositary Shares Certificate (ADR) listed on the way. To issue depositary share certificate is by Bank of America and overseas companies signed the relevant agreement, the agreement by the bank in the United States as the foreign companies to issue securities trustee, by Bank of America to U.S. investors issued depositary share certificate. Each a depositary share certificate on behalf of the securities of foreign companies, the freedom to trade and save the trustee of the acquisition of foreign securities companies reach a certain nu
mber, a bunch of the stock exchange to overseas trust bank for safekeeping. Among them, the Bank of America is in fact the payment agent of the shareholders of the stock certificate, to the overseas Enterprise Inc to receive dividends, distribution to the stock holders. At the same time, the Bank of America is also the transfer agent of stock certificate, it will be suitable for the time when the stock will be converted to the corresponding securities. The securities and Futures Commission of the United States shall treat the ADR as well as the foreign securities that it represents. In addition, according to the relevant laws and regulations of the securities, the issue of depository shares issued by the bank must be registered in the www.yulematou www.14se www.maka7 United States, foreign enterprises must also regularly report publicity. China Life Insurance Co., Ltd. in this way in the New York Stock Exchange and the Hong Kong Stock Exchange also officially listed for trading, oversubscription 25 times, raised a total of $3.5 billion, became the annual global capital market IPO Financing is the highest amount of enterprises. Subsequently, China Unicom, petrochemical and other companies have also adopted the way to issue American depositary shares, listed overseas successfully.