幼儿入园前可能会产生于父母分离的焦虑。这个课题又该如何探 讨呢?
姚晨晒大肚照分离焦虑是焦虑的一种,通常出现在与父母分离或与所爱和依赖 的人分离或而临分离的威胁等情况下,是幼儿从自然人到社会人转 变过程中所发展起来的情绪。三岁左右的幼儿离开自己的父母和家 庭来到幼儿园,情绪会很不稳定,常表现为哭闹、大喊大叫、拒 食、拒玩、拒睡、拒人、默默无语等等,这就是通常所说的新入园 幼儿的分离焦虑。新学年开学,适龄幼儿离开父母和家庭进入幼儿 园小班游戏和生活,迈出了其社会化进程中重要的一步。很多的文 章都是降低分离焦虑的措施,而这些分离焦虑的措施有哪些是真正 有效的值得我们去进一步研究。于是本研究选择广州市某示范幼儿 园的一个新生班为研究对象,采用观察法对新入园的小班幼儿进行 6周的在园跟踪观察,记录其分离焦虑表现,并运用访谈法对教 师、幼儿以及家长进行访谈,进一步了解影响小班幼儿新入园分离 焦虑的多方而因素。
通过对资料和观察记录的与分析,本研究得出以下结论:小班幼 儿新入园分离焦虑的特点:一是小班幼儿新入园分离焦虑表现以大 声哭、哭泣、喊着要爸爸妈妈为主,其次为依
恋老师和依恋自带 物,哭闹、默坐、不正常午睡甚至不午睡、不正常进餐、重复句子 如〃我要爸爸妈妈"和独自游戏属于个别幼儿的分离焦虑表现;二是小 班幼儿新入园分离焦虑出现的时间段主要集中在放假后的早晨入 园、午餐及午睡时间前后,傍晚离园之前也有个别幼儿表现出较严 重的分离焦虑;三是小班幼儿新入园分离焦虑表现在性别上有所差 异,女孩出现分离焦虑的比例高于男孩且大多以较强烈的形式表 达。
木研究对小班幼儿新入园分离焦虑现实表现的细致观察,同时对 现象进行总结分析与提升,得出一般的规律性的结论,并在此基础 上提出策略建议,通过研究降低新入园幼儿的分离焦虑措施的有效 性,让家长以及一线老师可以参考,也为我们即将毕业而进入幼儿 园的老师提供一些建议,最终促进教师的专业成长,促进幼儿个性 和社会性的健康发展。
Separation anxiety is one kind of anxieties, it is the children's response to their separation with their parents, the ones who they love and depend on, or it appears at the time when their attachment was under threat. It's an emotion which develops when the children are being changed from natural    n to people of society. When the Children
about three years old leave the family and their parents to the kindergarten , their emotion would be unsteady and most of them demonstrate such reactions as refusal to sleep, refuse to eat , refuse to go to the kindergarten, cry all the time, reject others to approach, and stay alone and so on , all these call separation anxiety. The children of their right age leave their parents and the family to enter the kindergarten at the beginning of the new term, it is an important pro    ss of their socialization, but for facing
the long and direct separation with their parents, the children are undergoing the pain of separation anxiety. Although the passing phase separation anxiety of the children from the re    ption class has the same with
anxiety, it still has its own characteristic・ This research
机械设备折旧年限is based on a re    tion class from one kindergarten in
Guangzhou city as study object, by using the methods of observation, the author observed the children of the re
    ption class for 30 days and recorded the children's behavior ・Carried out interviews on the children, teachers and parents to further investigate the factors, which affected the passing phase separation anxiety of the
children from the re    ption class.
李小婉儿子Through arranging and    yzing the data, the researcher
reached the following conclusion:The separation was characterized by the following indications: first, loud cry and weep are appeared the most, attaching teachers and their own things are other    in form of children's