8(下)Unit 7单词教学案
Comic strip& Welcome to the unit
1.especially (adv.)特别,尤其
It helps build a better world for everyone, especially children all over the world.
This street is very busy, especially on Sundays. 这条街很拥挤,尤其是星期天。
We want to invite some friends, ____________________.
It is especially cold today. 今天特别冷。
We need to be _________________. 我们需要特别小心。
I’m feeling especially tired this evening. 今天晚上我特别累。
I especially want to see that film. 我特别想看那部电影。
----Do you like sweet things? 你喜欢甜食吗?
----Not especially. 不特别喜欢。
2.basic (adj.)基础的,基本的 
基础教育_______________________  基本颜_____________________
3.education (n.)教育 ----educate (v.) 教育
It provides basic education for children in poor areas.
It is important for children to receive basic education.
He has had very little education他几乎没受过什么教育。
All governments spend money on education所有国家的政府都拨款办教育。
I would prefer a new type of education for my children. 我愿意我的孩子们受新型教育。
He’s had a good education他受过良好的教育。
Jennie hoped to give her a good education. 珍妮希望给她良好教育。
Children get a better education today than at any time in the past. 
4.equal  (adj.) 平等的
It works for the equal rights of girls and women too.
  They are of equal height. 他们一样高。
equal pay for equal work  同工同酬    They are equal in ability. 他们能力相同。
equally (adv.) 平等地  treat sb. equally
5.right (n.) 权利
have the right to do  有权利做某事    have no right to do 没有权利做某事
Everyone has the right to get education. 每个人都有受教育的权利。
You have no right to do so.  你没有权利这么做。
adj. 正确的;合适的;右方的
6.spread (n.) 扩散,分布,展开
prevent the spread of some serious diseases  阻止一些严重疾病的扩散
The most important thing is the spread of information.
vt.)传播,散播  ---spread—spread
顺丰速运快递单号  Flies can spread diseases. 苍蝇能够传播疾病。
(vi. ) The illness spread quickly in the town. 这种疾病很快在城里蔓延开了。
The news soon spread.  这消息很快传开了。
1.interviewer (n.) 采访者
Here’s a dialogue between the interviewer and the reporter.
interview (v.& n.)
have an interview with sb = _____________
她到一个对奥比斯医生的访谈。 She found an interview with one of the ORBIS doctors.
  My parents often have an interview with my teacher.
  a job interview 求职面试
2.blindness (n.) 失明
  请告诉我们一些失明的情况。Please tell us something about blindness.
blind (adj)    sb be blind in the eye
页码设置她双目失明。  She is blind______________
  The _________man can’t see anything because of his __________.
3.mostly (adv.) 主要地,大部分地
About 285 million people around the world are blind or have other eye problems, mostly in poor areas, and about 80 per cent of these cases can be prevented or cured.
区别:most, mostly
most (adj. & pron.)
most students =most of the students 
mostly  (adv.)= mainly
The group of people were mostly businessmen. 这人大多数是商人。
I mostly wear jeans. 我主要穿牛仔裤。
The students in our class are mostly from the city. 我们班的学生主要来自城市。
His stories were mostly about his experiences in foreign countries.
4.case (n.) 病例,案例
About 80 per cent of these cases can be cured or prevented
失明病例 cases of blindness   
这是一个发烧病例。 This is ________________________.
常用短语: in case 万一, 以防, 如果 (引导条件状语从句)如:
In case he arrives before I get back, please ask him to wait.
in that / this case 如果那样/这样(的话);在那种/这种情况下
In that case, we'd better hold a discussion about the problem.
农村喜剧电影 爆笑5.cure (vt.) 治愈  treat (vt.) ,处理
Modern medicine is developing quickly and now most eye problems and diseases can be treated and cured.  现代医学发展迅速,而且现在大部分眼睛问题和眼疾都能被和治愈。
辨析 cure 与 treat
cure 和treat 都可表示“”,但在用法上有一定的区别。
cure 后接人或疾病,强调治愈的结果。常用于固定结构cure an illness表示“治病”,cure sb of ……. 表示“治愈某人的某种病”,引申为“使某人戒除某种坏习惯”。
如: 这药能治好你的咳嗽。 The medicine will cure your cough.
    医生治好了她的癌症。 The doctor cured her of cancer.
Prevention is better than cure. 防患于未然。
treat 强调的过程,不强调治愈的结果,后面接人、疾病或伤病处。固定结构treat sb. for sth. 表示“为某人某种疾病”。
treatment (n.)
I’ll try my best to treat the patient, but I’m not sure whether I can cure him or not.