_洗剪吹_ 用英语怎么说?_缩混 来自撩英语 00:00写清明节的古诗大全 13:10
主播 | Flora Fang 结尾歌曲 | Runaway (Sasha Sloan)
Going to the hairdresser's
hair salon
特工皇妃楚乔传演员表the hairdresser's
I'd like to get / have______
- a cut 剪发
- a wash and cut 洗头加剪发
- a wash, cut and dry 洗剪吹
- a trim 修剪
- a perm 烫发
I'd like to get my hair______
- cut 剪发
- colored / dyed 染
- bleached 发变浅
- permed 烫发
- streaked 挑染
- styled 造型
- straightened 拉直
- curled 卷发
- layered 剪出层次感
佘诗曼离开tvbI have dandruff. 我有头皮屑。
I have split ends. 我发尾分叉。
叶璇主演的电视剧>杨梅酒怎么泡 制作方法My hair is______
- oily. 油腻
- dry. 枯燥
- flat. 贴脸
What product would you recommend
for dandruff?
A: What would you like to have done today? / What are you looking for today?
B: I'd just like a trim, please.
I'd like half an inch taken off the sides, please.
注:1 inch=2.54cm
词 汇 扩 展
sides 两侧
top 头顶
back 后脑勺
around the ears 耳侧
bangs 刘海
hair spray 头发喷雾
hair gel 发胶
scissors 剪刀
comb 梳子
razor 剃刀
clipper 理发剪
trimmer 修剪器
curling iron 卷发棒
flat iron 直发棒
braids 编发
pigtail 羊角辫
ponytail 马尾辫
bun 花苞头
That's it for today.
Hope you enjoyed it.