In modern society, unemployment among young people is serious problem. Some people think shorten the working (week/time) can address the problem. Do you agree or disagree?
论点1: The development of temporary forms of work such as internships, seasonal jobs and short-term contracts can leave young workers in precarious situations in terms . 
展开1: Because their jobs are temporary contracts, youth are often the first to be laid off when a company downsizes, and many find themselves unemployed and disadvantaged in searching for another job.亿人健哥
海洋歌词论点2: Flexible contracts with shorter working period can ensure that young people who lack work experience can prove their abilities and skills to progressively transition to regular employment.
展开2: It is seemingly impossible for young labors, who normally lack vocational skills, to secure a decent long-term occupation nowadays, which means such short-term contract
s can be acted as a steppingstone for those inexperienced young adults and pave the way for long-term employment. 
30. Should schools have strict rules on wearing uniforms. Do you agree or disagree?
论点1: School uniforms, as the name suggest, create uniformity and a sense of equality. 
展开1: Compulsory uniforms eradicate peer pressure to wear the latest, expensive gear from other kids, which means by dressing everyone the same the focus is shifted away from appearance and back to schooling.
论点2: Some people may defend compulsory uniforms on the grounds by requiring students to wear a same uniform it can improve behavior and build spirit. 
展开2: Dressing uniformly can develop students’ sense of belonging and therefore potentially imprint the importance of discipline to them, with additional benefit of building the school’s identity in the 。
蓝钻豪华版31. Should schools make learning a foreign language compulsory? Do you agree 。
论点1: Learning additional language offers various cognitive benefits besides linguistic merits to children, allowing them to outscore their non-foreign language learning peer in numerous areas.
展开1: It has been confirmed by various longitudinal studies that learning additional languages increase critical thinking skills, creativity and flexibility of the mind in young children
论点2: Learning an additional language involves memorizing rules and vocabulary, which helps strengthen that mental muscle.
论点2补: Learning a foreign language opens doors that would not otherwise be opened, which means bilingual individuals have access to resources, people, places, and things that the rest of people do not.
32. It is getting harder for children to live and grow in the 21st century than in the past. Do you agree or disagree?宋佳陈学冬
论点1: In this century, an increasing number of children are reported to be obese, which is significantly greater than that in previous century, and is strongly associated with recent technologies.
展开1: Nowadays, children who spend more time inside on their phones or tablets fail to spend as much time engaging outdoor activities, which establishes the habit of technology use that doesn’t involve exercise.
论点2: With all the constant immersion in online communication, there are some real concerns about how it impacts childhood development negatively in recent year
王莎莎的照片展开2: With more time spent online, young children in this century are having issues with face-to-face social interactions because many seem to prefer to text or talk on social media as opposed to talking to each other in-person. Even when children spend time together, they may spend more time texting or on their phones than actually being together.
33. Should there be a maximum wage for high pay people? 
论点1: High-waged celebrities, along with their unattainable lifestyles - snaps of designer clothes, hyper cars or even private jets - are what teenagers nowadays aspire to, which has glorified the wealthy to adolescents by tracking one’s value and worthiness to society solely on its monetary worth. 
展开1: Although many of the top athletes, actors and performers deserve their multi-million-dollar pay — most are incredibly talented and diligent, there are also far less paid occupations, such as childcare workers, teachers, nurses, and plenty of other workers, also bring skills and strong work ethics to their respective fields and contribute to the public good.
论点2+展开2: The other very worst thing is that such phenomenon can confuse children success with material wealth, as renowned public figure, because of their massive salaries, will simply, maybe unconsciously, feel that they are worth more, not just in material terms, but in terms of moral value or contribution to society, which can easily be spotted on social media and is extremely misleading to teenagers.