More than 70 years ago, a young man traveled far away to take an entrance examination (入学考试) for a famous music school. During the examination, he ____1____ his best, but the examiner didn’t enroll (录取) him.
徐誉滕The young man had no money, so he could only ____2____ a living by playing the violin on the street. He played so well that a lot of people stopped to listen and put ____3____ into his violin case.
A hoodlum (流氓) dropped some money at the young man’s feet. The young man bent down (弯腰) to ____4____ the money, then handed it to the hoodlum and said, “Sir, your money dropped on the ground.”
The hoodlum took the money, threw it at the young man’s ____5____ again and said, “This money is yours. Take it!”
The young man ____6____ bowed to him and said, “Sir, thank you for your support! When you dropped your money, I picked it up for you. Now my money is on the ground, may I trouble you to pick it up for me?”
不吃西红柿The hoodlum was ____7____. Finally he picked up the money, put it into the young man’s violin case and left in disgrace (丢脸地).
The examiner, who had been quietly ____8____ the young man among the onlookers (旁观者) decided to give him a second ____9____. He brought the young man back to the school and enrolled him in the end.
The young man later became a famous musician.
Having good manners is very ____10____ to us. The proper use of manners can help us win more chances of development.
1.A.made    B.tried    C.built    D.asked
2.A.get    B.show    C.play    D.make
3.A.paper    B.information    C.money    D.waste
4.A.get away    B.pick up    C.give out    D.sell out
5.A.pockets    B.hands    C.eyes    D.feet
6.A.deeply    B.seriously    C.highly    D.happily
7.A.bored    B.interested    C.surprised    D.pleased
8.A.watching    B.recording    C.helping    D.pushing
初中教学工作计划9.A.song    B.chance    C.violin    D.job
10.A.impossible    B.unnecessary    C.unusual    D.important
An author once said, “We live far happier lives when we are generous in as many ways as possible. ”
地坪漆环氧 Here’s an example of my own: I love persimmons. They make me happy. The sweet, bright orange fruit was the symbol of autumn in Iran, where I grew up; they also grow in California, where I now live. A few years ago, preparing to travel from San Francisco to Boston, I packed two persimmons, one of which I ate in the flight departure lounge, waiting to board the plane.
A lady came up and asked from which store in the airport the fruit was bought. She looked a bit disappointed hearing that it couldn’t be bought from any airport vendor and returned to her seat. I thought to myself I can give the second persimmon away. When I offered her the fruit, she at first refused, but when I insisted, she was glad and appreciatively accepted. I was so happy to have made someone else happy, and that, I thought, was the end of the story.
Sometime during the flight, the lady caught up with me to thank me again for the persimmon. She shared that she had grown up in Japan, where there was a persimmon tree in the yard of her childhood home. She now lived in Boston, where she hadn’t been able to find the fruit. The taste of this one persimmon was precious to her, reconnecting her with memories of her parents and grandparents the way only our senses of taste and smell are able, as if magically.
Only then did the impact(巨大影响)of this tiny act of generosity(慷慨)dawn on me. I am moved by it to this day, so much so that the taste of the persimmon I never ate gives me more joy than all the ones I have eaten, combined.
My experience is not unique. Research has shown that acts of generosity for others make us happier than treating ourselves. A 2008 study found that despite participants’ predictions to the contrary, giving money to someone else increased their own happiness more than spending it on themselves.
11.From the passage, what can we know about persimmons?
A.They can grow in Boston.
B.They are a kind of oranges.
C.They arc usually harvested in fall.
D.They sell well in California.
12.Why did the lady thank the author twice for the persimmon?
A.Because she wanted to have a talk with the author
B.Because she knew the author liked persimmons.
C.Because she recalled memories with her family.
D.Because she found the persimmon very delicious.
13.What is the purpose of the study of the last part of the text?
A.To give an example.
B.To make the author’s view convincing(有说服力的).
C.To make a comparison.
D.To share the experience.
14.Which of the following can be the best title for the passage?
A.I Love Persimmons
B.An Unforgettable Flight
C.A Lovely Lady
D.The Impact of a Tiny Act of Generosity
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