Unit5 Shaping young lives with sports
To make Ss learn Reading Skills: Skimming
To practice白冰冰女儿被撕票 Fast- reading material
To master basic language knowledge
1. Practice the reading skills: skimming
2. Understanding of Text B
Teaching procedure
I. Reviewing
II    Presentation of the reading skills
III.  Background information of text B
IV.  Reading skills practice
V. Language pointsyy叶无道
VI. Consolidation
VII. Assignment
课程名称: 新视野大学英语(一)                    授课人:张
Unit 5 Shaping young lives with sports (Section B)
I Reviewing
Mottos interpretation
Find some mottos related to sports after class. Then introduce your mottos to your classmates.
Life lies in movement.
Sport is the source of all life.
Activity is the basis of life.
People’s sound, not only by foods, especially to rely on motion.
Physical and knowledge education must maintain a balance between. Sports should make vigorous, mighty men of valor, and make a sound mind in a sound frame.
II Presentation of the reading skills
As a useful reading skill, skimming is very common in our daily life. To skim is to get a general idea about an article or a book. Skimming is different from careful reading. When skimming, you keep your eyes moving down over the content of your reading material by only reading those things that can help you get a general picture of it.
The following steps will help you get started:
Read the title of an article.
Read the first paragraph completely.
Read subheadings and first sentences of every paragraph.
If the final paragraph appears to be a summary, read it completely.
大长今之我是韩尚宫Glance over the body of the article, looking for the following:
Clue words about who, what, when, where, how many, how much.
Transition words such as furthermore, also, however, on the contrary.
Words as furthermore and also suggest adding additional information to the preceding thought.
For example, after glance at Text A, you get to know the first sentence of Paragraph 2 tells you when the race was held (in 1983) and who Cliff Young is (a toothless 61-year-old farmer and amateur runner). The first sentence of Paragraph 7 tells you how Cliff did when the marathon started. The first sentence of Paragraph 8 tells you what Cliff intended to do in the race and the first sentence of Paragraph 9 tells you when he overtook other athletes.
III Background information of Text B
1. Juvenal
2. American sports education
IV Reading skills practice
1. Text comprehension by Qs
1) What is the text mainly about?
2) What attributes can team sports provide to growing children? (Para. 2)
3) What does the author want to illustrate by mentioning lemons and honey? (Para. 3)
4) How can talented people benefit from team sports? (Para. 4)
5) What will those who lack talent learn through sports? (Para. 5)
6) What could be the consequences when too much emphasis is put on winning according to the text? (Para. 6)
2. Answer the following questions about Text B by using the reading skill of skimming.   
What is the text mainly about?
What benefits can sports bring to young people
May participation in competitive team sports do harm to young people?
V Language Points
Practical Phrases
1at one’s best:有最佳的表现
老师需要知道如何激励学生,使其发挥最大的潜能。(inspire / at one’s best)
A teacher needs to know how to inspire students to be at their best.
2early on:(关系、过程等)在初期;开始不久
我很早就知道英语是大学里最重要的课程之一。  (early on)
I knew quite early on that English is one of the most important courses in the university.
3blame sb. for sth.:责怪;指责;把……归咎于
一些人责怪媒体在饮食上误导大众。(blame sb. for sth. / misleading)
Some blamed the media for misleading the public in diet.
4place emphasis on sth.:重视
一些教育家指出如今许多父母过于强调孩子考试分数的重要性了。(point out/ place emphasis on)
Some educators point out that today many parents place too much emphasis on their kids’ exam result.
5cancel out:抵消
这家公司的损失抵销了其收入。(losses/gains/cancel out)
This company’s losses have canceled out its gains.
6on the surface:从外表看我的砍价女王演员表
从表面上看,股市行情很好,各大股指纷纷上扬。(on the surface/stock market/ indexes on the rise)