  1) 早安晚安,有你能安,没你怎安。
  good morning, good night, you can be safe, without you.
  2) 一句晚安送给自己,送给不认识的你们。
  a good evening to give yourself to you that I don't know.
  3) 我曾固执地每天晚上坚持说晚安给你听。
三个牛读什么  I had stubbornly persisted in saying good night to you every night.
  4) 给我一句晚安,让我知道你还是在乎我的。
  give me a good night, let me know that you still care about me.
  5) 早安午安晚安,你不知道没有你我很不安。
  good afternoon good morning good night, you don't know without you I am very upset.
  6) 等不到那句晚安就算了,别把身子熬坏了。
  even if you can't wait for that good night, don't break the body.
  7) 我发现晚安并不重要,重要的是谁对你说。
  I find that good night is not important, the important thing is who said to you.
凤凰传奇两口子  8) 你知不知道每晚的晚安里都藏着一句我爱你。
  do you know that every night in the evening there is a sentence I love you.
  9) 菇凉等不到他的晚安就别等了,要好好爱自己。
  don't wait for his good night when the mushroom is cool, and love yourself.
  10) 我等你一天,你就跟我说了两分钟就说了晚安。
  I waited for you one day and you said good night to me for two minutes.
  11) 我对你一天早安晚安,只想这样单纯的感动你。
  I am good at you a day, just want to move you simply.
  12) 我每天熬夜不是多想玩,只是想对你说声晚安。
  I don't want to stay up every day, just want to say good night to you.
  13) 你总是能让我带着每天的晚安把梦做到最感动。
  you can always make me feel most moved by my daily good night.
  14) 说了晚安去睡的人,往往半小时以后还在得瑟。
  people who say good night, often half an hour later still proud.
  15) 把晚安放在这,送给那些没人对她说晚安的人。
  put it in here and give it to those who don't say goodnight to her.
  16) 你和我说晚安,因为你不知道晚安是什么意思。
  you and I say good night, because you don't know what good night means.
  17) 自己说句早安晚安、因为没人比自己更爱自己。
  say good morning and good night, because no one loves yourself more than you do.
  18) 每晚记得给我一句晚安,让我知道明天还有你在。
  remember to give me a good night every night, let me know that you are there tomorrow.
  19) 我已经闭好一只眼睛了,就等你说晚安闭另外一只。
I have closed one eye, and I'll wait for you to say good night and close the other.
  20) 我会珍惜你给的每一个晚安,肩膀虽小却足够依靠。
  I will cherish every good night you give, while the shoulder is small enough to depend on it.
  21) 晚安这两个简单的字,我想每天不落的对你说一辈子。
  good night, these two simple words, I want to say nothing to you every day for a lifetime.
  22) 幸福就是,早安后的早餐,到晚餐后的晚安,你都在。
  happiness is, breakfast after good morning, good night after dinner, you are all in.
  23) 晚安这两个简单的字,我想一天不落的跟你说一辈子。
  good night, these two simple words, I want to say a whole life for a day.
  24) 习惯了晚睡只是为了等一个劝我早睡对我说晚安的人。
  I was used to sleeping late just to wait for a person who told me to go to bed early and say good night to me.
  25) 别在电话那头对我说晚安,我想要你操我一夜不知疲倦。
  don't say good night to me on the other end of the phone. I want you to fuck me all night.
  26) 早安午安晚安,最美的祝福送给我爱的和爱我的宝贝们。
  good morning afternoon evening, best wishes for my love and love my baby.
  27) 这么晚了,认识我的和不认识我的,我关心你们,晚安吧。
  so late, know me and do not know me, I care about you, good night.
  28) 我喜欢你每天的一句晚安,那比任何甜言蜜语听起来都幸福。
  I love you every day a good night, sweet sounds than any happiness.
  29) 我喜欢听你说爱我,我喜欢每晚打电话对我说晚安。因为这样就足够了。
  I like to hear you say love me, I like to call me every night and say good night. Because that's enough.
  30) 我喜欢收到晚安短信,因为对我来说,这意味着,你最后想到的人是我。
  I like to receive good night message, because for me, it means that the last person you think of is me.
  31) 没有短信,没有电话,没有留言,没有早安晚安,嗯,亲爱的你真的好忙。
  no text messages, no phone, no messages, no good morning, good night, well, dear you are really busy.
  32) “早点休息吧。明天还要上班,你今天坐车也累了。”我乖乖的:“哦,好吧!晚安,亲一下睡觉!
  "rest early." You have to go to work tomorrow, and you're tired in the car today. I am good: "Oh, OK! Good night, kiss the bed!"
  33) 遥寄相思与日月,点燃祝福心灯;快乐随风送真情,描绘幸福图腾;问候点点几多情,祝你幸福伴美梦!晚安!
  remote mailing Acacia and the sun and the moon, lighting the blessing heart lamp; happy with the wind to send the true feelings, depicting the happiness totem; greeting a few
sentiments, wish you happiness with a dream! Good night!鱿鱼怎么处理
  34) 夜已深,人未静,数着星辰,想到了你,夏夜漫漫,祝福清凉,短信小小,情谊深深,道声晚安,祝君好梦到天明!
  the night has been deep, not static, counting the stars, think of you, night long, cool little blessing, SMS, love deeply, say good night, wish you a good dream!
  35) 日出+日落=平平安安;月亮+星星=无限思念;风花+雪月=幸福一生;流星+心语=祝福万千,希望你做个好梦,晚安!
  Sunrise sunset + safesound; moon + stars=infinite; +=happy life Hemacandra Fenghua; Xinyu meteor +=blessing myriad, hope you have a good dream, good night!
  36) 要记住,没有任何事、任何人,需要你过了半夜12点还苦想不睡的,累了就睡觉,如此简单,祝你做个好梦,晚安。
  remember that nothing and no one, need you after 12 am, tired to sleep, so simple, I wish you have a good dream, good night.
  37) 生水与水之间有距离,但地心下一直相牵,人与人之间有距离,但心里时刻挂念,发条短信道声晚安,梦里我们相见。
  is the distance between the water and the water, but always in hand, the distance between people, but I always miss Clockwork SMS, goodnight, the dream we meet.
  38) 人与人之间有距离,但心里时刻挂念,生水与水之间有距离,但地心下一直相牵,发条短信道声晚安,梦里我们相见。
  the distance between people, but I always miss, is the distance between the water and the water, but always in hand, Clockwork SMS goodnight, the dream we meet.
  39) 夕阳带着我的祝福,放出金的光芒;晚霞披着我的问候,给你带来温暖;夜风稍着我的牵挂,吹进你的手机:晚上好!
  the sunset with my blessing, shone golden sunset; in my greetings, to bring you a warm breeze slightly; with my care, blow into your mobile phone: good evening!
  40) 想你的时候最充实,念你的时候最逍遥,牵挂老是跟你跑,问候把你最先到,愿你日日乐陶陶,祝你夜夜梦美好。晚安!
  when you want the most substantial, when you read about the most happy, with you always run, greetings to you first, I wish you happy every day, I wish you a beautiful dream every night. Good night!
  41) 白天阳光雨露,快快乐乐;晚上披星戴月,美美滋滋。愿我的问候如凉爽的风般陪你入睡,如美丽的梦伴你入眠,晚安!
  the day of sunshine and rain, happy day; night, Mei zizi. May my greetings go to sleep with you like a cool breeze, like a beautiful dream with you sleeping, good night!
  42) 好梦知音,好运觅良主,开心真人,幸福随好人,祝福送友人,真情给诚人,短信传真情,
  a good dream to find friends, good luck to find good owner
s, happy to find real people, happiness with good people, bless to send friends, true feelings to honest people, SMS, true love, a good night, good dreams and sleep.
  43) 别让自己活得太累。应该学着想开、看淡,学着不强求,学着深藏。适时放松自己,寻宣泄,给疲惫的心灵解解压。晚安!
  don't let yourself live too much. Should learn to open, bearish, learn not hard, learn deep. At the right time, relax yourself, find vent, and relieve the tired mind. Good night!
  44) 请微风吹拂我的思念,请黑夜掩盖你的忧烦,请月光照耀我的依恋,请流星闪烁我的牵挂,请短信发送我的祝愿:祝你晚安!
  please breeze my thoughts, please cover your night care, please shine my attachment, please meteor my care, please send me SMS blessing: I wish you good night!
  45) 月儿窗外盯梢,眯缝着眼睡不着觉。汗水湿了问候,借着夜风来捎。屏幕光亮一闪,跳出一串快乐符号。祝你睡个好觉,晚安!
  the window stalking, squinting can't sleep sleep. Wet sweat through the night to send greetings. The screen flashed and jumped out of a string of happy symbols. I wish you a good night's sleep, good night!
  46) 忘记白天工作的劳累,抛开日常生活的琐碎,让习习晚风当床,让丝丝清凉当被,让我美好的祝福陪你入睡,晚安!祝君好梦!
  forget the work fatigue, put aside the trivial daily life, let the breeze breeze when bed, let cool fishes when, let me good wishes to accompany you to sleep, good night! Wish you have a good dream!
  47) 思念不因劳累而改变,祝福不因休息而变缓,问候不因疲惫而变懒,关怀随星星眨眼,牵挂在深夜依然,轻轻道声:祝你晚安!
  miss does not change because of fatigue. Bless do not slow down because of rest, greeting, do not become lazy because of fatigue, care with stars, blink at night, and still lightly say, "good night, good night!"
  48) 让心怀安然,把烦恼释然,使笑容自然,睡眠才能使然;将睡眠使然,使笑容自然,把烦恼释然,让心怀安然,工作才能高效啊!
  let the heart feel relieved and let the trouble go away, so that the smile can be natural and sleep can be made. Sleep will make the smile natural and relieve the worries, so that we can feel safe and efficient.
巨蟹座性格  49) 钱,是赚不完的;事,是做不完的;问题,是解决不完的;烦恼,是消灭不完的。所以,别给自己压力,放轻松点儿,睡个好觉!
  money, money is not finished; things, do not finish; problems, is not finished; trouble, is the end of the end. So, don't stress yourself, relax, sleep well!
  50) 直销优质睡眠,推销驱除疲倦,报销烦恼杂乱,促销美梦连连,放下压力的包袱,换上轻松新装,愿你安心入眠,好梦甜甜,晚安!
direct selling, high quality sleep, sales promotion, tiredness, reimbursement, trouble, confusion, promotion of dreams, putting down the burden of pressure, changing the relaxed new clothes, and wishing you to sleep in peace, sweet dreams, good night!