The weather is a set of all the phenomena in a given atmosphere at a given time. It also includes interactions with the  hydrosphere ['haɪdrəsfɪə]水界. The term usually refers to the activity of these phenomena over short periods (hours or days), as opposed to the term climate, which refers to the average atmospheric conditions over longer periods of time.
On Earth, 报考驾照流程common weather phenomena include such things as wind, cloud, rain, snow, fog and dust storms.  Less common events include natural disasters such as tornadoes龙卷风, hurricanes and ice storms. Almost all familiar weather phenomena occur in the troposphere ['trɒpə(ʊ)sfɪə; (the lower part of the atmosphere). in Chinese it said as 对流层。
In this  morning ,I read a news about typhoon “菲特”,so far, At least 离婚起诉书范本10 people have died and 4 are missing after the extreme weather hit Wenzhou of Zhejiang provinces this week. The typhoon or hurricane happen about 62 times哈佛大学经典语录 a year on average ,  which has became the one of the most damage natural disaster to our country , and we did suffering a lot from it .
So ,I will talk about the extreme weather phenomenon today.
A hurricane is a very powerful type of cyclonic storm . The name"hurricane" is given to storm systems鹿依否认与吴亦凡交往 that develop over the Atlantic or the eastern Pacific Oceans. These same types of extreme cyclonic storms also occur in other oceans of the world , but are called by other names. In the northwest Pacific they're called typhoons , and most of the rest of the world they are called cyclones. ['saɪkləʊns] They all have one thing in common --- wind speeds that are usually greater than 75mph, which travel in an organized pattern, usually a circular  pattern  with an “eye of the storm”.
how  the typhoon begins?
If the sun heats up ocean waters for a period of time, water can evaporate,and the hot air rises. With cold air constantly flowing to here ,and Due to the earth’s rotation, the air spin counterclockwise in  Northern  Hemisphere  and  clockwise  in  Southern  Hemisphere
These types of storms develop over warm, tropical oceans, deriving their energy from the evaporation of sea water. Hurricanes weaken asthey move over land ,  because they rely on the warm seas to supply their tremendous energy through evaporation. Land also has a rougher surface than the ocean (due to changes in elevation and surface topography). When the winds of a hurricane meet with friction from the land surface, the storm loses its power and ferocity  [fə'rɒsɪtɪ] n. 凶猛;残忍;暴行. The wind speeds don't typically lose their intensity until they move inland.
Hurricanes are weather events that tend to occur seasonally, during the warm weather of later summer and early fall. "Hurricane season" runs from June to early November, when the tropical seas are at their warmest. Scientists use a special scale  to rate the strength of ahurricane ,they divide it into 6 grades, in Chinese ,they are called 热带低压,热带风暴,强热带风暴,台风,强台风,超强台风。This rating can be useful to people  living in areas  threatened by an incoming typhoon.
安钧灿The typhoon’s name is very interesting ,there are 140 names provided by 10 countries,
and they are used in a certain order, for example ,the 13th strong typhoon of this year is called “杜鹃”,and the 19th is named as “天兔”,both name come from china. the names are all very lovely and beautiful ,but the result of typhoon is terrible ,some people died , Houses and crops were damaged ,if one of the typhoon is so terrible that can be written in history , the name of its will not be used again , and a new name will join in the list. The ninth typhoon of 2005 is called“麦莎” ,for its huge destruction ,the name “麦莎”would not be used again ,and was replaced  by “帕卡”
Typhoon will bring strong winds and heavy rain. So, what should we do before the arrival of typhoon?
1Pay attention to the weather reports to know the latest developments of typhoon.
2Do not travel to areas with typhoon or to the beach for a swim, especially not to go to sea. And if you stay outside, return home as quickly as possible. 
3Close doors and windows to avoid heavy rains. Removing the pot to prevent it from fa
lling from a window sill or balcony.
4It is good for you to avoid going out, so as not to cause unnecessary hurt when some large billboards (to show advertisements) or trees were blown down. 
5Because of the heavy rain, there are always stagnant water.  Therefore, drivers must drive slower, and people who ride bicycles had better choose to walk or take bus.
6Do not try to close or use your hands to touch the broken high voltage wire, so as not to cause electric shock accidents.
There are so many 魔方教程公式口诀七步harms from the typhoon ,the strong wind ,the flood, the collapsed houses ,and so on .But do you know the advantages of typhoon?