女生的英文名字>乔 布莱恩特Flypods3摘要:中国国家发改委19日晚宣布,上调汽柴油价格各600元人民币每吨,从20日起生效。你知道怎么用英语表达吗?
China's most recent fuel price hike has triggered a fresh wave of inflation concerns among a cost-sensitive public that has seen soaring prices nip away at their incomes and drive up living costs.
To reflect price changes on the international crude oil market, China's top economic planner, the National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC), announced Monday evening that it would increase gasoline and diesel prices by 600 yuan ($95) per ton from Tuesday.
“油价上涨”的英文是oil price hike。文中的fuel price hike指“燃料价格上涨”。hike通常指价格或成本上较为迅速且大幅度的增加,如a tax/price hike。另外increase和rise也可做为名词表示价格数量等的一般性增加。“汽油”在美式英语中叫gasoline或gas,在英式英语中叫petrol,“柴油”为diesel。