Rainmeter is a lightweight application for customizing your Windows desktop. Rainmeter works by installing community made ‘skins’, many of which can change how the desktop works with widgets like app launchers, RSS and email readers, calendars, weather reports, and many others. It has been around since Windows XP, where it was used as a tool for displaying basic info on the desktop, but has since gained a large community following which has produced high quality skins which can change the whole desktop experience.
Rainmeter是⽤于⾃定义Windows桌⾯的轻量级应⽤程序。 Rainmeter通过安装社区制作的“⽪肤”来⼯作,其中许多可以改变桌⾯与应⽤程序启动器,RSS和电⼦邮件阅读器,⽇历,天⽓报告等⼩部件的⼯作⽅式。 ⾃Windows XP以来,它就已经存在,在Windows XP中它被⽤作在桌⾯上显⽰基本信息的⼯具,但是此后获得了⼴泛的关注,其产⽣了⾼质量的⽪肤,这些⽪肤可以改变整个桌⾯的体验。性格特点怎么写
安装⾬量计 (Installing Rainmeter)
Rainmeter is an open source program and can be downloaded from their . If you want the latest updates, you can also build it from the source code at their .
Rainmeter是⼀个开源程序,可以从其下载。 如果您需要最新的更新,也可以从其的源代码进⾏构建。
Rainmeter can be installed portably as well, but it isn’t recommended. The standard installation works just fine.
也可以便携式安装Rainmeter,但不建议这样做。 标准安装⼯作正常。
Installation is simple, but make sure “Launch Rainmeter on startup” is checked, or else it will have to be manually restarted after a reboot.
Once Rainmeter is installed, you should see a few new things on your desktop, displaying basic things like disk and CPU usage. This is Rainmeter’s default skin.
安装Rainmeter后,您应该在桌⾯上看到⼀些新内容,其中显⽰了磁盘和CPU使⽤率等基本内容。 这
To get to Rainmeter’s settings, right click on any one of the skins and click “Manage Skin”. A window will come up listing all your installed skins. Clicking “Active Skins” will let you manage each one individually.
要进⼊Rainmeter的设置,请右键单击任意⼀种⽪肤,然后单击“管理⽪肤”。 将出现⼀个窗⼝,列出所有已安装的⽪肤。 单击“活动⽪肤”将使您可以分别管理每个⽪肤。
You can edit the positioning and settings of each skin. If you want to make not draggable, unclick “Draggable” and click “Click through”. This will also disable the right click menu, but fortunately Rainmeter adds an icon in the Windows toolbar, which also lets you access the menu.
您可以编辑每种⽪肤的位置和设置。 如果要使其不可拖动,请取消单击“可拖动”,然后单击“单击”。 这也将禁⽤右键单击菜单,但是幸运的是,Rainmeter在Windows⼯具栏中添加了⼀个图标,该图标也使您可以访问菜单。
查和安装⽪肤 (Finding and Installing Skins)
Rainmeter’s default skin is useful, but fairly boring. Many sites exist for showcasing Rainmeter skins, including , , and the . Sorting by “Top – All Time” on the subreddit brings up some of the best skins and layouts. Skins from these sites can be downloaded and mixed and matched to your choosing. Some skins, like , are essentially entire Rainmeter suites by themselves.
Rainmeter的默认外观很有⽤,但很⽆聊。 存在许多展⽰Rainmeter⽪肤的⽹站,包括 , 和 。 在subreddit上按“顶部-所有时间”排序可以显⽰⼀些最佳的外观和布局。 这些站点的⽪肤可以下载,混合并匹配您的选择。 某些⽪肤(例如 )本⾝就是整个Rainmeter套件。
To install a skin, just double click on the .rmskin file. Rainmeter’s window will pop up allowing you to install and enable the skin. For some skins, there are lots of different features, so if you don’t want everything loaded at once, uncheck “Load included skins”, and Rainmeter will simply just add them to your list of skins.
要安装⽪肤,只需双击.rmskin⽂件。 将会弹出Rainmeter的窗⼝,允许您安装并启⽤⽪肤。 对于某些⽪肤,有很多不同的功能,因此,如果您不想⼀次加载所有内容,请取消选中“加载包含的⽪肤”,Rainmeter只会将它们添加到您的⽪肤列表中。
调整⾬量计 (Tweaking Rainmeter)
Rainmeter allows for an amazing amount of customization. If you want to get your hands dirty with the code behind the skins, it isn’t too complex. Right click on a skin and hit “Edit skin”, which will bring up a configuration file with lots of variable definitions.
⾬量计可进⾏⼤量定制。 如果您想弄清楚代码背后的内容,那就太复杂了。 右键单击⽪肤,然后单击“编辑⽪肤”,这将显⽰⼀个包含许多变量定义的配置⽂件。
For example, if you wanted to change the color of the outer rim of this clock, you can edit the values of the variable that controls that. Most skins have comments in the configuration file, so it’s easy to t冬季征兵
ell what controls what.
例如,如果要更改此时钟外边缘的颜⾊,则可以编辑控制该时钟的变量的值。 ⼤多数外观在配置⽂件中都有注释,因此很容易分辨出什么控制什么。
⾬表的替代品 (Alternatives to Rainmeter)
If you’re on a Mac or Linux, unfortunately you’re out of luck, as there isn’t a Rainmeter build for OS X
or Linux. For Mac users, there is , which performs many of the same basic functions such as displaying info on the desktop and some basic widgets, though there isn’t as big of a community following behind it, so the options for skins are limited. Geektool is also much more oriented towards people who are familiar with the command line, as it runs nearly entirely on bash scripts.如果您使⽤的是Mac或Linux,则很不幸,因为没有适⽤于OS X或Linux的Rainmeter版本。 对于Mac⽤户,有⼀个 ,它执⾏许多相同的基本功能,例如在桌⾯上显⽰信息和⼀些基本的⼩部件,尽管后⾯没有那么多的社区,所以⽪肤的选择受到限制。 Geektool⼏乎完全针对bash脚本运⾏,因此它更⾯向熟悉命令⾏的⼈。