摘 要
关键词:中经济全球化 行政管理 影响 策略
台湾偶像剧Economic globalization is the development trend of world economic development and the objective necessity of the times, it is and national interests, national interests are closely related. Economic globalization on the status of our government, the role, functions, powers, autonomy, flexibility and administrative acts also presented unprecedented challenges. In order to cope with the impact of economic globalization, the Chinese government toward the administration should be more active, more powerful and more rational direction.Recently, In order to activate the national automotive industry has introduced various favorable policies, domestic and foreign automobile manufacturers in this situation once again focused the Chinese market, focusing on a variety of positive policies for a new round of car race.
With the trend of economic globalization is an objective level of development of human society to continuously improve the overall productivity generated. Promote the development of social productive forces expand trade, accelerate capital flows, production and resource allocation within a broader range. The rapid development of technology and innovation, transport facilities and information and communication technol
ogies and to create the necessary conditions for economic globalization. Economic globalization is changing people's lives, to the economic, political, cultural and social development of countries in the world with a profound impact..
周华健出场费要多少But it each country, are a double-edged sword, both an opportunity and a challenge. Especially weak economic strength and scientific and technological backwardness in developing countries, in the face of global competition, risks encountered, the challenges will be more severe.
Keywords:Globalization; economic globalization; double-edged sword; problems; countermeasures
摘 要 ...............................................................
绪 论.................................................................
1.1 经济全球化的含义.................................................
1.2 经济全球化的特点................................................
怎么看cpu温度1.3 经济全球化的内容................................................
秦海璐老公2.1 中国经济发展的特点和问题........................................
徐帆养女2.2 中国在经济全球化浪潮中遇到的困难 ...............................