1.And I Told About Equality 我坚信
And It‘s True 人人平等
Either You‘re Wrong 无论你是对是错
Or You‘re Right 都改变不了这个真理
                      ——Black or white
2.People Always Told Me 人们总是告诫
  Be Careful Of What You Do 小心你的所为
你和我的倾城时光 演员表  And Don‘t Go Around 不要到处花心
  Breaking Young Girls‘ Hearts 伤害姑娘们的感情
  And Mother Always Told Me 妈妈总是告诫我
  Be Careful Of Who You Love 小心你的所爱
  And Be Careful Of What You Do 小心你的所为
  ‘Cause The Lie Becomes The Truth 因为谎言也可成真
                      ——billie jean(比利金)
3.A Willow Deeply Scarred, 一株柳树上的疤痕 
Somebody's Broken Heart 一颗破碎的心
And A Washed-Out Dream 一个逝去的梦想
(Washed-Out Dream) (逝去的梦想)
They Follow The Pattern Of 正如你所见
The Wind  Ya' See 他们在风雨中彼此扶持
Cause They Got No Place To Be 因为他们无处可去
That's Why I'm Starting With Me 这就是为什么我要从自己做起
(Starting With Me!) (从我做起!)
                    ——man in the mirror(镜中人)
4.Just Beat It, Beat It, Beat It, Beat It 避开吧,避开
  No One Wants To Be Defeated 没人想要认输
  Showin‘ How Funky Strong Is Your Fight 所以都来发狠耍狂
  It Doesn‘t Matter Who‘s Wrong Or Right 其实对错并不重要
  Just Beat It, Beat It 就避开吧,避开
                    ——beat it(避开)
5. We could change the world tomorrow 我们明天可以让世界改观
  This could be a better place 一切都将会不一样
  If you don’t like what I’m sayin’ 但如果你不喜欢我的言谈
  Then won’t you slap my face 为什么却不敢来向我挑战一场?
    Because I’m bad 因为我棒,我棒,我真棒
6.hold on 咬紧牙关
faith is found in the winds all we have to do is reach for the truth 风儿吹来信念的影踪 醉清风 歌词我们最该做的就是寻真相
and when that flag blows there'll be no more wars 当旗帜扬起 世上不再有战争
and when all calls i will answer all your prayers 当众人呼唤时 我将会实现你的祈愿
7. Every day create your history 每一天你都在创造历史
  Every path you take 你走过的每一条路,
  You‘re leaving your legacy 都是在给世人留下遗产
  Every soldier dies in his glory 每个牺牲的战士都无比光荣
  Every legend tells of conquest and liberty 每个传奇都讲述着征服与自由
  Don‘t let no one get you down 别被任何人击垮
  Keep movin‘ on higher ground 攀登更高的巅峰
  Keep flying until 努力展翅去飞翔
  You are the king of the hill 直到屹立山之巅
  No force of nature can break 自然的力量无法抵挡
  Your will to self motivate 你那自强不息的信念
  She say this face that you see 她说你面前这张脸
  Is destined for history 它注定被载入史册
8.Tired of injustice 受够了不公平 
Tired of the schemes 受够了阴谋诡计 
Kinda disgusted 真的太讨厌了 
So what does it mean 这是什么意思 
Kicking me down 他们要击倒我 
I got to get up 我必须重新屹立 
As jacked as it sounds 它就像听起来那样低俗 
The whole system sucks 整个事件都一样的恶心 
9.I was wandering in the rain 我徘徊在雨中  星辰大海演员计划
Mask of life, feelin' insane 生活的假面具,感觉疯狂 
Swift and sudden fall from grace 飞快地坠离了高尚 
Sunny days seem far away 阳光灿烂的日子看起来很遥远 
Kremlin's shadow belittlin' me 克林姆林宫的影子使我显得那么渺小 
Stalin's tomb won't let me be 斯大林的坟墓不会让我自由 
On and on and on it came 慢慢得,它来了 
Wish the rain would just let me 希望这雨可以另我畅怀 
                  ——stranger in moscow(莫斯科的陌生人)
10.Everyday I sit and ask myself 每天坐下来问自己
How did love slip away 爱情怎会远离
Something whispers in my ear and says 冥冥之中有人贴耳低语:
That you are not alone 你并不会孤单
For I am here with you 我永伴你身旁
Though you're far away 不管你多远
I am here to stay 我守候在天边6.8级地震会造成什么影响
                  ——you are not alone(你不孤单
11.tell me what has become of my rights 告诉我什么是我的权力
am i invisible 'cause you ignore me 你对我视而不见我就不存在了吗?
your proclamation promised me free liberty, now. 你曾向我承诺自由
i'm tired of bein' the victim of shame 我已厌倦成为阴谋的受害者
they're throwin' me in a class with a bad name 他们把对我进行肆意的毁谤
i can't believe this is the land from which i came
you know i really do hate to say it 你知道我真的不想这么说
the government don't wanna see 政府也不想看到这
but it Roosevelt was livin', he wouldn't let this be, no no.
                    ——they don't care about us(他们不关心我们)
12.We are the world, we are the children 四海皆一家,我们都是神的子民We are the ones who make a brighter day 创造美好的未来要靠我们
So let's start giving 所以,让我们开始奉献自己
There's a choice we're making 我们正在做的抉择
We're saving our own lives 是在拯救自己的生命
It's true we'll make a better day 我们真的可以创造更美好的明天
Just you and me 就靠你和我
                    ——we are the world(四海一家)
13.Heal the world 拯救这世界,
Make it a better place 让它变得更好,
For you and for me and the entire human race 为你、为我,为了全人类。
There are people dying 不断有人死去,
If you care enough for the living 如果你真心关怀生者,
Make a better place for you and for me 为你,为我,创造一个更美好的世界。 6135柴油机
                    ——heal the world(拯救世界)
14.fe ain't so bad at all 如果你疯狂的活着
Live your life off the wall 生活根本就不那么糟糕
You can shout all you want to 你可以喊出你想说的一切
'Cause there ain't no sin in floks all getting loud 因为我们并非一完人,大声说出来吧
If you take the chance and do只要你有机会你就要去做
Then there ain't no one who's gonna put you down' 因为并非没有人想将你推倒
                      ——off the wall(墙外
15.n't waste your time on the past (no, no...) 别把时间消耗在过去,不要,不要
It's time you look to the future () 现在你该考虑未来
It's all right there if you ask 如果你迈出了第一步就很好
This time you could try much harder 这次你可以加倍努力
You'll be the best that you can be 你将成为最好的自己
                    ——on the line
16.ople say I'm strange that way 有人说我有奇特的表现
'Cause I love such elementary things, 就因为我对简单自然的爱恋
It's been my fate to compensate, 补偿我从未有过的童年
for the Childhood 却是注定的命运
I've 摆在我的面前