This semester。I XXX English to the first grade class 1.As a new teacher at ** r High School。I was XXX。I had not taught first grade in many years。so I XXX。I humbly sought advice from my colleagues。studied teaching methods。XXX hard work。I XXX the expected results。The following is a XXX.
怎么更新8.0版本First。I XXX' interest in learning English。As a foreign language。English is XXX for most students。To teach English well。I had to make students love English and be XXX。I used multimedia devices for teaching。XXX practice activities in class。introduced culture and life stories of English-speaking countries。and XXX to change their English names。By doing so。they learned and liked English。thus cultivating their interest in learning English。Currently。our class's interest in learning English remains at a high level.
Second。XXX。improved teaching methods。and paid n to guiding study methods。Based on collective lesson n。XXX。Although it was hard work。it XXX。making lectures lively。and balancing difficulty levels。I could attract students in class。I maintained a posit
购钓鱼工具ive mental state every day。XXX listening and speaking first。and reading and writing second。and tried to increase the amount of classroom training and speed up the pace of class。Besides ensuring the effectiveness of the class。I also encouraged students to read。speak。and practice XXX。during morning reading。I XXX class。I carefully corrected students' XXX。For some students who were not us enough。I used methods such as XXX for their first year of study.
Third。I did a good job of "XXX." According to past experience。students' English learning will have good and poor n after entering a certain stage。especially after using the 7A textbook and the learning difficulty XXX。XXX "XXX" plans and goals for these students and provided planned guidance。For example。I divided these students into three groups。The first group had a XXX but were lazy and did not use their brains to study。For these students。I provided collective guidance。assigned fixed tasks。and did not give them a chance to be lazy。so that they could perform at their level。The second group was willing to learn。but had weak learning abilities。For these students。I provided patient guidance。encouragement。and gradually improved their grades。Th
e third group had poor discipline。bad ns。and were not us about studying。For these students。I provided individual guidance in their spare time。As a result of implementing targeted guidance。the effect was XXX.
According to the English Curriculum Standards。students should achieve the goals of tasks through n。experience。practice。n。and n under the guidance of teachers。and feel successful。This requires that English teaching should focus on students。cultivateXXX this。I have done the following in actual classroom teaching:
1.Create XXX。I first XXX' interest in learning English by playing XXX。XXX.