摘 要:城市经济增长是人口增长的客观决定力量,经济发展必然带来人口的增长。从经济合作与发展组织(Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development 明星资讯,简称经合组织,OECD)针对78个城市所做的研究,分析得出的经济规模与人口规模动态关系的规律出发,以北京的人口增长为例,分析了经济规模与人口规模之间的数量关系,对大城市人口调控提出了政策建议。
Abstract:结婚纪念日发朋友圈Economic Development is a objective factor that cause population increase. The relation between economic size and the population size in 78 cities in OECD show us a common law of the population growth of the city. According to the law和嫂子, this paper analyzes the relation between economic growth and population growth in Beijing in a long run. Some suggestions about population control are given.
净化器效果排名 Key words:economic sizelu一丝;pollution size;population control
丛珊的丈夫 中图分类号:C912 文献标识码:A