《足球尤物》 Channing Tatum
The school cut our team.学校把足球队解散了。
Not enough girls signed up.报名的女孩不够。
So they just cut us?
如何设置u盘启动We wanna try out for the boys team.我们先加入男队。
Anything besides that.這個除外。
We are good enough.
Yesterday you told me that I was better than half the guys on your team.
End of relationship/discussion.
I just don’t want to see you get hurt.
Back to practice.回来训练
You and your brother look scary alike from the back.
I think it’s your total lack of curves.我想就是因為你都沒有曲線。
Just remind your brother how lucky he is to be in my life.告訴你弟弟在我的生命中出現是他的榮耀。And tell him to give me a call if he wants to stay in it.告訴他他如果還想待帶在我身邊就給我打電話。
That is why I don’t bring friends over.这就是为什么我不敢带朋友来。关于老师的歌曲
This is just the thing to just perk you up.这个会让你兴奋起来的。
How can I wind up with a daughter who only wants to kick a muddy ball around a field all day? 我怎么才能让我的女儿高兴起来,一个就喜欢整天满场踢足球的女儿。
I can see you’re all torn up.我看你快成淚人了。
I dumped him.我把他甩了。
Then why don’t you date him?
In two days they both think I’m going away to school.两天之后他们都以为我到学校去了。
That’s the beauty of divorce.那就是离婚的可爱之处。
My band got a slot in a music festival there.我的乐队在音乐节到了一次机会。
I was kind of hoping you could help me with that.我正希望你帮帮我呢。
Besides, if you want to chase your dreams, sometimes you gotta break the rules.
You know the percentage of banks that make it to be the big time? 你知道有多少乐队真能红起来吗?
I have a strict no-ruffle policy.我一直坚定。
Sometimes I just think you just might as well be your brother.有时侯我真想你们应该是一对兄弟。
You want me to turn you into your brother?你想让我把你弄成你弟弟?
You’ve taken too many soccer balls to the head.你顶头球太多了。
I was just thinking that maybe she’d show me the ropes on the whole debutante thing.她能帮我了解一下整个成人礼那方面的事。
I get really bad nose bleeds我鼻子流血很严重。
So, you stick them up your nose?你把那玩意塞你鼻子里?
And you stick it right in.然后把它塞进去。It absorbs right up.立刻就止血了。
宋祖英是谁的Let’s start the season how we finished the last.让我们像假期之前一样开始新的训练。
I’ve seen a lot of energy and commitment out there today.我今天见识了你们的精力和努力。
Hit the showers.洗澡    shower time
Have a sit in the headmaster’s chair.
I was a transfer student myself once upon time.我自己曾经是一个转校生。
Act as a unofficial big brother.我就好像一个非正式的老大。
Now scoot.现在遛吧。
I hear she’s a total mess now. 我听说她现在糟糕透了。
Looks like you got some competition.看来你现在有对手了。
It’s heartbreaking.真让人心碎。
I mean, I just got out of a bad relationship too.我只不过也有一段痛苦的经历而已。
And you realize it’s all been a big lie.你发现全是虚的。
Catch up with you later.待会见。
Shower shoes are to be worn in the bathroom at all timeexcept when in the actual shower浴鞋在澡堂里应该一直穿着,除非是在洗澡期间。
You must remove your clothes.你们必须脱掉衣服。
My life sucks.生活真惨。
As for the social stuff, I got an idea.关于社会关系,我倒有个主意。
We’re gonna show everybody the man that you really are.我们会让每个人都看到你有多男人。
Spread out so it looks like we got no room.分开点,别给他留位。
I’ve been thinking about you a lot.我想死你了。
飞行棋怎么玩I mean, our school lost its top gun.我是说,我们学校没你就像丢了大活宝。
In the end, I wasn’t woman enough for you.到最后我还是配不上你。
We might need to do a little reevaluating here.我们要重新估量这家伙了。
What are you, hitting on me?你是谁啊,跟我调情。
When my eyes are closed, I see you for what you truly are, which is ugly.当我闭上眼,我看到你的真面孔,真丑。
We are done.我们结束了。
I got a lifetime of knowledge.攒了一辈子经验了。
That’s lame.高考祝福语那太逊了。
Please take a slip and read off the name of your lab partner .请挑一张纸条,上面的名字就是你的搭档。
She got something-something.有点特别。
Some guys just walk in the light, you know?有些家伙就是运气好,是不是?
The whole dissecting thing kind of freaking me out.那些解刨的玩意儿会让我发疯的。
So, think you may have to take the reins on this one.我想你应该可以应付的来。
You can convince her to go out with me.你可以说服她跟我约会。
You do this, I’ll work with you on your soccer.如果你帮我,我就帮你练足球。
I’ll make you good enough to make first string.我会帮你达到一线水平。
You got a deal.一言为定。
I’ll do some digging, I’ll find out what it is, and I’ll nip his chance with Olivia right in the bud. 我要深入调查,查明事实真相。我会把他和Olivia的萌芽捏死于襁褓之中。
What’s going on?
I just have a little bit of a cold.我有点感冒。张籽沐妈妈
It’s all take care of. Just make sure you’re back by the 12th.都搞定了,12号之前上学就行了。
We went on a couple days early, and the crowed flipped for us.我们早来了几天,乐迷都买我们的帐。
They went nuts for my lyrics.他们都为我的歌词疯狂。
I have a scalp condition.我有点头皮问题。
Here’s a wild idea.真是个狂妄的念头。
He’s just not the guy for me.我对他就是不来电。