锦绣南歌结局Sources & Uses of Credit Funds of large-sized State-owned National-operating Commercial Banks(RMB)
Unit: RMB100 Million Yuan 项目 Item2014.01 2014.02 2014.03 2014.04 2014.05 2014.06 2014.07 2014.08 2014.09 2014.10 2014.11 2014.12
来源方项目Funds Sources
一、各项存款Total Deposits554244.11 561271.31 587918.15 571002.31 575661.46 601464.29 583629.05 582448.70 591186.92 582433.03 584408.63 591557.13
1.单位存款Corporate Deposits238654.10 247859.94 262141.10 258345.20 262221.76 274085.33 265630.54 265877.75 267226.46 264711.18 266714.04 267845.65
其中:活期存款Demand Deposits98722.80 104843.86 111537.41 108246.68 109293.82 114890.07 111097.79 110717.18 109298.52 110222.37 112116.86 113595.33 定期存款Time Deposits74594.60 76
524.19 78201.75 78729.32 80062.48 81315.36 80483.00 81314.04 83102.62 82386.67 81483.44 82252.87 通知存款Notice Deposits8033.73 5690.98 7124.58 7503.40 7133.76 7408.84 6409.02 6594.39 9348.64 6969.17 6935.68 7146.18 保证金存款Margin Deposits15753.55 15921.56 17026.09 16561.78 16749.77 17658.61 16458.64 16238.77 15985.12 15347.20 15082.13 14851.66          2. 个人存款  Personal Deposits    304294.81 301783.82 311610.81 300724.66 301341.94 312622.97 305150.90 303529.70 310518.82 304693.76 304860.81 310251.38
储蓄存款Savings Deposits291070.92 290080.61 300056.28 288259.72 288552.86 299324.72 291115.99 290915.04 297674.16 292840.84 292988.59 298203.54 保证金存款Margin Deposits73.44 90.00 95.69 92.56 89.92 98.40 97.75 91.78 82.66 80.65 87.81 91.29 结构性存款Structure Deposits13150.44 11613.21 11458.85 12372.38 12699.16 13199.84 13937.16 12522.88 12762.00 11772.27 11784.42 11956.55
3. 临时性存款Temporary Deposits269.85 341.19 339.12 313.20 303.39 371.48 277.15 253.00 28
4.64 266.17 344.14 38
4. 其他存款Other Deposits1102
5.36 1128
梦见好多鱼6.36 1382
7.12 11619.25 11794.37 14384.51 12570.46 1278
8.24 13156.99 12761.92 1248
9.64 13074.34
二、金融债券Financial Bond Issue66002.18 66927.83 67649.94 67913.59 68876.26 69857.96 69921.67 70774.68 70566.86 70609.43 71409.44 71026.48冲上云霄演员表
三、向中央银行借款Borrowing from the Central Bank3140.15 937.51 411.92 431.33 449.50 464.50 465.48 475.96 5472.71 5469.23 4479.53 3994.23
四、同业往来(来源方)Business with Counterpart (on source s30780.69 35961.66 30224.33 48399.03 49563.62 41744.73 48284.82 50737.72 44539.42 48018.11 49365.27 46958.62
五、其他Other Items16375.77 13701.81 3314.26 13078.57 13089.05 2439.28 13385.62 3186.03 12
131.54 17230.05 14971.60 18607.68 资金来源总计Total Funds Sources670542.91 678800.12 689518.60 700824.83 707639.88 715970.76 715686.64 707623.08 723897.45 723759.85 724634.46 732144.13 运用方项目Funds Uses
一、各项贷款Total Loans387316.10 390913.51 395587.25 400044.13 404785.29 409083.83 411936.02 415422.03 418772.03 421067.56 423978.30 426481.99 (一)境内贷款Domestic Loans386568.17 390177.64 394856.29 399316.66 404072.33 408377.47 411232.68 414725.00 418078.11 420371.63 423296.10 425778.79
验车手续1.短期贷款Short-term Loans110618.06 111396.36 113086.80 113659.36 113850.30 114826.21 113786.19 113429.55 114231.74 113834.62 113517.70 113887.31
2.中长期贷款Medium & Long-term Loans270504.99 273515.74 276742.47 280268.92 284042.53 286920.60 289482.28 29201
3.53 294405.95 296329.39 298402.75 300999.94
3.融资租赁  Financial Lease
4.票据融资Bill Financing5170.55 4969.72 4711.11 5040.38 5800.96 6278.59 7562.19 8862.41 9032.
25 9764.34 10889.79 10442.99新世界十七
5.各项垫款Advances274.57 295.82 315.92 348.01 378.54 352.07 402.02 419.51 408.17 443.28 485.87 448.55 (二)贷款Overseas Loans747.93 735.87 730.96 727.47 712.96 70
6.36 703.34 69
7.02 693.92 695.93 682.20 703.19
二、有价证券Portfolio Investments134715.82 135106.01 135436.92 135818.48 137244.64 138313.22 139947.18 140716.74 141157.50 143362.82 143834.16 145131.84
三、股权及其他投资Shares and Other Investments9536.61 9565.29 10933.25 10322.96 10154.76 10676.23 10648.99 10498.45 10994.14 9414.75 9283.03 11699.74
四、存放中央银行准备金存款Reserves with the Central Bank99816.06 102045.39 104602.66 102581.35 103789.46 105884.28 106530.43 105929.22 107893.88 107250.49 105203.86 104614.62
五、同业往来(运用方)Business with Counterpart (on use side )39158.32 41169.91 42958.53 5205
7.91 51665.72 52013.20 46624.02 45555.09 45079.89 42664.23 42335.10 44215.95 资金运用总计Total Funds Uses670542.91 678800.12 689518.60 700824.83 707639.88 715970.76 715686.64 707623.08 723897.45 723759.85 724634.46 732144.13 注:本表机构指本外币资产总量大于等于2万亿元的银行(以2008年末各金融机构本外币资产总额为参考标准),包括工行、建行、农行、中行、国开行、交行和邮政储蓄银行。
Financial institutions in this table are those banks whose total assets are equal to or more than 2 trillion Yuan (as of year-end 2008 demonstrated in both RMB and foreign currencies), including ICBC, CCB, ABC, BOC, CDS, BOCOM and the Postal Saving Bank of China.