Files and folders are an important part of the operating system and daily computer usage. File Explorer is a generic term used to describe an application or tool which is used to manage files and folders in an operating system. But generally, the term File Explorer is used for the Windows operating system file explorer. Windows File Explorer is first provided with the Windows 95 operating system and provided for all later operating systems like Windows 98, Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 8, and Windows 10. File Explorer added more features for releases. File Explorer also provides Windows Server operating system family-like Windows Server 2008, Windows Server 2012, Windows Server 2016, Windows Server 2019.
⽂件和⽂件夹是操作系统和⽇常计算机使⽤的重要组成部分。 ⽂件资源管理器是⼀个通⽤术语,⽤于描述⽤于管理操作系统中的⽂件和⽂件夹的应⽤程序或⼯具。 但通常,术语“⽂件资源管理器”⽤于Windows操作系统⽂件资源管理器。 Windows File Explorer⾸先随Windows 95操作系统⼀起提供,并且为所有更⾼版本的操作系统(如Windows 98,Windows XP,Windows Vista,Windows 8和Windows 10)提供。⽂件资源管理器为发⾏版添加了更多功能。 ⽂件资源管理器还提供Windows Server操作系统家族,例如Windows Server 2008,Windows Server 2012,Windows Server 2016,Windows Server 2019。
⽂件浏览器历史记录 (File Explorer History)
As sated in the begging the File Explorer has a long history which begins in 1995 with the Microsoft Windows 95 version. The File Explorer is released with a preview edition named NewShell which is intended for a replace for the Windows 3.X Program and File Manager.
如前所述,⽂件浏览器的历史悠久,始于1995年,最初是Microsoft Windows 95版本。 ⽂件资源管理器发布了⼀个名为NewShell的预览版,旨在代替Windows 3.X程序和⽂件管理器。
With the popularity of the File Explorer Windows 98 provided with Internet Explorer integration by providing navigation buttons like back, forward, address bar, etc.
随着⽂件浏览器的流⾏,Windows 98通过提供诸如后退,前进,地址栏等导航按钮⽽与Internet Explorer集成在⼀起。
In Windows ME and Windows 2000 Web-style folders provided more polished preview and ability to show or play file contents in the left sidebar like mp3 file.
在Windows ME和Windows 2000中,Web样式的⽂件夹提供了更精美的预览,并且能够在左侧边栏中显⽰或播放⽂件内容(如mp3⽂件)。
Windows XP provided major changes to the File Explorer where visually polished and new features like Task Pane , Search Companion , Image Handling etc.
Windows XP对File Explorer进⾏了重⼤更改,在外观上经过了抛光处理,并提供了诸如Task Pane , Search Companion , Image Handling等新功能。
Windows Vista version File Explorer provided more accurate search, organization and meta data with polished layout and icons.
Windows Vista版本的⽂件资源管理器通过优美的布局和图标提供了更准确的搜索,组织和元数据。
了解更多信息如何使⽤PHP file()和readfile()函数读取PHP⽂件?
Windows 7 added Libraries, Visual Folders, Federated Search options.
Windows 7添加了“库”,“可视⽂件夹”,“联合搜索”选项。
Windows 8 and Windows Server 2012 added new design with ribbon bar which also includes more detailed file operations inside it. Also files operations can b epaused and continued later in this version of the File Explorer.
降火茶Windows 8和Windows Server 2012添加了带有功能区栏的新设计,该功能区还包含更详细的⽂件操作。 在此版本的⽂件资源管理器中,⽂件操作也可以分开并在以后继续。
加油站为什么不能打手机Windows 10 and Windows Server 2016 added more extensive search features with OneDrive integration.
Windows 10和Windows Server 2016通过OneDrive集成添加了更⼴泛的搜索功能。
打开⽂件资源管理器 (Open File Explorer)
In order to use File Explorer, we should open it which can be done in different ways. All different methods to open File Explorer is explained in detail in the following tutorial. The most practical way is to use the WIN+E keyboard shortcuts or the FileExplorer icon from the taskbar.
为了使⽤⽂件资源管理器,我们应该打开它,这可以通过不同的⽅式完成。 在以下教程中详细说明了打开⽂件资源管理器的所有不同⽅法。 最实⽤的⽅法是使⽤WIN+E键盘快捷键或任务栏中的FileExplorer图标。
Open File Explorer
⽂件资源管理器GUI(File Explorer GUI)
As we explained the design and GUI of the File Explorer have changed a lot during past versions. The latest Windows 10 and Windows Server 2016 version File Explorer provides the following screen.
正如我们所解释的,在过去的版本中,⽂件资源管理器的设计和GUI发⽣了很⼤变化。 最新的Windows 10和Windows Server 2016版本的⽂件资源管理器提供以下屏幕。
File Explorer GUI
Menu provides different ribbon categories like File , Home , Share and View for different operations.
Menu为不同的操作提供了不同的功能区类别,如File , Home , Share和View 。
Sidebar provides quick and easy access to the other directories and path easily with just single of few clicks. By default links to the Desktop, Downloads, Documents, Pictures, Music, Videos directories and OneDrive, This PC and Network provided. This sidebar can be also customized other paths and locations.
只需单击⼏下⿏标, Sidebar轻松快速地访问其他⽬录和路径。 默认情况下,链接到台式机,下载,⽂档,图⽚,⾳乐,视频⽬录和OneDrive,此PC和⽹络。 也可以⾃定义此侧边栏的其他路径和位置。
Content provides the files and folders in different view settings like list, icon etc.
张国荣简历Address Bar provides current folder location in an elegant way and can be used to changed current location, path or
directory shown in the Content area.
Address Bar以⼀种优雅的⽅式提供了当前⽂件夹的位置,可⽤于更改“内容”区域中显⽰的当前位置,路径或⽬录。
Search is one of the most important part which provides advanced search features for files and folders like size, name, extension, location, etc.
⽂件资源管理器,操作和功能 (File Explorer, Operations and Features)
File Explorer provides different operations and features in order to manage files and folders. In this part, we will examine
some of the important features of the File Explorer.
⽂件资源管理器提供了不同的操作和功能,以便管理⽂件和⽂件夹。 在这⼀部分中,我们将研究⽂件浏览器的⼀些重要功能。
列出⽂件和⽂件夹 (List Files and Folders)
The most popular and basic feature of the File Explorer is listing and displaying files and folders.. Just navigate to the path you want to list.
List Files and Folders
林正英运⾏应⽤程序,软件或⼯具(Run Application, Software or Tool)
File Explorer also lists different applications, software, tool and executable files. We can easily run these by double clicking on them which will work in most of the case.有什么网络游戏好玩
⽂件资源管理器还列出了不同的应⽤程序,软件,⼯具和可执⾏⽂件。 我们可以通过双击它们轻松地运⾏它们,这在⼤多数情况下都会起作⽤。
复制和粘贴⽂件或⽂件夹 (Copy and Paste Files or Folders)
We can copy and paste by using the mouse by clicking right on the file of folder we want to copy. And then click right on
the location we want to copy and click Paste like below.
我们可以通过⿏标右键单击要复制的⽂件夹的⽂件来复制和粘贴。 然后在我们要复制的位置上单击⿏标右键,然后单击“ Paste如下所⽰。
Copy and Paste Files or Folders
移动⽂件或⽂件夹(Move Files or Folders)
We can move files and folders by cutting and pasting them easily.