鲜花、巧克⼒、烛光晚餐,这些应该没有哪个⼥⼈不喜欢。作为男⽣,你选择其中⼀样就好,三样都有那当然好啦。但是作为⼥⽣,你该如何让这个七⼣节过的与众不同呢?其实这个问题很好解决,那就是参考⼀下克鲁尼⽼婆Amal Clooney是如何和影帝秀恩爱的。
2018年6⽉下旬,乔治·克鲁尼(George Clooney)获得了2018美国电影协会终⾝成就奖。乔嫂(Amal Clooney)登台发表了超甜蜜+感动⼈⼼的7分钟演讲,演讲中她⾸次公开讲述俩⼈的爱情故事,乔嫂教科书级别英⾳致辞和性感的⾳调让现场克鲁尼听到眼眶泛泪,含情脉脉望着娇妻,眼睛⾥闪烁都是星星啊!这⼤概就是爱情最美好的样⼦吧!看完演讲,英语演讲君觉得,这绝对是本年度迄今为⽌撒狗粮的最⾼典范。
Good evening, everyone.
When the AFL asked me to speak tonight, I said “of course”.
But as George knows, I’ve actually been quite nervous about it.
It’s somehow easier for me to address a court on behalf of a detainee than to speak publicly as I am doing for the first time tonight about my husband.
I do so out of immense pride in all that he has achieved. Luckily, without having to wear a white horsehair wig, but with some waterproof mascara on,just in case.
Coming here, I knew there would be lots of people who could speak to George’s talent.
His talent as a director, as a producer, as a writer of original screenplays, as a writer of adapted screenplays, as a leading actor, as a supporting actor.
It’s a long list when you’ve been nominated for awards in more categories than any other human being on the planet.
So I thought that I should say a few words about his character in the real life and why he deserves to be admired not only for what he has done but for who he is.
So, here are a few things you may not know about George.
First, he is a gentleman.
He is a gentleman in every sense of the word and in a way that seems so rare these days and perha
ps even outdated.从任何意义上说,他都是绅⼠。始终以⼀种可能在当今社会已经罕见甚⾄落伍了的做派⽣活着。
Everyone who knows him, even those who oppose him politically or who have quarrelled with him professionally, will tell you, he has not forgotten his Kentucky manners.
On every set I visit, I’m told by the crew that George sticks up for the most vulnerable.
His security team told me that when shooting [Confessions] in Montreal, George refused to wear a warm winter jacket unless every actor got the same one even though it was 40 degrees below zero.
Now, it’s true that George’s notorious pranks that we have heard about tonight are an exception to his gentlemanly comportment.
As Matt Damon found out when despite his rigorous workouts his trousers kept getting tighter and tighter every time he appeared on George’s set.
Matt Damon透露,尽管他给⾃⼰定下严苛的健⾝计划,但只要他在⽚场碰到乔治,都会发现⾃⼰的裤⼦,莫名其妙变得越来越紧。
But other than that, George is definitely a gentleman.
The second thing is that George is incredibly generous.
He is generous with his time.
He finds out about people who have suffered the same health issues as him and he writes to give them advice.
He helps young people pursue their passion for film.
唐笑婚礼He’ll visit an elderly lady at our local nursing home as he thinks it will make her day.
He has a big heart and he puts it into everything that he does, whether it’s making a movie, hosting a fundraiser or quite often these days, pranking our latest guest using a nappy and a pot of Nutella.
But George is generous in traditional ways too, by donating money to causes he believes in and spoiling loved ones.不过,乔治有时也慷慨地很传统,为他所信仰的事业捐款,宠爱他所爱的⼈。
Third, George picks good fights.
Even before I knew him, I admired George’s commitment to taking up causes like exposing corruption in Sudan before they were visible, and to taking moral stances like opposing the War in Iraq when it was far from popular to do so.
Recently, he worked with survivors of the Parkland school shooting on the campaign for gun control and he continues to mentor some of them today.
He was even the UN’s Messenger of Peace, but the reality is he fights for what is right as a way of life.
George shows us all what it is to have a moral conscience and how powerful it can be when combined with eloquence and courage.
This aspect of George’s character was noted many years ago by Walter Cronkite, the famous newsman, who wrote George a letter that I found in our home.
乔治的这⼀品质,著名记者Walter Cronkite早在⼏年前便深有体会,我在家中到了他当时写给乔治的信件。
皮影戏的起源Here’s how it begins:
“Dear George, In the course of my chequered career, I have encountered a fair number of movie stars. Most of them used their power badly, usually to prop up a frail ego. Some of them had style, not many had character, very few of them had any real class. You have character and you have class. You also have a thoroughly admirable lunatic courage, diving off the high board without knowing if there’s any water in the pool. ”
Walter was right and his words are all the more poignant at a time when many of us feel that character is lacking in some of the leaders we count on the most.
Although George modestly attributes much of the success we are celebrating here tonight to luck, I think it’s incredible talent and character that got him here.
And these attributes also make him an amazing husband and father.
游玩发朋友圈的句子I met George when I was 35 and starting to become quite resigned to the idea that I was going to be a spinster.
Then we met and started hiding out in my London flat and very soon it felt like, no matter what happened, I would never want to be with anyone else.
want to be with anyone else.
I couldn’t sleep when we were apart, and I’m told that I would display a particular grin and head-tilt when reading his text messages or the letters he would hide in my bag.
Five years later, none of that has changed.
He is the person who has my complete admiration and also the person whose smile makes me melt every time.
My love, what I have found with you is the great love that I always hoped existed.
And seeing you with our children, Ella and Alexander, is the greatest joy in my life.
只要能看着你和我们的孩⼦们,Ella and Alexander,就是⼀⽣最最幸福的事情。
You fill our home with laughter and happiness and that’s even before the children have worked out that ‘da-da’ is actually Batman, a talking fox, and friends with Mary Poppins.
只要有你在,家⾥永远都充满欢声笑语,更别提孩⼦们后来竟然发现,他们的爸爸不仅是蝙蝠侠,还是⼀只会说话的狐狸,⽽且还是“魔法保姆”Mary Poppins的好朋友。
I’m so proud of you, my love.
Congratulations on this great honor that you’re receiving tonight.
I’m proud of you, but I also know that when our children find out not only what you have done, but who you are, they will be so proud of you, too.
有吃⽠众看完这段视频说:“被她说得,我都爱上乔治·克鲁尼了。” 那么,我们就⼀起来看看,Amal Clooney是怎么花式洒狗粮的~