1、Young babies can use        hand equally well.
A、either        B each        C both            D    every
2、They have two teams, and            of them have chance of winning
A、both        B none        C neither        D all
3、            of us could work out this maths problem, so we
asked our teacher for help.
A、Some        B any        C    No one        D None
1、With the help of the foreign experts, the factory produced        cars in 2022 as the year before。
A as twice many
B as many as twice
C as twice as many
D twice as many
2、New typewriters cost about        price of the second-hand
A three times the
B a three times
C    the three
tomes    D three times a
解析:倍数表达公式(1)倍数+as ---as(2)倍数+the +名词+of
(1)短语    the same as(2)The + 比拟级……,the +比拟级……
(3)形容词、副词的比拟级可被much、far、still、even、a little、
a bit、a lot、a great deal修饰,加强或减弱其语气。碾的拼音
1.In the world no country has exactly the same folk music _____ that of any other countries.
A. with
B. as
C. to
D. like
长征中面临的困难2.Although the price of house has been lower , it is _____ higher than before.
A. still
B. yet
C. so
D. such
如:1    must /may /might +动词原形(表对现在事情的确定推想)典型例题专升本2022年13题
She ________on her way to school,    I just phoned her home and no one answered me.
A. should be    B . must be    C. might have been    D. could be
must /may /might +have +PP(过去分词)    (表对过去事情的确定
--They are supposed to arrive at six, but there is no sign of them..
--Something unexpected__________-to them.
李易祥主演的电视剧A . might happen
B .must have happened    C. would have happened    D. could    happened
解析:此题考情态动词对过去事情确定推想的构造,应选B    题意为:他们原定于6点到达,但现在连人影都没见到,确定出什么事了。
couldn’t / can’t +have +PP    ( 表对过去事情的否认推想)
典型例题 (1) 专升本2022年34题
“I saw Mary in the Library yesterday.”
“you        her,    she is still in hospital.”
A    mustn’t have been
B could not see C. can’t    have    been D. must not see
解析:此题考情态动词对过去事情否认推想的构造,应选  C    题
(2) 高起点2022年25题
You ________have seen Jane in her office Last Friday,    she’s been out of town for two weeks.
A    couldn’t
B . mustn’t
C . wouldn’t    D. shouldn’t
解析:题考情态动词对过去事情否`定推想的构造,应选A    题意为:上个星期五你不行能在简的办公室看到简,她已出城两个星期了。
4.Ought to / should +have +PP    (表过去应做的事而实际上未做,含有责怪的口气)
You ____________yesterday if you were really serious about the job.
A    ought to come
B ought to have come    C. ought have come    D. ought come
解析:此题考察过去应做的事而实际上未做,应选B    题意为:假如你很在乎这份工作的话,昨天你就该来。
(1)只要时间状语是by the end of last……,主句的谓语动词肯定用过去完成时;假如把last 变为next ,主句的谓语动词肯定用将来完
(2)By the time 从句的时态是一般过去时,主句谓语肯定采纳过去完成时;假如by the time 从句的时态是一般现在时,主句谓语肯定采纳将来完成时。
(1)祈使句的反意问句(2)let’s开头的反意问句(3)谓语为used to be 型的反意问句(4)含有否认词的反意问句
1.Don’t shout in the meeting room,______?
A. should you
B. will you
C. can you
D. could you
2.Let’s visit our uncle on the way home ,______?
A. will you
B. will we
C.do we
D. shall we
3.There used to be a cinema on this street,            .?
A .wasn’t there    B. didn’t there    C. wasn’t it    D. didn’t it
4.Tom seldom visits his grandparents,            ?
A .doesn’t he    B. isn’t he        C. does he        D. is he