齐豫《The voice》专辑
《The V oice》将主题放在西方宗教音乐上。11首最令人动容的绝美天籁,感受平静里最深远的力量。(网上搜索的歌词,可能与专辑不对应,仅供歌迷参考)
1.Ave Maria De Lourdes路德圣母颂 (1)
2.Annie’s Song 安妮的歌 (2)
3.Amazing Grcae 奇异恩宠 (3)
4.Sailng 乘风破浪 (4)
5. Silent Night平安夜 (5)
6. When A Child Is Born希望之子诞生时 (6)
7. It Came upon the Midnight Clear天使歌声 (6)
8. We Shall Overcome我们将超越自己 (7)
9. You Light Up My Life你照亮我的生命 (8)
10. Joy To The World普世欢腾 (9)
11. Morning Has Broken破晓 (10)
1.Ave Maria De Lourdes路德圣母颂
O Vierge Marie,
le peuple chrétien
à Lourdes vous prie
chez vous il revient.
Ave, Ave, Ave Maria!
Ave, Ave, Ave Maria!
Le fond de la roche
s'éclaire à l'instant:
la Dame s'approche,
fait signe à l'enfant.
Ave, Ave, Ave Maria!
Ave, Ave, Ave Maria!
Je veux qu'ici meme,
au pied de ces monts,
le peuple que j'aime
vienne en procession.
Ave, Ave, Ave Maria!
Ave, Ave, Ave Maria!
Et qu'une chapelle
batie en ce lieu,
aux hommes rappelle最强蜗牛神龙
qu'il faut prier Dieu.
Ave, Ave, Ave Maria!
Ave, Ave, Ave Maria!
La Grotte où l'on prie
dispense la paix;
c'est là que Marie
répand ses bienfaits.
Ave, Ave, Ave Maria!
Ave, Ave, Ave Maria!
2.Annie’s Song 安妮的歌
注:<;安妮之歌>是John Denver献给他的大学时代恋人也是后来的妻子Annie martell的情歌,据说是在滑雪升降机上于四十分钟完成的,由于歌词中并无Annie之名,故人人可为己所用,成为70年代中期情侣们喜结良缘之必备节目,此外《人物》杂志曾评这首歌为denver所创作的最驰名的爱情歌谣。对于这首歌而言美中不足的是,denver与Annie martell的这桩著名婚姻却于1983年宣告破裂。歌中的浓情蜜意徒留叹惜!
you fill up my senses你占据着我的心灵
like a night in a forest象林中的夜晚
like the mountains in springtime象春日的山
张柏芝黑木耳like a walk in the rain象雨中的漫步
like a storm in the desert象沙漠中的风暴
like a sleepy blue ocean象沉睡中的碧海
you fill up my senses你占据着我的心灵
come fill me again我愿一次次的回味
come let me love you来吧!让我爱着你
let me give my life to you让我给予你生命的全部
let me drown in your laughter让我沉醉在你的笑声里
let me die in your arms让我在你的臂弯里永恒
let me lay down beside you让我与你同眠
let me always be with you我们永在一起
come let me love you来吧!让我爱着你
come love me again细细品尝爱的甜蜜
let me give my life to you让我给予你生命的全部
come let me love you 来吧!让我爱着你
come love me again细细品尝爱的甜蜜
you fill up my senses你占据着我的心灵
like a night in a forest象林中的夜晚
like the mountains in springtime象春日的山
like a walk in the rain象雨中的漫步
like a storm in the desert象沙漠中的暴风
like a sleepy blue ocean象沉睡中的碧海
you fill up my senses你占据着我的心灵
come fill me again我愿一次次的回味
3.Amazing Grcae 奇异恩宠
Amazing grace! How sweet the sound! 奇异恩典,何等甘甜,
That saved a wretch like me! 我等罪人,竟蒙赦免。
I once was lost but now I am found, 昔我迷失,今被寻回,
Was blind but now I see. 曾经盲目,重又得见。
Was grace that taught my heart to fear如斯恩典,令心敬畏,
And grace my fears relieved; 如斯恩典,免我忧惧。
How precious did that grace appear归信伊始,恩典即临,
The hour I first believed! 何等奇异,何其珍贵!
Through many dangers, toils, and snares, 冲决网罗,历经磨难,
I have already come; 风尘之中,我在归来。
This grace has brought me safe thus far, 恩典眷顾,一路搀扶,
And grace will lead me home. 靠它指引,终返家园。
Amazing grace! How sweet the sound! 奇异恩典,何等甘甜,
That saved a wretch like me! 我等罪人,竟蒙赦免。
I once was lost but now I am found, 昔我迷失,今被寻回,
Was blind but now I see. 曾经盲目,重又得见。
4.Sailng 乘风破浪
电影《哥伦布传》的主题曲,也是Rod Stewart (罗德斯特华特)的成名之作。Sailing这首歌,朴实无华、意境悠远,既有心情的宣泄,又带点淡淡的忧伤,透出一股苍茫,给人以力量。
I am sailing 我在航行
I am sailing 我在航行
Home again 'cross the sea.跨越海洋再次归家。
iphone xs价格
I am sailing stormy waters.我在暴风中航行。
To be near you 向你靠近
To be free 获得自由
I am flying 我在飞翔
I am flying 我在飞翔
Like a bird 'cross the sky 像只鸟儿飞越天空
I am flying passing high clouds 我在白云中穿越飞翔
To be near you 向你靠近
To be free 获得自由
黄浩然的老婆Can you hear me 你可听到我的心声
Can you hear me 你可听到我的心声
Through the dark night far away 夜空茫茫,远隔万里
I am dying 我生命垂危
Forever crying 永远哭泣。
To be near you 向你靠近
Who can say 其中甘苦谁能说
Can you hear me 你可听到我的心声?
Can you hear me 你可听到我的心声?
Through the dark night far away 夜空茫茫,远隔万里
I am dying 我生命垂危
Forever crying 永远哭泣
To be near you 向你靠近
Who can say ? 其中甘苦谁能说
We are sailing 我们在航行
We are sailing 我们在航行
Home again 'cross the sea 跨越海洋再次归家
We are sailing stormy waters我们在暴风中航行
To be near you 向你靠近
To be free 获得自由
Oh Lord 哦,上帝张大奕是谁
To be near you 向你靠近
To be free 获得自由
Oh Lord 哦,上帝
To be near you 向你靠近
To be free 获得自由
Oh Lord 哦,上帝
To be near you 向你靠近
To be free 获得自由
Oh Lord 哦,上帝
5. Silent Night平安夜
Silent night! Holy night!平安夜,圣善夜。
植树造林的宣传标语All is calm, all is bright!真宁静,真光明。
Round young virgin mother and child!圣光环绕圣母圣婴,Holy Infant, so tender and mild, 圣洁婴孩纯真可爱。Sleep in heavenly peace, 尽享天赐安眠,
Sleep in heavenly peace. 尽享天赐安眠。
Silent night! Holy night!平安夜,圣善夜。Shepherds quake at the sight!牧羊人,在旷野。
Glories stream from heaven afar, 看见天上荣光降下,Heav'nly hosts sing Alleluia;众军齐唱哈利路亚。
Christ the Savior is born!主耶稣今降生,
Christ the Savior is born!主耶稣今降生。
Silent night! Holy night!平安夜,圣善夜。
Son of God, love's pure light 神子爱,光皎洁。
Radiant beams from thy holy face, 这是救恩黎明光芒,With the dawn of redeeming grace, 救赎恩典降临四方。Jesus, Lord, at thy birth, 主耶稣已降生,
Jesus, Lord, at thy birth. 主耶稣已降生。
Silent night! Holy night!平安夜,圣善夜。
All is calm, all is bright!真宁静,真光明。
Round young virgin mother and child!圣光环绕圣母圣婴,Holy Infant, so tender and mild, 圣洁婴孩纯真可爱。Sleep in heavenly peace, 尽享天赐安眠,
Sleep in heavenly peace. 尽享天赐安眠。
6. When A Child Is Born希望之子诞生时
A ray of hope flickers in the sky一线希望之光划破天穹,
A tiny star lights up way up high一颗小星高照指明路程,
All across the land, dawns a brand new morn'世人翘首祈盼崭新曙光,
This comes to pass when a child is born. 一个婴孩将降生在世上。
A silent wish sails the seven seas默默祝愿飘过五洲七洋,
The winds of change whisper in the trees林中微风飘飘交耳欢畅,
And the walls of doubt.. crumble tossed and torn, 猜疑的高墙将土崩瓦解,
This comes to pass when a child is born. 一个婴孩将降生在世上。
A rosy hue settles all around四周一片玫瑰般的艳丽,
You got to feel you're on solid ground你感到脚踏在坚实的大地,
For a spell or two no one seems forlorn再也不会感到凄凉痛苦,
This come to pass when a child is born. 一个婴孩将降生在世上。
And all of this happended所有这一切都要到来
Because the world is waiting因为世界正在等待
Waiting for one child……等待一个圣婴的诞生,
Black, white, yellow, no one knows黑肤…白肤…黄肤…没有人知道。
But a child that would grow up and turn tears to laughter 但是婴孩他会长大成人,他将变哭为笑,
Hate to love, war to peace变恨为爱,变战争为和平。
And everyone to everyone’s neighbour人们和和睦睦彼此相处,
Misery and suffering would be forgotten forever痛苦和不幸将永远被忘却,永远……
It's all a dream, and illusion now. 现在这一切是梦幻,是幻影,
It must come true some time soon somehow但将来这一天一定会实现。
All across the land dawns a brand new morn世人翘首祈盼崭新曙光,
This comes to pass.. when a child is born. 一个婴孩将降生在世上。
This comes to pass.. when a child is born.
This comes a pass when a child is born.
7. It Came upon the Midnight Clear天使歌声
Lyrics:Edmund H.Sears Music:Richard S.Willis
It came upon the midnight clear, 在那一个午夜降临的光明,荣耀着一首古老的颂歌