毕 业 论 文
题      目:我国在线旅游APP的功能模块研究分析
学院(直属系):    经济与贸易学院       
明星小时候照片年级、专业:     电子商务       
学 生 姓 名:                   
臭氧污染怎么防护学      号:            世界上最长的火车
指 导 教 师:                   
完 成 时 间:           

[摘  要] 2003年携程旅行网上市,在线旅游作为一个新的服务业态成型。随后各种在线旅游网站相继出现,如去哪儿、驴妈妈、途牛旅行网等。在线旅游行业迅猛发展起来。近两年,智能手机普及和移动互联网的发展,使得在线旅游出现了新的平台——手机APP客户端。旅游APP的出现为人们出门旅游提供了大大的方便,旅游APP很快就受到了人们的欢迎、好评、认可。对于旅游APP这个新的战场,在线旅游商要将业务拓展到APP上,使其继续保持自己的竞争优势,使其更好的展开业务,更好的满足客户需求,那么该旅游APP应该具有怎样的功能模块呢?这便是本论文要研究讨论的内容主题。
The research and analysis of the function modules of the online travel APP in china
Abstract: The online travel has become a new type of service With the ctrip Listed in 2003.Then all kinds of online travel sites have emerged such as Qunar lvmama and tuniu . The online travel industry developed rapidly. In recent years, with the development of the
intelligent mobile phone and mobile Internet APP become a new platform for online travel. Travel APP provides great convenience for people to travel. Travel APP was soon to be welcomed and recognized. In the new battlefield of travel APP if online travel business wants to expand to APP ,to continue to maintain their competitive advantage, make the business better, better meet customer needs, then what kind of function of the APP should have ? This is the main problem of this paper to study.