Unit 6 Different places
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1. different adj. 不同的
【反义词】same -------- the same as 与……同样的
be different from 与……不同的
【名词】difference n. 差别,差异
different places 不同的地方
2. like doing sth. = love doing sth.= enjoy doing sth. 喜欢干某事
3. live in the suburbs 住在郊区live in the city centre 住在市中心
4. quiet adj. 安静的【副词】quietly adv. 安静地
5. peaceful adj. 平静的【名词】peace n. 和平
6. on the map of ....在……的地图
7. in the north of ...在……的北部(包含关系)
8. get to sp. = arrive in / at sp. = reach sp. 到达某地
get there/ here / home arrive there/ here/ home
9. take a bus to sp. = go to sp. by bus
take an underground to sp. = go to sp. by underground
go to sp. by bike/ bicycle = ride a bike/ bicycle to sp.
go to sp. on foot = walk to sp.
go to sp. by plane/ air = take a plane to sp. = fly to sp.
go to sp. by ship / sea = take a ship to sp.
10. go shopping 去购物go doing sth.
go swimming / go boating / go fishing ....
11. no = not any
12. once a week 一周一次
●一次:once 两次:twice 三次:three times
次数+一段时间表示频率------- How often
13. leave home 离开家
●leave sp. for sp. 离开某地去某地leave sp. 离开某地leave for sp. 去某地
14. at 7. 上午7点半at + 点钟
15. convenient adj. 方便的
【反义词】inconvenient adj. 不方便的,困难的
【名词】convenience n. 便利
16. How do you get to school? 你怎么去上学?
广东省高考分数查询I take a bus to Sunshine Shopping Centre. 我搭公车到阳光购物中心。
17. How long does it take? 要多久?
It takes about forty minutes. 大概要40分钟。
It takes sb. some time to do sth. take--- took -- taken
祝福爸爸的话Sb. spend some time on sth. / (in) doing sth. 某人花多少时间干某事
支付宝健康码在哪里18. Is it convenient to go shopping in your new neighbourhood? 在你们新的小区里购物方便吗?
It is+ adj. + (for sb. ) to do sth. 多某人来说做某事怎么样
我是不是你最疼爱的人是写给谁的19. neighbourhood n. 街区,城区
neighbour n. 邻居
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1. life in different places 不同地方的生活
2. move to sp. 搬到某地
3. tell sb. about sth. 告诉某人关于某事
tell v. 告诉(tell—told—told)
tell sb. to do sth. 告诉某人做某事/ tell sb. not to do sth. 告诉某人不要做某事
4. bottom n. 底部【词组】at the bottom of ... 在……的底部
【反义词】top n. 顶部at the top of ...在……的顶部
5. steep adj. 陡的
6. step n. 台阶steep steps 陡的台阶
7. shop(s) 商店market(s)市场restaurant (s) 饭店,饭馆bank(s) 银行post office(s) 邮局church(es) 教堂
park(s) 公园statue(s) 雕塑school(s) 学校
hospital(s) 医院financial centre(s) 金融中心exhibition centre(s)展览中心swimming pool(s) 游泳池supermarket(s) 超市cinema(s) 电影院
beach(es) 海滩,海滨tree(s) 树flower(s) 花kindergarten(s) 幼儿园fountain(s) 喷泉
8. noisy adj. 吵闹的,嘈杂的 a noisy city 一个嘈杂的城市
noise n. 噪音noisily adv. 吵闹地,嘈杂地
【反义词】quiet adj. 安静的,宁静的
9. exciting adj. 令人激动的;令人兴奋的(事物)
excited adj. 激动的,兴奋的(人)
excite v. 使激动;使兴奋
excitement n. 激动,兴奋
【反义词】boring adj. 令人厌烦的uninteresting adj. 乏味的,无趣的
We are watching an _________ football match.
梦到大蟒蛇He felt _________ when he heard the news.
10. pleasant adj. 令人愉快的(事物)
pleased adj. 高兴的,愉快的(人)be pleased with 对……感到满意中国批发
We spent a ____________ day in the countryside. 我们在乡下度过了愉快的一天。please exclam. 请pleasure n. 高兴,愉快with pleasure 愉快地
【近义词】enjoyable adj. 令人愉快的
【反义词】unpleasant adj. 使不愉快的,讨厌的
11. relaxing adj. 令人放松的
relaxed adj. 放松的
relax v. 放松,休息
12. financial adj. 金融的,财政的financial centre 金融中心
finance n. 金融;财政
13. church n. 教堂churches/’
14. There aren’t any shops or restaurants. 那里没有商店和饭店。
There be 句型表示什么地方有什么
There be 句型不同时态表达方法:
一般现在时:There is/ are
一般过去时:There was/ were
一般将来时:There is going to be / There will be
反义疑问句:There ..., __(be动词) there ?
15. Do you live in the city centre or the suburbs? 你住在市区还是郊区?
I live in ____________.
选择疑问句要素:1. 一般疑问句句式 2. or 连接两选项 3. or 前用升调,后用降调
4. 有选择回答
16. 译文:
Kitty has just moved to Water Bay.
Kitty, can you tell us about your new neighbourhood, please?
Yes, Mr. Hu. My new flat is in the suburbs, so it’s very quiet.
There isn’t much traffic. There aren’t any shops or restaurants.
There are a lot of trees, flowers and birds.
There is a beach at the bottom of some steep steps.
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Peter: Do you like your new flat, Kitty?
Kitty: Yes. It’s in Water Bay. I like living in the suburbs. It’s quiet and peaceful.
Peter: Where is Water Bay on the map of Garden City?
Kitty: It’s in the north of the map.
Peter: How do you get to school?
Kitty: I take a bus to Sunshine Shopping Centre. Then I take the underground to school.