nineteen  nineteenth  nine  ninth  蔬菜:tomato, carrot, potato, cabbage  envelope
听力:shark      further      hurt    wash的发音  hand, head  doll, door  small, smell
      smooth  about    their  model    head, again, many发音[e]  分辨th 
拼写:bench, beach  another  grow  stay  wait  look back  something  artist  scissors
beef    badminton    would  sport  always  peach  riddle, tired, something  aeroplane
healthy,  the lost-property office,  the badminton club,  wake up,  awake,  grandparents
be angry with,  be afraid of,  have a nap,  doze,  smile,  drink,  help with,  join
How often?        enjoy yourself  Whose pencils are these?    eat breakfast    on a vine
复数:  teeth,  photos,  aviaries,  mouths,  pianos,  people,  ladies,
反义词:same different,  old young,  thin thick,  注意toovery的区别。
trousers, shoes, pants, gloves, jeans数据的分析都要a pair of量词;多义词watch, fly, orange, sweet
注意序号,first, second, third,其它加th  频率,once, twice
*应答句:What day is it today?星期,What's the date? 日期,What time is it? 时间
*区别时间介词,in 最大 季节 星期,on 当中 节日,at 最小 小时 几点
*具体到日期的时间,都用onon the morning of Monday,  on the night of Sunday
例句:You won't see it any more. (将来时)        You are like me.刘烨舒淇(长得像我)
Would you like to come with us? (情态动词,就像can,后面跟动词原形)
Does she like playing badminton?  like doing = like to do
中国的节日: the Spring Festival, January/February, cold/dry, visit relatives and friends, red envelopes, fireworks, new clothes, dumplings
the Dragon Boat Festival, May/June, hot/sunny, watch dragon boat races, rice dumplings
the Mid-autumn Festival, September/October, cool/dry, look at the moon, mooncakes
the Double Ninth Festival, October, cool/dry, mountains/ old people, Double Ninth cakes
乐器的声音: piano, Ding.  triangle, Ting.  violin, Zing.  drum, Boom.
It's time for lunch.=It's time to have lunch.  timefor+名词=timeto+动词原形+名词
Part 1 Listening (听力部分):40%
. Listen and choose(选出听到的单词或词组,将字母代号写在题前的括号内)
. Listen and choose(听音选出正确的应答句,将字母代号写在题前的括号内)
足球让球是什么意思. Listen and fill in the blanks(听一听,填入所缺的单词,完成短文)
. Listen and judge(听音,判断下列句子与听到的内容是否一致,用TF表示)
V. Listen and choose(根据听到的内容和问题,选择正确的答案,将字母代号写在题前的括号内)听的时候要注意单数还是复数1. A. It’s nice.        B, The. They are nice.
Part 2 Reading and writing(阅读和写作部分)60%
. Copy the words and sentences(正确抄写下列句子,注意大小写和标点符号,无顿号
YesNo简单回答要用逗号。YesNo后面完整句子回答, YesNo后面用句号。
whats  that  linda  its  grape  juice  i  think
touch this how does it feel eddie its hard
** in may and june its always cool here
were sorry miss fang  thats all right
im sorry mr macdonald thats all right
some milk sam no thanks i dont like milk
a cake kitty no thanks im not thirsty
hi kitty this is our cat her names ginger
she likes reading and she can play basketball well
is it wet in january peter no its dry
** whats your pets name its names sam
** im  always  busy  on  monday  tuesday  and  Wednesday 无顿号
. Read and judge(判断下列各组单词划线部分的发音,用“T”或“F”表示)
注意:一个单词有2个相同的字母,看清前面还是后面, 字母不同不一定发音不同。
*(    ) think  smooth        (    ) guess  strawberry        (    ) berry  blueberry
*(    ) puple  juice    (    ) throw moth   * (    ) here  chair
*(    ) many  black            **(        ) pony  doctor        *(        ) sh赖小民情人是那个明星ort  your
*(          ) large  card        * (        ) climb  boat        * (      )  fly  Jenny
*(        ) eat    ice-cream      * (    ) July  January        * (      )  chair  pair
*(        ) homework  model    *(        ) hair  where  *(        ) earth  turn
** (        ) bear  near  ** (        ) want  watch  *(        ) wash  have
*(        ) sign  picture  *(        ) July  ugly  *(        ) think  mouth
*(        ) busy  morning  *(        ) bone  model        *(        ) turearth
** (        ) any  bag    *(        )  bed  bad      *(        ) walk  tortoise
*(        ) how  coat    *(        ) busy  skip    ** (        ) what  want
*(        ) noisy  toilet    ** (        ) Saturday  Thursday  *(        ) teacher her
*(        ) many  head    *(        ) what  whose    **(        ) day  Sunday
**(        ) wash  water    **(        ) there  thin    * *(    ) mouth  bow
**(        ) ear  where    **(        ) smooth  th农林经济管理ree  **(        ) turearly
**(        ) heavy  bad    **(        ) a郑爽李钟硕ny  many    **(        ) say  says
. Read and write(同类词,每线一词)不可数,句型,动词形式