Listening: Lisa’s Cold
Last night Lisa came home later than usual.
It was raining and she didn’t have her umbrella.
When she got home she was cold and wet.
She was tired and she didn’t feel well.
she got out of her wet clothes and went to bed.
She just wanted to sleep.
This morning she woke up with bad cold.
She had headache and a sore throat.
Her mother took her temperature.
Her temperature was 39 degrees, so she had a fever.
Her mother told her to stay in bed.
Lisa’s sore throat hurt a lot so her mother called the doctor.
She made an appointment for 11:00.
Lisa got out of bed at 10:00 and got dressed.
At 10:15 they left their apartment.
It was still raining so they took a taxi.
They got to the doctor’s office at 10:45.
Her mother gave Lisa’s name to the receptionist.
Then they sat in the waiting room.
They waited for 10 minutes.
Then a nurse came and took Lisa into another room.
The nurse weighed Lisa and took her temperature.
Then Lisa waited for the doctor.
When the doctor came, he looked down her throat.
He listened to her heartbeat.
Then he gave her a shot.
The shot hurt a little but Lisa didn’t mind.
She wanted it to help her feel better.
After leaving the doctor’s office they went to a pharmacy.
巩新亮低胸大泄春光Her mother brought some medicine.
Then they took a taxi home.
For the rest of the day, Lisa stayed in bed.
She took some medicine and drank a log of liquids.
She slept for a couple of hours.
Then she listened to some music.
By 6:00 she was feeling much better.
Now she’s think about tomorrow.
She’s looking forward to going to school.
She doesn’t want to stay home again.王骁个人资料
But she may have to stay home.
She can’t return to school until her cold is gone.
She doesn’t want her friends to catch her cold.
Listening: An Accident
Yesterday there was a terrible accident.
It happened in front of a subway station.
There was a crosswalk and the light was red.
Cars were coming from all directions.
A young man wanted to cross the street.
He didn’t want to wait for the light to change.
He looked both ways, and then started to run across the street.
But he didn’t see one car and it hit him.
He flew up into the air and came down on the road.行业商业计划书
His head was injured and he was bleeding.
Several people used their phones to call for an ambulance.
It arrived a few minutes later and took the man away.
We still don’t know if he lived or died.
Hopefully he’s alive and will get better soon.
So be careful when you cross the street.
Vocabulary: Basic Needs
Everyone needs food and water.
Without food and water, we cannot live.
People need a place to live in and sleep.
We need a place to keep us dry in rainy weather.
We need good health to keep us strong.
Daily exercise is a good way to stay in good health.
We need skills to find a good job.
Without good job skills, we can’t keep a good job.卢庚戌被打
We need money to buy things such as food.
Without money, it’s very difficult to have a good life.
Vocabulary: States of Matter
Ice is the solid state of water.
The freezing point of water is 0 degrees Celsius.
This is the liquid state of water.
Liquids take the shape of their container, such as this glass.
Water vapor (/'vepɚ/ 蒸汽) is the gaseous (/'ɡæsɪəs/ 气态的) state of water.
Water becomes a gas at 100 degrees Celsius which is its boiling point.
dnf使徒We use a scale (天平) like this to weigh things.
One kilogram is equal to 2.2 pounds.
This is the thermometer (/θɚ'mɑmɪtɚ/ 温度计).
We use thermometers like this to measure temperature.
Solids have size and shape.
Dialogue: Angela’s Cold
M: I didn’t see Angela today. Did she come to the office?
W: No, she didn’t. She stayed home, she’s sick.
M: Sick? What’s wrong with her?
W: She has a bad sore throat and a headache. She’s staying in bed.
M: Oh, that’s too bad. She looked fine yesterday.
W: She was fine yesterday but last night she got wet in the rain.
M: Didn’t she have an umbrella?
W: No, she didn’t. So she really got wet. It’s a long walk from the subway to her home. She didn’t get home until late.