人教版七年级英语上册Unit 3 综合素质评价
限时: 60分钟 满分: 100分
一、单项选择(每小题1 分, 共10 分)
1. This is _______ ruler and that is _______ ID card.
    A. an; a     B. a; an    C. a; the     D. the; the
2. [2023·丹东宽甸一中期中] —_______, is this your key?
    —No, it isn’t.
    A. Excuse me     B. Hello    C. Thanks     D. Sorry
3. [2023·武汉洪山区期末] This is _______ dictionary. _______ is over there.
    A. him; Hers     B. his; Hers    C. mine; His     D. yours; Mine
4. —_______ her bag?
    —No, it isn’t. The black one is hers.
    A. Are that     B. Are these    C. Is she     D. Is this
5. [2022·黑河二中期中] A set of keys _______ in _______ bag.
    A. is; he     B. are; his    C. is; her     D. are; me
6. [2022·自贡大安区月考] — Is this Mike’s CD?
    —No, _______ isn’t. It’s _______ CD.
    A. that; her     B. it; its    C. it; your     D. this; his
7. —My watch is lost. Can you help me?
    —Ask the teacher _______ it. You can call her _______ 929-7788.
    A. of; at     B. for; in    C. for; at     D. in; on
8. Those _______ are Sally’s. _______ red.
    A. pencils; They’re         B. pencil; It’s
    C. pencils; It’s         D. pencil; They
9. —Are these your good friends?
    —No, _______.
    A. they aren’t         B. he isn’t
    C. she isn’t         D. it isn’t
10. [2023·重庆市綦江区联盟校期中] —_______
        —They’re books.
        A. Are these English books?    B. Are those English books?
        C. How do you spell it?    D. What are they?
1-5              6-10
二、完形填空(每小题1 分, 共15 分)
Hi! I’m Bill, a 12-year-old boy. There are 11. _______ people in my family. We are all 12. _______ China now, because my 13. _______ 李玟性感work here. They are both English teachers. I have a brother, and 14. _______ name is Sam.
Look! Here are two 15. _______ on my desk. In the 16. _______ photo, there is a Lost and Found box. And you can see lots of things 17. _______ it. This 18. _______ a schoolbag. Whose is it? Is it my 19. _______ ? Yes, it’s my cousin Sally’s. 20._______ comes to my home to do homework with me after class. That is 21._______ orange pen. What are 22. _______ in the next photo? Let me see. Oh, they are some keys. I 23._______ them on the playground. If you lost your 24.______, please e-mail me 25. _______ bill’*************.
11. A. three     B. four     C. five     D. six
12. A. in     B. on     C. of     D. for
13. A. father     B. mother    C. brother     D. parents
14. A. my     B. your     C. his     D. her
15. A. photos     B. photo    C. boxes     D. schoolbags
16. A. one     B. first     C. two     D. next
17. A. on     B. near     C. at     D. in
18. A. am     B. is     C. are     D. be
19. A. cousin’s     B. cousin    C. cousins     D. cousins’
20. A. He     B. She    C. You     D. They
21. A. the     B. /     C. an     D. a
22. A. this    B. that    C. those     D. there
就跟我一起来23. A. lose     B. lost    C. find     D. found
24. A. keys     B. pens    C. bags     D. photo
25. A. of     B. in     C. at     D. for
11—15          16—20        21—25
三、阅读理解(每小题2 分, 共20 分)
Found: Is this your book? Please call John at 495-3456.
Lost: My school ID card. My name is Mike. Please call 487-2349.
Found: Is that your black schoolbag? Please call Mary. Phone number: 476-5939.
Found: A cat. Black and white. At the school gate. Call Lisa at 412-9856.
Lost: My pencil case. Blue and white. Call Tom at 456-8700.
Found: A set of keys. Please call Lily at 498-2456.
26. Mary found _______.
        A. a blue and white cat    B. a black and white pencil case
        C. a black schoolbag        D. keys
27. If (如果) 环保讲话稿you find a school ID card, it may be _______.
        A. Mike’s         B. Lisa’s
        C. Tom’s         D. John’s
28. Lisa found a cat _______.
        A. in the school         B. in the classroom
        C. at home        D. at the school gate
29. If you lost your keys, you may call _______ to find them.
        A. 487-2349         B. 476-5939
        C. 412-9856         D. 498-2456
30. You can see _______ notice(s) in the LOST AND FOUND.
        A. 1     B. 2     C. 4     D. 6
Hello! Boys and girls, I’m Miss Li. I’m in the “Lost and Found” room. There are many lost things. For example (例如), rulers, erasers, books,
This morning, John found three schoolbags on the playground. They are yellow, blue and black. In the yellow schoolbag are some books and a baseball. A blue watch and two notebooks are in the blue schoolbag. What’s in the black schoolbag? It’s a computer game. An ID card and a set of keys are in it, too.
Here are three notices. Can you help me find the owners (主人)?
No. 1: Found:
An ID card. Its number is 982317. The name is Mary.
No. 2: Lost:
A watch and two notebooks. Call me at 123-2316. My name is Tom.
No. 3: Lost:
I lost a baseball. It’s in a yellow schoolbag. My name is David. Call me at 321-0725.
31. The blue schoolbag is Tom’s.
32. The owner of the yellow schoolbag is David.
33. Some books are in John’s schoolbag.
2.5平方电线负荷34. The computer game is in the black schoolbag.
35. John lost a blue schoolbag.
四、词汇运用(每小题1 分, 共10 分)
36. I see a set of __________ (pen) in the bag.
37. Thank you for __________ (you) pen.
38. Our cups are red. What about __________ (she)?
39. Those are black __________ (watch).
40. Thanks for __________ (ask) me to your party.