1.The exam was postponed the class was canceled as well.(simple sentence)
The exam was postponed. The class was canceled as well.
2.You send more time studying. You are going to get better grades.(complex sentence)
If you send more time studying, you are going to get better grades.
3.Mary is bright. She is beautiful. She is considerate.(parallel structure)
Mary is bright, beautiful and considerate.
4.It was nearly dark. A snowmobile appeared. The snowmobile was roaring. It was running without lights it hit Mrs. Clifford.(long sentence)
It was nearly dark, and a roaring snowmobile hit Mrs. Clifford because it was running without lights.
5.Helen pulled the lid of the manhole(下水道). She did it with all of her strength(simple sentence with prepositional phrase at the beginning)
With all of her strength, Helen pulled the lid of the manhole. 爆米花的做法
6.Louis approached the dean’s office. She walked at a slow pace.(simple sentence with –ing phrase at the beginning)
Walking at a slow pace, Louis approached the dean’s office.
7.Cindy lay on the couch. She was exhausted from working all day.(simple sentence with –ed phrase)
Cindy lay on the couch, exhausted from working all day.
8.Mary squirmed in her seat as she waited for her turn to speak. She was nervous.(compound sentence with –ly opener).
Nervously, Mary squirmed in her seat as she waited for her turn to speak.
9.James Joyce’s Ulysses, a long and complicated novel and which is on our reading list, has been banned by the school board.(parallel structure)
James Joyce’s Ulysses, which is a long and complicated novel and which is on our reading list, had been banned by the school board.
10.My father bought me a present, and it was digital wristwatch.(complex sentence)辐射3 攻略
My father bought me a present which was a digital wristwatch.
11.Louise eyed the perfume. She carried a purse. The purse was already open. The clerk turned around. Louis put the perfume in her purse. The store manager told the judge that he saw all this happen.(long sentence)
The store manager told the judge that he saw Louise put the perfume she eyed in her carrying purse, which was already open, as the clerk turned around
12.Joan who is a weight lifter, is my neighbor.(simple sentences)
Joan is a weight lifter. Joan is my neighbor.
13.Adam cried at the end of the movie E.T. He was amazed by his feelings.(simple sentence)
Adam was amazed by his crying at the end of the movie E.T.
14.I tried to stifle my grin. I was amused but reluctant to show it.(simple sentence with –ed phrase)
百合一指禅I tried to stifle my grin, amused but reluctant to show it.
15.The house floated down the river. It happened during the last flood.(simple sentence with prepositional phrase)
The house floated down the river during the last flood.
16.The storm hit the coast city. We crisscrossed our windows with strong tape.(complex sentence.)
When the storm hit the coast city, we crisscrossed our windows
with strong tape.
17.Louis bought sweater. Freda bought a sweater. Helen bought a sweater. The sweaters were red. The sweaters were wool.(long sentence)
Louis, Freda, Helen each bought a sweater which is red and wool.
18.She left home. No one could explain the reason.(complex sentence)
No one could explain the reason why she left home.
19.My father does not love the environment. He is not accustomed to the weather either.(parallel structure)
Neither does my father love the environment, nor is he accustomed to the weather.
20.Tom bought a green-striped suit. He was tired of his conservative wardrobe.(simple sentence beginning with –ed phrase)
Tired of his conservative wardrobe, Tom bought a green-striped suit.
21.She wants to get the stain off her hand. She will have to use an abrasive soap.(simple sentence)
To get the stain off her hand, she will have to use an abrasive soap.
22.The children started arguing. I made them turn off the TV.(compound sentence)
The children started arguing, so I made them turn off the TV.
23.After they unrolled their sleeping mats, the children at the day-care took their naps.(simple senten
The children at the day-care took their naps. They unrolled their sleeping mats
24.Dad is to forget the troubles of the day. He putters around in his basement workshop.(simple sentence with –ing phrase)
By puttering around in his basement workshop, Dad is to forget the troubles of the day.
25.The muffler shop advertised same-day service, but my car wasn’t ready for three days.(complex sentence with subordinate clause)
Although the muffler shop advertised same-day service, my car wasn’t ready for three days.
26.Peg entered the room. Lisa was in the room. Lisa lay on his couch. Lisa appeared to be asleep. Lisa’s hair was long. It nearly touched the floor. On Lisa’s stomach was her cat. Its name was Tikky.(long sentence)
When Peg entered the room, Lisa was lying on his couch, being asleep, whose long hair nearly touched the floor and her cat Tikky was on her stomach.
27.Jack obtained a credit card. He began spending money carelessly.(complex sentence)
When Jack obtained a credit card, he began spending money carelessly.
28.David lopped dead branches off the tree, and Michelle stacked them into piles on the ground below.(complex sentence with subordinate clause)
After David lopped dead branches off the tree, Michelle stacked them into piles on the ground below.
29.Jack dialed the police emergency number. He received a busy signal. He dropped the phone and ran. He didn’t have time to call back.(compound complex sentence)
Jack dialed the police emergency number but he received a busy signal so he dropped the phone and ran because he didn’t have time to call back.
30.George tried to protect himself from the dampness of the room. He wrapped a scarf around his neck.(simple sentence with –ing phrase)
Trying to protect himself from the dampness of the room, George wra
pped a scarf around his neck.
31.The crowd began file slowly out of the stadium. They were stunned by the last-minute touchdown(着地得分).(simple sentence with –ed phrase)
The crowd began to file slowly out of the stadium, stunned by the last-minute touchdown.
32.At midnight my roommate closed her books. I studied until 2 A.M.(compound sentence)
At midnight my roommate closed her books, but I studied until 2 A.M.
33.The movie disgusted the coach. He worked out after fifteen minutes.(complex sentence)
Because the movie disgusted the coach, he worked out after fifteen minutes.
34.The rain hit the hot pavement. Plumes of stream rose from the blacktop. Cars slowed crawl. The fog obscured the driver’s vision.(compound complex sentence)
When the rain hit the hot pavement, plumes of stream rose from the blacktop and cars slowed crawl for the fog obscured the driver’s vision.
35.I leaned to quite my mind through mediation. Mediation can help me sleep better.(simple sentences with to opener)
To help me sleep better, I leaned to quite my mind through mediation,.
36.The house is small. It is white. It is on the corner.(long sentence)
The house is on the corner, small and white.
37.She is not young. She is not inexperienced.(parallel structure)
She is neither young nor inexperienced.
38.His vision begins to fade. He knows he’d better get some rest.(complex sentence)
Since his vision begins to fade, he knows he’d better get some rest.
39.She arrived in London. She visited her teacher whom she had not seen since her graduation.(simple sentence beginning with prepositional phrase)
On her arrival in London, she visited her teacher whom she had not seen since her graduation.
40.The rescuers were careful as they handled the rope. They lowered the frightened climber from the edge.(simple sentence with by-phrase beginning with carefully)
By carefully handling the rope, the rescuers lowered the frightened climber from the edge.
41.The sun went down. We stayed on the beach.(complex sentence)
Until the sun went down, we stayed on the beach.
42.His car went through the automated car. Harry watched from the sidelines. Floppy brushes slapped the car’s doors. Sprays of water squirted onto the roof.(compound complex sentence)
When his car went through the automated car, Harry watched from the sidelines and saw floppy brushes slapped the car’s doors and sprays of water squirted onto the roof.
43.Gena had worn glasses for fifteen years. She decided to get contact lenses. She would be able to see better. She would look more glamorous.(complex sentences)
After she had worn glasses for fifteen years, Gena decided to get contact lenses, with which she would be able to see better and would look more glamorous.
1.The exam was postponed, the class was canceled as well.
The exam was postponed. The class was canceled as well.
2.He failed a number of courses before he earned his degree. Among them,
English 1, Economics, and General Biology.
Among the courses he failed before he earned his degree were English 1, Economics, and General Biology.
3.I nearly earned a hundred dollars last week.
I earned nearly a hundred dollars last week.
4.Students who study often get good grades.
Students who study get good grades often.
5.He has always had and always will compete for the highest honor.
He has always competed and always will compete for the highest honor.
6.While eating my sandwich, five mosquitoes bit me.
While I was eating my sandwich, five mosquitoes bit me.
7.To join the team, a C average or better is necessary.
To join the team, you must have a C average or better.
8.Tom Clark, who is wise and intelligent, and who is our union representative, has been promoted to foreman.
Tom Clark, who is wise and intelligent and who is our union representative, has been promoted to foreman.
9.Claudia mentioned the operation she had had in the elevator.
In the elevator, Claudia mentioned the operation she had had.
10.Getting out of bed, the tile floor was so cold that Maria shivered all over.
Getting out of bed, Maria found the tile floor so cold that she shivered all over.
Or: when Maria got out of bed, the tile floor was so cold that she shivered all over.
11.Like many of today’s students, financial security is one of Margaret’s highest priority.
Like many of today’s students, Margaret’s highest priority is financial security.
12.Swimming at the lake, a rock cut Jim’s foot.
Swimming at the lake, Jim cut his foot on a rock.
Or: When Jim was swimming at the lake, he cut his foot on a rock.
13.After there hours of practice, a large mug of beer was what the thirsty dancers wanted.
After there hours of practice, the thirsty dancers wanted a large mug of beer.
关淑怡曝私生子生父14.I spent almost two hours on the phone yesterday. Trying to find a garage to repair my car.
I spent two hours on the phone yesterday, trying to find a garage to repair my car.
15.She was at first very happy with the blue sorts car she bought for only $ 500. Not realizing until a week later that the car averaged 7 miles a gallon of gas.
She was at first very happy with the blue sorts car she bought for only $ 500. She realized only a week later that the car averaged 7 miles a gallon of gas.
16.You should strive to cooperate with your colleagues to bring about change, for improving communication and professional development.
You should strive to cooperate with your colleagues to bring about change, to improve communication, and to further professional development.
17.He has always has and always will compete for the highest honor.
He has always competed and will always compete for the honor.
Write a note of apology according to the situation described. Your friend lives in another city and came to visit you last Sunday, but due to some reason you were not at home. Write a note expressing your regrets on having missed se
eing him or her.
Dear Sandy,                                                    May.22
It’s very kind of you to come to see me last Sunday, but it so happened that my uncle came here and I had to accompany him to visit the Summer Palace. What a pity! We haven’t seen each other for a long time. Will you come here on National Day? We will have a seven-day holiday then. Call before come.
Write a note according to the situation described. Thank someone for his remembering you on your birthday, or other anniversaries(周年纪念). In your note you will 1. express gratitude for his remembering you on a certain occasion and 2. state clearly that you like whatever you have been given as a token of remembrance.(70-100 words).
Dear Sally,                                                      Apr.18
Betty and I really can’t figure out how you managed to remember our wedding anniversary. Yes, you were the bridesmaid(女傧相) at our wedding, but that was almost ten years ago!
We just can’t get over the wonderful memories you have brought back to our minds in your beautiful greeting card. The silver plate is just beautiful and the words inscribed on it are magnificent.
Again lots of thanks and love for remembering.
Yours truthfully,
Write a note of apology according to the situation described. You failed to keep an appointment because your son or daughter was ill. Express your sorry, and postpone your meeting.(70-100 words)
Dear Mr. Richards, I would like to express my apologies for not being able to keep our 8 o’clock appointment. The moment I got up this morning, I found my son running a high fever and I have to take him to the hospital. As he has developed pneumonia and has to stay in hospital for a few days, I am afraid we’ll have to put off our meeting to some time next week.
With many apologies摩斯电码翻译
Wang Dong
Write a note of complaint according to the situation described. Your neighbor often plays record so loudly deep into the night. You should explain your reasons and suggest that he stop playing at late hours.(70-100 words)曼妮芬是几线品牌
Dear Robert,                                                Aug.14,2000
I’m very sorry to tell you that I can’t bear the loud noise of your tape recorder at midnight any more. Being a bad sleeper, I am quite sensitive to noises, which greatly affects my work and studies. I am afraid that the dorm doesn’t have a very good sound proof system; besides, it is summer time and we all have our windows wide open. I would quite appreciate if you could stop playing at such late hours.
Sincerely yours,
Write a note of complaint according to the situation described. You are staying in the West House Hotel. You have a problem with heating. Your room is too hot and you can’t sleep. Write a note to the
manager. Say what you tried to do, and what happened.(70-100 words)
Dear Manager,                                                  Jan,2000