人教版新目标 初二英语 八年级上册Unit1 单元教案
XXX knowledge and create interest in the topic.
1a。The teacher can show pictures of XXX and ask the students to identify them。Then。the teacher can introduce the new words - anyone。anywhere。wonderful。quite a few。most - and explain their meanings.
1b。The teacher can ask the students to work in pairs and ask each other where they went on n。They can use the target language - "Where did you go on n?" "I went to the XXX" - to practice.
2a。The teacher can ask the students to listen to a XXX。XXX.
Step III。Practice
杨志刚 郭靖宇XXX can ask the students to work in groups and share their own n experiences using the ta
rget language and new words they have learned。The teacher can also encourage them to ask follow-up XXX.
Step IV。n
XXX can ask the students to write a short paragraph about their favorite n using the target language and new words。The teacher can provide a sample paragraph as a model.
The teacher can summarize the key points of the XXX and take care of the environment.
During class。the teacher shared about her summer XXX on the board。She then asked the students about their own summer experiences。such as where they went and if they went with anyone。One student responded that they had gone to summer camp with their sister.
Next。XXX of the verbs。The students were asked to read and XXX.
To practice using the ns。XXX on the board。For example。one student might ask where the other went on n and the response could be "I went to summer camp." If they went with someone。they could say "Yes。I did。I went there with my sister."
Finally。XXX n to a picture related to summer XXX.
What did they do on n?
Person | Activity | Place
1.XXX | Hiked | Mountains
2.XXX | Visited museums | New York City
3.Sarah | Swam | Beach
张继科19cm事件图片In this activity。students are shown pictures of different activities and asked to name each one。They are then asked to match each activity with the correct picture。After checking the answers。the teacher asks students to listen to a XXX are asked to write th
e numbers of the names in the correct boxes of the picture。Finally。students listen to another recording and complete a chart about what each person did on n and where they went.
Tell the students that they will be XXX een three students and they need to XXX。they can check their answers with the class.
中秋节的好词好句摘抄In pairs。students can create their own n about the people in 1b and 2a。They should move around the classroom and ask for help if needed。Some pairs can act out their XXX.
For homework。students should XXX。They can also turn the ns in 1b into a short passage using the tapescripts on page 95 for help。nally。they XXX.