1. 全卷满分为100分,考试用时为90分钟。
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1. Kate and Jane are in the same class. They are         .
A.mothers    B.brothers        C.classmates        D.teachers
2. Hamburgers are not healthy, so we don't eat .
A.they        B.them            C.their            D.theirs
3. John is . He doesn't go to the party with us.
A.tidy        B.happy            C.free            D.busy
4. This is a map of China. It's .
A.our        B.ours            C.us                D.we
5. A year has twelve months. Themonth is December.
A.eighth        B.tenth            C.eleventh        D.twelfth
6.         赵忠祥妻子do you like for lunch? Eggs.
A.What        B.Where            C.How          D.Who
7. Let's         the fruit after dinner.
OK. What about some strawberries?
A.help with    B.ask for          C.call for            D.think about
8. This pair of shoes Eric's.
A.are        B.is                C.have            D.has
9. I like the white socks, my parents like the blue ones.
A.so            B.and            C.but            D.then
10. Thank you for  me with my English.
A.helping        B.help            C.helps            D.to help
Hello, I'm Eric. I'm a student in No. 5 Middle School. On Tuesday, I have three lessons in the morning. They're English, math and music. We have our morning break at 9:50. I always play football with my classmates. My last class finishes at 15:50, but after that I have a P.E. lesson for one hour. It's really relaxing.
Hi, my name is Gina. I'm a student in No. 10 Middle School. I always go to school at 7:10 in the morning. On Tuesday, I am very busy. I have math, art and English in the morning. And I have math at 8:10. It's boring. At 9:05, I have art. It is very interesting. My favorite subject is English. After school, I play volleyball with my classmates.
21.What doesn't Eric have on Tuesday morning?
A.English.    B.P.E.            .Math.            D.Music.
22.Gina's second lesson is at on Tuesday morning.
陈佩斯妻子A.7:10        B.8:10            C.9:50            D.9:05
23.The underlined(画线的)word "break" means "      " in Chinese.
A.休息          B.开始          C.理解          D.聚会
24.Gina thinks her Tuesday is .
A.boring        B.happy            C.busy            D.interesting
25.Which of the following is correct?(下面哪项叙述是正确的?)
A.Gina is a middle school student.
B.Eric's favorite subject is English.
C.Eric and Gina like playing volleyball after school.
D.Gina and Eric have three lessons on Tuesday afternoon.
Lisa goes to school on foot every day. One morning, Lisa leaves home after breakfast without an umbrella. Then it begins to rain. The rain becomes heavier and heavier. Lisa's mother worries about her daughter and decides to find Lisa to give her an umbrella. She drives along the way her daughter always walks. She looks left and right through the car windows to look for Lisa. Finally, she finds Lisa walking in the street happily. She also finds that every time lightning strikes, Lisa will stop, look up at the sky and smile. Lisa's mother is very surprised. She shouts to Lisa, "Lisa, what are you doing?" She answers, "God is taking photos of me, so I smile!"
26.How is the weather according to the passage?
A.Hot                       B. Warm              C. Rainy                D. Cold
27.Does Lisa go to school with an umbrella?
A.Yes, she is.        B. No, she isn't.      C. Yes, she does.  D. No, she doesn't.
28.How does Lisa's mother go to send Lisa an umbrella?
A.On foot.              B. By bike.             C. By car.              D. By bus.
29.Which is Not true according to the passage?
A.Lisa is afraid of the lightning.          B. Lisa enjoys the raining.
C.Lisa is lovely.                                        D. Lisa's mother cares for her daughter.
30.Which is the best title for the passage?
A.bad day.           B. An umbrella.      C. Smile.              D. A great mother.
How nice to meet you all! Let me tell you a little bit about myself.
My name is Li Ming. I am from Shenzhen. There are three people in my family. My father is a Maths teacher and my mother is an English teacher. We all love playing sports very much. My favorite sport is football. My parents are crazy about badminton.
From now on we study together and live together. I think we should love and help each other. And we must love our school and teachers! Let's be good friends. Let's get to know each other better. Let's become a real family here at school.
It's time for us to depend on(依靠) ourselves. Never let our parents down! The future belongs to us.
31.Where is Li Ming from?
A.Japan.                B. Guangzhou.         C. Shenzhen.           D. The USA
32.What does Li Ming's mother do?
A.She is a doctor.                                B. She is a worker.李小璐 李晨
C.She is an English teacher.                    D. She is a Music teacher.
33.What's Li Ming's favourite sport?
A.Football.            B. Basketball.             C. Badminton.            D. Volleyball.34.Which of the following statements(陈述)沈春阳个人资料is NOT mentioned(没有被提到)by the writer?
A.We should help and love each other.    B. We must love our teachers.