一. 阅读理解(共30分)
1. 阅读下列短文回答问题
(1)After the birth of their third child, John and Lisa decided they needed a larger house. They found a perfect one on the outskirts of town. It had a lovely garden and was only a few minutes from the children’s school. The only problem was that the nearest shops were quite far away.
(2)The couple’s old house was soon sold and they started planning their move. They bought new carpets, arranged for the furniture to be moved and all the necessary paperwork was completed. The day before the move, Lisa went into town to do some shopping.
新年作文400字(3)On her way back, Lisa’s car broke down. She tried to restart it several times but it was no use. She had no choice but to call the garage. The mechanic arrived about forty minutes later and quickly identified the problem. It would take him an hour to fix the car, so Lisa decided to visit a museum she had always wanted to go to.
(4)When she finally arrived back home, she found her husband very worried. She explained what had happened and John was annoyed that Lisa had been so careless. They had so much to do the day before the move, and now he would have to take her car to be fixed.
(5)The next morning proved to be even more stressful. The removal truck arrived an hour late, which meant that everything was delayed from the start. Lisa spent several hours trying to pacify the children who were upset at having to leave their old house.
(6)The move was completed at last and the family did eventually settle into their new home. However, they realised that they had made a big mistake in moving so far from the shops. Driving just to buy bread was a chore they had not anticipated.
教师节黑板报题目1. Why did John and Lisa decide to move to a new house?
2. What was the only problem with the new house they found?
3. Why did Lisa have to call the garage?
4. How did John feel about the situation with the car?
5. What happened on the morning of the move that caused stress?
6. What did the family realise after they moved?
2. 阅读下面短文,回答问题
(1)Few people think about studying when they plan to go on holiday. They have visions of lying on beaches, seeing new sights and eating exotic food. But there are many advantages to taking a course while on holiday. Language courses are an obvious choice, but many language schools also offer courses on history, culture, and cookery.
(2)In just one week, you can gain an insight into the culture of the country you are visiting, and by speaking to the locals, you can understand the thinking of the people. This is much more interesting than just taking a guided tour because you are part of the process of discovery.
(3)Many holiday destinations have their well-known culinary specialties, and taking a cookery course can help you to recreate the flavours when you return home. You can learn to make simple sauces, classic dishes or even the exotic recipes of Far Eastern countries.
(4)Attempts to describe a second language are always subject to shortcomings, but the sound of it, the rhythms of it, the beauty of it and the cultural nuance all become clearer if you actually study it. This can be fun and educational, and it makes communication easier.
1. What do most people have in mind when they think about going on holiday?
2. What kind of courses can be taken while on holiday?
3. How long does it take to gain an insight into the culture of a country while on holiday?
4. What is the benefit of taking a cookery course while on holiday?
5. What can become clearer if you study a second language while on holiday?
二. 完形填空(共20分)
We learned in school about how important it is to 1 a good many friends. The more the __2__ , the better. The same is still true throughout life. The __3__ of a wide circle of friends is one of the greatest joys of living.
However, it is not easy to make friends. Those who sit __4__, those who do not speak up for themselves and those who never show __5__ or friendliness receive less attention from others. To be __6__, one must make himself friendly, approachable and thoughtful of others' interests.
It's not enough to be friendly to some people only, or to those who __7__ your interests or views. Good friendship is built on __8__ understanding, interest, and a deep feeling of mutual liking and acceptance.
Then, __9__ time, effort and understanding, we'll acquire numerous friends with whom we can enjoy and __10__ life--working with some, playing with some, talking and learning from others.