英语Pre——《Reply 1988
Hello, every one! Today, I would like to share one of my favorite Korean dramas Reply 1988. (第一章PPT)
My sharing consists of four parts, the first is the basic introduction, followed by the classic lines, 赵虹乔图片then public evaluation, and finally my feelings.  (第二章PPT)
Now, let’s move on to the first part. (第三章)
Reply 1988 has a Douban score of 9.7, which is the highest rated Korean drama so far. (第四章)
The story revolves around 5 neighborhood friends who all live in the Shuangmendong. And each of them has a different background, family status, and family members. This is Jinzhenghuan, a humorous and responsible boy. This is Chengdeshan, a girl who struggles for attention as the middle child in her poor family. This is Liudonglong, knows more about lives than his friends, but his studies are poor. this is Cuize, a talented Go teenager, and the
“mass cot” of Shuangmendong. This is Chengshanyu, the perfect student and a caring and dependable son.(第五章)
Above is a basic introduction to the play. Now, let’s move on to the second part.杨臣刚微博(第六章)
let’s look at three lines. firstly “people really get stronger, not because they protect their self-esteem, but when they let go of their self-esteem. The mother cried and begged the police not to take her daughter, despite the fact that her feet were bleeding. (第七章)
second “Dad not born to be a dad, dad is also the first time to be dad. The father apologized to his daughter for his ignored her feelings. I think sometime maybe just one apology can make us feel a lot relieved.  (第八章)
the last one is “The bad thing was not the traffic light, not the timing. It was my countless hesitations.” At this point, the boy is realized that he lost her favorite girl because of his hesitation. I think we sometimes just like him, will continue to hesitate to lose a lot of opportunities.  (霁的拼音第九章)
Now, let’s move on to part three, and look at a small clip. (第十章)
申贤俊电影This just a small fragment. (第十一章)看完视频
Then,Let's see what people say about this Korean drama. “a bittersweet but very moving portrayal of youth, love, family and friendship.” “most realistic Korean drama I ever watched.”  (第十二章)
  Ok now, let’s move on to the last part——my feelings.(第十三章)
张国立的电视剧>火风第三任妻子 I don’t have friends like them who grew up together, nor did I have the love that silent guarded, but I grew up in a happy family, I had friends who cared about me, and I also had wonderful youth. (第十四章)
So, I want to say that pay more attention to our lives we may find that happiness is not far away, ordinary days can also be full of love, full of romance. (第十五章
That’s all. Thanks for your listening. (第十六章)