1. It's cool :cool 是青少年(teen-agers) 常⽤的字,( 有时也⽤debonaire) 其真
意思是指可以接受的好事;或是情况可以控制;或是保持冷静、⽂雅、礼貌、外表不错,能够合乎年轻⼈的标准。(可指⼈或事物)也就是something good or acceptable ;situation is under control ;being calm, gentle, courteous or good-looking
;meet teen's standard. 所以可以说:That's cool ;he is cool ;
this is cool. Skydiving ( 或surfing) is cool. (跳伞或冲浪运动很不错){van}{star}主词可⽤任何⼈称的单复数(I, we, they 等) ,动词可⽤verb to be 的任何时态(is, was, were, will be, have been 等) 。因此,也可以说:She (He) was cool in the past. That's a cool T-shirt. (好看的运动衫)He (she) is a cool person. (⽂雅礼貌的⼈)但是如果说:Are you cool ?⼜是指「你冷吗?」(cool = cold) ,可见cool 当⼝头禅或俚语时,多半不⽤在问句。假如说:She looks as cool as a cucumber. ⼜是恭维语,是说她很calm and charming; not emotional. 但为何⽤黄⽠(cucumber) 代表,则不得⽽知。( 注:许多华⼈把cool 译成「很酷」)
2. Are you trippin' ?:trippin' 这个字,是由动词trip 演变⽽来。(动词时态是:
tripped, tripping )年轻⼈⽤省略符号(apostrophe ) 代替g ,表⽰是slang ,或⼝头禅。这个字是现在分词当形容词⽤,是指⾏为异乎寻常,也许受到或喝酒的影响,⽽显得神魂颠倒、奇形怪状(to get high on drug such as LSD) ,也就是说:要不是受到药、酒的影响,你为什显得这样古怪呢?(Are you under any influence of drug or alcoholic? Why are you so crazy and bizarre?) 所以可以说:They are trippin'. (= tripping )She (he) is trippin'. Mr. A must be trippin'. 通常只⽤在年轻⼈⾝上,⽽且不是恭维语。
3. He is a nerd :nerd 是指⼀些年轻⼈,每天只懂读书、考试,但对⽣活上的其他事
情,都很⽣疏。(A person always buries his nose in books, but not good at social situations. )由於美国⼗分重视多⽅⾯发展的教育(well-rounded) ,所以许多⽼外认为nerd 虽然学识不错,但很乏味;有IQ ,但缺乏EQ ,只是社会上⽆⾜轻重的「书⾍」或「」⽽已。(IQ = Intelligence Quotient ; EQ = Emotional Quotient) nerd 可⽤复数,动词也能⽤其他时态。因此可以说:He used to be a nerd in high school. ( 过去他在⾼中时是位书呆⼦) Many Chinese students are (或have been
)considered nerds.⾄於geek 这个字,虽然与nerd 相似,年轻⼈也常⽤,但geek 是指在某⼀⽅⾯有很⾼的IQ 。我们可以说:He is a computer geek. ( 意思是:虽然他是书呆⼦,但电脑很棒)另外,年
轻⼈还⽤jerk 这个字,通常是指没有社交技巧,头脑简单或古怪,令⼈讨厌的家伙(annoying person) ,如果你不喜欢⼀个⼈,就可以说:I don't like him because he is a jerk.也可以⽤复数:Many jerks are working in our company.主词也可以⽤其他⼈称,动词也可⽤其他时态:They are jerks; He was a jerk in the past; Mr. A has been jerk for years.
( 注:有时年轻⼈也⽤dork 这个字,但不如jerk 流⾏)
4. Yo baby :Yo baby 是许多年轻的⿊⼈男⼦对⼥⼦的招呼语,也有⼈⽤“ Yo baby, yo
baby yo ”,由於⼥⼦很漂亮,很吸引⼈,他想与她交谈。(He thinks she is pretty and attractive, so he wants to speak to her.),也就是话题,想要「打开话匣」。(to use as a form of opening line or pick-up line or to begin a greeting; try to know her or date her) 如果说:Yo baby, are you trippin'? 意思是:漂亮的姑娘,你的样⼦有点怪⾥怪⽓,有什⼼事吗?“ Yo baby" 後⾯可跟任何可以「打开话匣」的句⼦。诸如:May I help you with something? I think I have met you somewhere before.同理,如果年轻⼥⼦看到帅哥,有吸引⼒,很想与他交谈,那就⽤:“ Hey, hey, hey" 後跟任何可以「打开话匣」的句⼦。诸如:Hey, hey, hey, what's going on ?“ what is going on ?”就是年轻⿊⼈打招呼的⽤语(a form of greeting or open statement) 或Hey, hey, hey, are you going to the movie ?( 帅哥,你是去看电影吗?)
5. She is a ho :ho 这个字,也是美国年轻⼈把whore 字改变⽽成的⼀种⼝头禅或
俚语。意思是指⼀些年轻⼥⼈,也许因为peer pressure 或curiosity 或enjoyment 的⼼理,随便⾃愿与男⼦免费上床。(a girl or woman gives sex freely without charge) ,也就是说:She is very loose. 或She is a loose woman (girl) 。
ho 也可⽤复数:They are (were) hos. There are quite a few hos in high schools.
但是如果⽤whore ,是指妓⼥,男⼈需要付钱的。(a girl or woman is paid for sex.)
6. Catch you later !这是年轻⼈说「再会」的⼝语。(a form to say “ good 乡bye ” )
也就是说:现在没有时间与你交谈,以後再谈吧!(I don't have time to talk with you now, but we can talk later.)因此,catch 就是talk 或contact 的意思。Catch 後⾯,也可⽤其他⼈称代名词(him, her, them 等)有时年轻⼩伙⼦也⽤:I am off.
意思就是:I am leaving now; I'll talk to you again. ( 我要⾛了,再谈吧!)
7. That sucks !这是美国年轻⼈对不好的事情表⽰不欢迎、不同意或不要。(something
is bad; a sign of unwelcome, disapproval or unwanted) suck 这个字,通常只指事物,不指⼈。主词that 也可以⽤it 或this 代替。假如⼈家没把事情做好,就可以说:When he could not finish his assignment, he said to me, “ It sucks! ”这句「⼝头禅」,主词通常只⽤第三⼈称单数,动词也只⽤现在简单式。(suck 是动词,是令⼈讨厌的意思)(sucker 则是指容易受骗的⼈)
8. It's neat !这也是年轻⼈的⼀种表达⽅式(a form of expression )意思是:「很棒!」
「不错!」「满有意思的!」也就是:good, fine or interesting 的意思。如果从云霄飞车下来,觉得很棒,就可以说:After I came out from the roller coaster, I said, “ That was neat!"It will be neat to see you again! ( 再见你,该多好!)所以主词it ,也可⽤that 或this 代替,动词也能⽤其他的时态。不过,这句「⼝头禅」多半是⽤单数,是指事物,⽽且⽤在肯定句。假如说:You are neat. 则是指你的外表很整齐,或你是⼀位有条理的⼈。(refer to a person's appearance; a
well-organized person)以上青年⼈所⽤的⼝头禅,往往因不同学校或地区,意义也有差异,有时也会随著时光⽽逐渐淡化。
9. 下⾯再谈些⼀般⼈的⼝头禅:Don't play me !意思是:不要把我当傻⽠看待,或
不要愚弄我。(don't treat me like a fool; don't take me for a fool; don't make a fool o me !)也就是
表⽰⼀种吩咐或告⽰(a form of instruction) 。Play 後⾯,也可⽤其他⼈称代名词(him, her,them,us 等) ,动词也可⽤其他时态。但是如果说:「stop play me !」是指⼈家玩弄你的⾏为已在进⾏(action already going on) ,
你要对⽅停⽌玩弄。但是「don't play me 」是指玩弄的⾏动还未开始,只是预先向对⽅发出「警告」⽽已。所以可以说:He will play me if I am not careful.
10. Count your blessings !意思是说,对你现在所有的⼀切,要有感恩之⼼;不可⾝
在福中不知福;要满⾜。(to be thankful for what you have) 所以遇到有⼈常常埋怨,你就可以说:Count your blessings !(blessings 要⽤多数) 或[v][a][n]
We all should count blessings for what we have. 或I should count my blessings for a happy family.或者说:Mr. Chen should not complain too much; he needs to count his blessings !( 陈先⽣不要有太多的埋怨;他应该有感恩之⼼,知⾜常乐。) 11. You are in for a treat :这句「⼝头禅」的意思是:我预先知道你将有美好的事情
发⽣。(I know in advance that something good will happen to you.) (treat 就是指something good ;⽽且说话的⼈必须预知something good will happen) 主词可⽤其他的⼈称代名词,我们可以说:He is
无法访问移动网络in for a treat because I know he will be receiving a promotion. (我知道他将有升级的好消息)The students are in for a treat today because a VIP will be guest speaker in their school.但是「for a
treat 」,有时也指「应得的报酬」,要看上下⽂的意义⽽定。如果说:We are due for a treat because we have been working very hard. ( 我们⼯作很努⼒,应该有些酬报了。)不过这句⼝语,通常不⽤在否定句,所以不说:You are not in for a treat. 12. If the shoe fits 意思是说,假如你觉得这件事适合你,你就去试吧!本来後⾯跟著
「wear it 」,但通常都省去。( 照字⾯说:如果鞋⼦适合的话,就穿吧!) 也就是说:If something is suitable for you, go ahead and pursue it. (shoe 通常只⽤单数,⽽且动词⽤现在简单式第三⼈称後加s) 我们可以说:If she insists on becoming a movie star, I will tell her, “ If the shoe fits! ” ( 假如她坚持要当影星,我会告诉她:只要你觉得适合,你就去试试吧!) When my friend told me he would take a jungle adventure, I said, “ Well, if the shoe fits! ” ( 当我朋友告诉我他要去作丛林地区的探险,我说,「只要你认为适合你,你就去试吧!」)
13. Poor me !这句⼝头禅,有点「⾃我怜悯」的味道(self-pity) ,为了取得别⼈的同
情(try to get sympathy from others) 似乎在对别⼈说:「我好可怜啊!」「我好惨啊!」所以可以说:Poor me, I have to pay another 20,000 dollars! ( 好惨啊!
我还要再付两万元!) Poor me, my sweetheart will leave me for her new boyfriend.
( 真可怜!我的⼼肝宝贝要离开我,去她的新男友了。) Poor me, I have to put up all night with my cranky baby. ( 真惨,我要整个晚上忍受吵吵闹闹的婴孩!)当然,也可以说:Poor Mr. Chen, he had to get two jobs in order to pay the mortgage. ( 陈先⽣真惨,为了付房⼦贷款,他要⼲两个⼯作。)注意:I am poor. 是我没有钱。与poor me 意义不同。
14. Has the cat got your tongue ?这是指⼀个⼈不吭声,或因紧张,⼀时不知该说什
么。也就是「你为什不吭声呢?」(One can not think what to say or one's mind goes blank at a particular time) 所以美国⼈有时会问:What is the matter? Has
the cat got your tongue? ( 你不吭声,怎么回事?) At the meeting, has the cat got his tongue ?( 开会时,他怎么不吭声?) (tongue 的前⾯可⽤其他⼈称代名词(his, her, their 等) 但「cat 」和「tongue 」通常只⽤单数。同时,动词也可⽤其他不同的tense) 。所以可以说:Will the cat get your tongue before your
speech ?( 在你演讲前,你会因为紧张⽽不知该说些什么吗?) You did not say anything this morning ;was the cat getting your tongue?
15. He carries a torch for her. 这多半是指⼀厢情愿的爱或是⾃我多情的男⼥间感情。
(one-way love) (不过在torch 後⾯要有for someone ) 如果他的⼥友遗弃他,但他仍然还爱她,就可以说:He still carries a torch for his ex-girlfriend. 她仍然在爱她的前夫She still carries a torch for her ex-husband. 说⽩些,就是:
Although she does not love him any more, he still carries a torch for her. 或
He carried a torch for that pretty woman, but all in vain. ( 他⼀厢情愿的爱那美⼥,但⼀切均徒然。)
但是只有「carry a torch 」,也可表⽰⾼擎⽕炬或圣⽕:
When the Olympic Game began, he carried the torch into the stadium. ( 当奥运会开始时,他⾼举圣⽕进⼊体育场。) ( 因为圣⽕是奥会唯⼀的⽕把,故⽤定冠词the 。) During the evening picnic, I'll carry a torch to ward off the bugs. (傍晚野餐时,我要点根⽕把,抵挡蚊⾍。)
16. What are you up to ?这是平时最常⽤的⼀句⼝语,意思是:「有什麽事吗?」「进
还有:What's going on ?What's up ?What's cooking ?What's happening ?
( ⽤在⾮正式场合,⽽且是朋友或同辈) 这些⼝头语,有时也变为「打招呼」或「问好」的味道。有点像:How do you do ?(⽤在初次见⾯) ( 较正式) [van][star] How are you ?( ⽤在见过⾯的朋友) ( 较正式) v当然动词和⼈称代名词,也可改变:What is he (she) up to? What are they up to ?
17. I am with you. 这句⼝语通常有两个意思:⼀是「我同意你的意见」(=I agree with
you. )⼀是指真正「我与你在⼀起」(=Physically I am with you. )这要看当时对⽅怎麽说。不过在写作时,後⾯需要⼀句modifier ( 修饰语) ,以免意思不清楚。主持人阿丘
例如说:I am with you on this issue. (我同意你对这问题的看法。)
We are with you what you said at the meeting. ( 我们同意你在开会时所说的。) ( “ on this issue ” , “ what you said at the meeting ”都是modifier)
但是如果说:I was with you when she entered my room. ( 她⾛进我房间时,你与我在⼀起。)They were not with us while the accident occurred. ( 事故发⽣时,他们和我们不在⼀起。)可见要看上、下⽂,才能知道句⼦的真正意思。「I am with you. 」⾥的主词I 及受词you ,可⽤其他的⼈称代名词;动词am ,也可⽤其他时态。
18. It's the thought that counts. 这是平时常说的⼀句⼝语,意思是:礼物是否贵重,倒
不重要,真正重要的是⼼意。也就是真诚的⼼意才算数。( 通常主词只⽤单数it ,表⽰⼀种⼼意) 所以我们可以说:The value of the gift is unimportant; it is the thought that counts. ( 礼物的价值不重要;⼼意才是最重要的。)或者说:[v][a][n]
Don't judge your friend's gift by value;it is the thought that counts. ( 不要以价值去评估朋友的礼物;⼼意最重要。)
19. We raise the bar. 意思是提⾼任何事物的⽔平(to upgrade any kind of standard)
我们可以说:He is encouraged that many colleges will raise the bar for their admissions. ( 他对许多⼤学提⾼⼊学⽔平,甚感⿎舞。)
China is trying to raise the bar for its military power. ( 中国正在提⾼其军事⼒量) The good teacher can raise the bar for his or her students. ( 好教师能提⾼学⽣的⽔平)
20. Cry me a river. 这是⼀句流⾏的⼝头语,意思是别⼈对你埋怨某⼈或某事时,你不
想听,也不在乎。(a person who complains about someone or something will not get sympathy ) 也就是ignore one's complaint. (即使眼泪流得像⽔和河那样,⼜有什麽⽤呢!)( 表⽰埋怨进⾏著)如果说:When he complained about his boss,
I responded to him, “ cry me a river. ” ( 当他埋怨他的⽼板时,我回答说:「埋怨有
啥⽤呢!」) His wife said to him, “ cry me a river ” when he complained about his job constantly. ( 当他常常埋怨⼯作时,他太太说:「别再埋怨了,我才不听呢!」)也有⼈⽤don't cry me a river ,意思就是说,不要开始埋怨,我不想听。(Don't start complaining; I am not going to listen.) ( 表⽰埋怨还没有开始)
21. What is her calling card ?Calling card 是指attraction ,这是通常对⼥⼈⽽⾔,也就是说:她吸引⼈的原因何在?为什麽许多男⼈喜欢她?(Why so many men like her ?Why you feel she is attractive ?) 虽然多半⽤在第三⼈称,但,也可以说:What is your calling card ?( 你有什麽优点,值得⼈家喜欢你?) This is my calling card. ( 这就是我的专长) = This is something I am good at it.有时也可⽤在否定句:Mrs. A has no calling card because of her unfriendliness. ( 由於A ⼩不友善,所以她没有令⼈喜欢的地⽅。) She has no calling card in her life. ( 她⼀⽣平平凡凡,毫不出⾊。) ( 注:这句⼝语虽然多半⽤在⼥⼈圈⾥,但也有男⼈使⽤