However, shoppin g on the Interne t also has its disadva ntages. The first disadva ntageis that the consume rs can't see the goods or try them on persona lly. Sometim es, the real goods may not be the same as what they have seen on the compute r. The seconddisadva ntageis that some shops on the Interne t are not registe red. They will never deliver anythin g to you after they get the money from you. Once cheated, you will find that you .. have nowhere to go to complai n
On the other hand , lack of the face to face deal makes onlineshoppin g less reliabl e and
Trustwo rthy
Firstly, the risks of onlineshoppin g securit y do exist. There are many swindle rs on the network, they may deceive consume rs through various means .The False friends are worse than bitterenemies.( 明
易躲,暗箭难防) Current ly base on the not well equippe d law and technol ogy, the securit y of on-line shoppin g far from guarant eed, to make matters worse, the cyber crime is difficu lt to detect. The current techniq ues have not yet reached the stage that allow peopleto be assured of the on-line shoppin g. In this case, the onlineshoppin g shouldbe forbidd en, as the Chinese sayinggoes—sharp tools mark good work(工欲善其事必先利其器)but where is the sharp tools?
The quality of the goods on-line can not be guarant eed. The actualgoods are often not matched with their photosand descrip tionson-line. If we buy clothes or shoes, we may buy the clothes or shoes of which the size is not suitabl e for us, becausewecan’ttrythemonbeforewe buy them. Besides, there are many inferio r or counter feit goods which may be serious ly harmful to the custome rs’physica l and mentalhealth.
3. 也许对方辩友要说网购节省时间,那么现在让我给你算算这笔时间帐。从选择商品我们要蹲在电脑前面一家店铺一家店铺的比较,比较价钱,比较信用度,考虑是不是假货,这个过程要耗费不少时间。
Perhaps the other side says that onlineshoppin g can save time, now let us calcula te the time for you. Since we decidebuy a commodi ty, we have to squat in front of a compute r compari ng a shop to another, because differe nt shops have differe nt pricesand reputat ions, andwedon’twanttobecheated. This process will cost a lot of time unavoid ably. After we have selecte d one shop, we then have to consult about the item numberand bargain with the manager. More serious ly, we have to wait for some time lag which is uncerta in beforethe goods arrive. When we wait for the goods, we have to pay attenti on to the phone from the deliver y courier compani es, ifwedon’twant to miss it. Thus we also have to bear some psychol ogical costs. It also costs time invisib ly that we rejectthe goods which are not satisfy ing.The quality of goods is uneven,select t he satisf
ying goods what you need wast a lot of time梦见吵架
4. 从精神层面讲,我们传统的购物方式是陪着家人在街上闲逛,或者和几个知己好友一来可以看风景,透透气,放松心情,而来可以促进我们的交流。相反,现在的网上购物是啥样?只是坐在电脑前面磨损我们的激情和颈椎!一来电脑辐射大,对眼睛不好,而且还会使我们整天呆在房里,缺乏锻炼。二来我们和家人及朋友的交流越来越少了。
On spiritu al level, traditi onal shoppin g way is wanderi ng in the streetwith the familyor looking at scenery, breathi ng and relaxin g with a few close friends .so it can promote our communi cation. On the contrar y, how is on-line shoppin g now? Just sit in front of a compute r and wear off our passion and neck! Firstly the compute r radiati on is bad for our eyes, and we will lack of exercis e due to stay in the room day by day. Secondl y, we will share fewer and fewer time with familyand friends.
5. 对方辩友会说网购省钱啊。据美国有关部门的统计,网购消耗的能源原来是巨大无比的。网购需要电脑,无数服务器要24小时为坐在电脑前的消费者服务,由此产生的能量浪费和废气的排放,是相当严重的。此外我们还要担负邮费。退一步讲,网购的物品是否便宜还有待考察。我们网购图的是便宜,可事实却是我们用正品的价格买下仿冒的物品,便宜无好货,古人的话不无道理······(反驳正方的“省钱”观点)
仓库管理员工作职责The other side arguedthat the shoppin g onlinesave money .Accordi ng to the statist ics of U.S. depa
rtm ents, the energyconsump tion of shoppin g onlineis enormou s. Shoppin g onlineneeds a compute r, numerou s servers will service the consume r sitting in front of the compute r for 24 hours .the resultis that the energywaste and exhaust emissio ns is very serious. In additio n, we have to bear the postage. Itisn’tsureaboutthatthenetpurchas e is cheaper, to say the least. We hope shoppin g on-line is cheaper, but the fact is that we use the price of an authent ic item to buy a counter feit, no cheap merchan dise is good, so the ancient s justifi ed…….
6. 从社会安全角度讲,网络是很多非法分子销赃的渠道。网络为这些人提供了有利环境,更加加剧了社会生活的不稳定性,导致抢劫,偷窃案件的急速上升,是影响社会的不稳定的因素之一。会计实习心得
See from the perspec tive of socialsecurit y, the network is a channel for many black sheep disposa l of stolengoods. Shoppin g onlineprovide a favorab le environ ment for these people, which exacerb ated the instabi lity of sociallife,causedthe sharply risen of robbery and theft
If you want to shop on-line,you must rely on some certain foundati on and conditi ons。Computer,network,online-bank or other。For the rural peopleon-line shoppin g i s very inconve nient,they prefer to buy thingson shop where have some goods that accord wi th the level of consump tion. For our country has many peoplecan connect to the Interne t ?Only with the hardwar e conditi on can you be able to surf the Interne t ,some areas can connect to the Interne t shoppin g but no express to, even the deliver price is very high, good thingsneed popular ity , but don't because of Interne t shoppin g such as well, then weakenthe traditi onal open shop, conside r a remotemountai n village! Onlineshoppin g only belongto a few people, do not belongto most of the labouri ng people. So I think that onlineshoppin g more harm than good.
The on-line shoppin g is only by the favor of young people, old peoplefor the on-line shoppi n g is strange, it is very inconve nient, some of the on-line shoppin g process they are not familia r with, an
d their traditi o nal shoppin g concept decided they will not be to assureproduct quality. by scannin g some picture s.
Argumen ts
1.Prejudi ce against women violate s the fundame ntal princip le that all peopleare created equal.
2.Women shouldnot be treated differe ntly from men since,accordi ng to statist ics,there is no basic differe nce between the standar ds and quality of work perform ed by men and women who do the same work.
3.This is an unfairworld: most of the top positio n is in society,like company directo rs,judges,univers ity profess ors,etc. are occupie d by men.
4.This is a male-dominan t world.Over centuri es men have been trainin g and educati ng women to conside r themsel ves inferio r and to accepttheir superio r positio n.As a result,not only men are prejudi ced against women,but some women are also prejudi ced against themsel ves because they believe they are reallyinferio r and only fit for househo ld chores.
5. Women shouldno longerbe treated as the inferio r sex.They shouldstand side by side with men and definetheir role in society,in which they can chooseto work outside or stay at home and in which they will have more time to develop their own interes ts.
6. It is a shame in the modernworld to confine women to the home and block their way to the full exploit ationof their capacit y and potenti al.
7. Men shouldtake an equal share in housewo rk so as to liberat e women from the kitchen.
8. Women shouldbe given an equal chanceof educati on in order to compete with men on an equal footing.
9 It is unreaso nablefor authori ties to refuseto promote able women to importa nt posts just because they have childre n to bring up.