My Resume
Name: ***
Gender: Male
描写夕阳的诗句 Date of Birth: ***
Place of Birth: ***
Home Address: Room ***, Unit 车险买哪几项***, Building***No。 ***, *** Road, *** City, *** Prov. China ***
Business Address: Room ***, ***Building, No. ***, *** Road, *** City, *** Prov. China ***
Home Phone: +86—***
Work Phone: +86-***
Mobile Phone: +86-***
E—mail: ***
9, 1985—7, 1989    Nanjing Agricultural University
                Bachelor/Crop Genetics and Breeding
9, 2002—7, 2007    Nanjing Agricultural University
                Phd/ Crop Cultivation and Farming System
                Wheat Cultivation
Nitrogen application of wheat 王者荣耀体验服申请号
Work Exoerience
7, 1989-3, 1996  Industrial Crops Research Institute, Henan Academy of Agricultural Sciences
关于中秋节的优美句子                Zhengzhou, China
                Research Associate
3, 1996-9, 2000  Industrial Crops Research Institute, Henan Academy of Agricultural Sciences
                Zhengzhou, China
                Associate Director /Associate Research Fellow
9, 2000-9, 2009  Industrial Crops Research Institute, Henan Academy of Agricultural Sciences
                Zhengzhou, China
                Director /Associate Research Fellow
9, 2009-Present  Industrial Crops Research Institute, Henan Academy of Agricultural Sciences
                Zhengzhou, China
                Director 异想天开的异是什么意思/Professor
Awards and Group Memberships
Academic technology leaders in Henan Province, 2012
Excellent expert of  Henan Province2016
Member of China Cotton Association
Member of Henan Cotton Association
Travel History
Travelling With