Two Broke Girls: 第二季经典毒舌台词盘点
第一集:The hidden stash
S: No, you're never gonna win, Max.
M: You know, when I was born, the doctors tried to pry my dead twin sister from my hands, but I never let go. She was my first doll.
C: I use the box our soap comes in as a wallet.
第二集:And the Pearl Necklace
S: You know, every time I come here, I'm surprised you're still open.
M: There is no luck. There is only work
M: Might as well face it. You and I are on our own.
M: Actually the only time my mother bought milk was when my face was on the side of the carton.
C: We'll get there, Max. Because you and I have something Martha Stewart and machines don't.
M: Unpaid bills? C: No, each other.
译文:我们会成功的Max,因为我们身上有Martha Stewart和蛋糕机都没有的特质。没付清的账单?不,我们有彼此。
第三集:And the Hold-Up
M: Han, you can't let your mommy keep bullying you. Stand up to her. You're a 53-year-old man.
H: Max, I am 29.妇女节礼物送母亲手工
译文:Han 你不能总让你老妈这么欺负你。要勇敢反抗,你都是个53岁的男人了。Max 我才29岁。
bully:欺小凌弱;stand up to:抵抗;
第四集:And The Cupcake War
S: Lady chatterbox says your business is in big trouble.
M: Please, everything seems big to Han.
C: Max, why don't you ever let yourself dream?
M: Because in my dreams, spiders are always eating my eyes.
译文:Max 你为什么就不愿意幻想一番呢?因为在我的梦里,总有蜘蛛在吃我的眼珠子
M: Crew necks are for squares and Mormons.
C: Oh, cute! Should we do mine?
M:I don't know. If you have no car, why open the garage?
译文:圆领衫是给"飞机场"和摩门教徒穿的。太棒了! 给我也来一刀吧?我就不明白了,你胸无三两肉,露个毛啊?
crew neck:水手领
That's your brand. The muscle and the hustle. The doubled's and the ditz.
第五集:And the Pre-Approved Credit Card
M: I can't believe you masking taped the shoe to your leg.
C: I know but these are Christian Louboutins aneven all busted up like this they still have the classic red bottoms.
M: You know what else has red bottoms? baboons.
第六集:And the Candy Manwich
C: This guy has a brand-new apple. I've been eating the same apple for a week.
M: If I learned anything as a child, It's when a stranger offers you candy, You say yes.
第七集:And The Three Boys With Wood
太原限行A: hello, sir, I’m here to pick up your daughter.
M: And what exactly are your intentions?
A: I don't know. Maybe take her on a romantic hayride, knock her out with chloroform, and sell her kidney for a new ipad.
译文:你好先生,我是来接你女儿的。那你的目的是什么呢?不知道啊,可能带她去坐一次浪漫的干草车,用氯仿把她捂晕,然后卖了她的肾去买个新iPad。knock sb out:击倒,使精疲力竭
第八集:And the Egg Special
H: Okay, everyone, time to divvy up. What's in the lost and found box?
M: If my dignity's in there, Tell it I said, "what up?"
译文:让我们看看失物招领箱都有些啥。要是我的尊严在里面替我跟它打个招呼。divvy up:分摊;dignity:尊严
第九集:And the new boss
H: Max, look at my face. I'm very upset.
M: Oh. Is that what that means? I just assumed you were constipated.
译文:Max看着我,我现在很愤怒。肿么了,你这是啥表情? 我还以为是你便秘呢。
S: I mean, this place is so unappealing, even I don't look good here.
第十集:And the Big Opening
M: That's what success is for, to say "suck it" to people who dumped you.
第十一集:And the silent partner
A: I'm nervous. I came here to tell Caroline something kind of big.
M: What? You have a secret family on Long Island?-- NO
M: You have Hep-C? "D"? One of the new heps?-- NO
A: I don't have any of the heps. Wow. Now, telling her I'm in love with her is just going to sound boring.
译文:A:我很紧张。我有点重要的事情要告诉Caroline。M:什么?你在长岛有另一个家庭?A:不是。M:你有肝炎? 丙肝? 丁肝? 新型肝炎? A:不是,我没得肝炎。哇,比起来的话告诉她我爱她,反倒不算什么了。
M: If it didn't happen to Kate Hudson in some stupid romantic comedy, then it won't work for Caroline.
A: Sorry, what? I left and went into another theater in my mind while you were talking.
译文:M:如果不是Kate Hudson在傻傻的爱情电影里有多的桥段的话,那基本对Caroline是没用的。A:抱歉,什么? 你刚说话的时候我的魂去看了场电影。
M: I know, it's so creepy, but she likes it. Really, if you could arrange for it to rain, or run after her to the airport in the rain, but somehow end up on top of the Empire State building on Valentine's Day, that'd be best.
第十二集:And the High Holiday
C: Let's just send out positive energy, and the universe will provide.
H: I'm kind of trying to watch my waist.
M: Well, you're closer to it than most people.
M: You've heard "when god closes a door, he opens a window"? He's running from his landlord.
译文:M:你有听过"上帝关了一扇门,就会开启一扇窗"吗? 说的就是他老人家在躲房东。
第十三集:And The Bear Truth
E: Sophie, the way you look tonight, we are all winners.
译文:E:Sophie 你今天看起来这么动人,我们就已经赚到了。
E: I figured you girls could use a vacation. You girls been working harder than my liver on payday.
M: I've always wanted to be abducted. And my guidance counselor said I had no goals.
C: How come your towel's staying up So much better than mine?-- M: I can think of two reasons.
译文:C:你的浴巾怎么就不掉呢?肿么比我的稳啊? M:我想到两个原因。
It's our man-iversary.
第十四集:And Too Little Sleep
C: Max, you're taking your pants off in public!
M: Oh, my God! I'm so tired, I forgot where I was! They're halfway down. What do I do? I'm too tired to make the call.
H: Max, I need you to explain something to me 'cause I can't figure it out.
M: That's hard to believe, since you're 90% head.
译文:H:Max 你来给我解释解释,有件事我怎么都想不通。M:难以置信,你