刘特文章编号] 1671-587Ⅹ(2012)06-1223-04[收稿日期] 2012-06-10[基金项目] 长白山天然矿泉水水资源保护区管理局项目资助课题(20100929
)[作者简介] 贺 军(1986-),男,陕西省榆林市人,在读医学硕士,主要从事环境与健康关系的研究。[通信作者] 叶 琳(Tel:0431-85619453,E-mail:yel@jlu.edu.cn)ICP-MS法测定长白山天然矿泉水中18种微量元素的含量
贺 军,周丽婷,李 娜,刘 特,郑东春,曲笑锋,黄 鉴,叶 琳
)[摘 要] 目的:检测长白山天然矿泉水中锂、铍、铝、钒、锰、钴、镍、铜、锗、砷、硒、铷、钼、银、锡、铯、锑和钡18种微量元素的含量,为评价长白山天然矿泉水质量提供参考。方法:采集吉林省长白山靖宇县五龙泉、神龙泉、银龙泉和林海泉4处天然矿泉水,水样经酸化后直接采用电感耦合等离子体-质谱(ICP-
L-1,除硒元素外,其他元素相对标准偏差为0.1%~4.5%,回收率为81%~116%;4处矿泉水中的18种微量元素含量均符合GB 8537-
[关键词] 天然矿泉水;微量元素;电感耦合等离子体-质谱;长白山
[中图分类号] R123.1  [
文献标志码] ADetermination of 18trace elements in natural mineral 
waterin Changbai Mountain area by 
怎样注册ICP-MSHE Jun,ZHOU Li-ting,LI Na,LIU Te,ZHENG Dong-chun,QU Xiao-feng
,HUANG Jian,YE Lin(Department of Occupationa
l and Environmental Health,School of Public Health,Jilin University徐若瑄的老公
chun 130021,China)Abstract:Obj
ective To detect the contents of 18trace elements in natural mineral water in Changbai Mountainarea,and to provide reference for evaluating the quality 
终极笔记演员表of natural mineral water of Changbai Mountain.Methods Wulong Sping,Shenlong Spring,Yinlong Spring and Linhai Spring were collected in Jingyu County 
ofJilin Province,the acidified water samples were analyzed by inductively 
coupled plasma mass spectrometry(ICP-MS).Results The detection limit was 0.005-0.573μg·L-1,t
he relative standard deviation(RSD)was0.1%-4.5%(except selenium),and the recovery 
rate was 81%-116%.The contents of 18trace elements in thefour natural mineral waters consistented with the national health standard of drinking 微博怎样发私信
natural mineral water(GB8537-2008).Conclusion ICP-MS has a low limit,good accuracy 
and precision,which is suit for a rapid analysisof multielement.The contents of 18trace elements in natural mineral waters of Chang
bai Mountain area consistentwith the national health standard of drinking 
natural mineral water.Key 
words:natural mineral water;trace elements;inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry;ChangbaiMountain
221第38卷 第6期
2012年11月吉 林 大 学 学 报 (医 学 版)Journal of Jilin University(Medicine Edition)Vol.38No.6 Nov.2012