Second–hand Bookshops
This shop has second-hand books for all tastes, but customers will have to visit in person and look around as Bookworm doesn’t have a website. The best books here are about medicine and traveling. Opening times: 8:30 am ~ 4:30 pm.
There’s no space to sit down in this tiny back street bookshop, and the owner is often too busy to talk. On the first floor are children’s books. And on the second floor are books for adults. Books can be ordered from the shop’s website. Opening times: 8:00 am ~ 5:00 pm.
Although the books here are a little expensive, the fun of Holt is its lively atmosphere (氛围). It’s in an old railway station, where customers can enjoy afternoon tea and cakes in the waiting room. No online service is available. Opening times: 9:00 am ~ 3:30 pm.
Scrimshaw’s has many books showing the works of great painters. Most of them are in excellent condition. Scrimshaw’s has comfortable sofas and freshly made coffee. And a large number of school textbooks are on sale every October. Scrimshaw’s also has online ordering service. Opening times: 9:30 am~6:30 pm.
1.How long is Bookworm open?
A.For seven hours.    B.For eight hours.    C.For nine hours.    D.For ten hours.
2.What do we know about Westwood’s?
A.It’s very small.    B.It’s near a railway station.
C.It offers free afternoon tea to customers.    D.It has a large collection of school textbooks.
3.Which shop may Steven want to visit if he is interested in paintings and only has time after 5:00 pm?
A.Bookworm.    B.Westwood’s.    C.Holt.    D.Scrimshaw’s.
4.How many bookshops offer online ordering service?
A.One.    B.Two.    C.Three.    D.Four.
5.Where is the text probably from?
A.A science magazine.    B.A library guidebook.    C.A local newspaper.    D.A movie poster.
One fine day, Zhao Tianci, 29, decided to give up his job. “My mother has had ALS (渐冻症) for eight years so far,” said Zhao. “Because of great work pressure, there was very little time I could spend with her.” He thought it was time to change it. He decided to take his mom on a trip to Xinjiang.
On June 11, Zhao and his mother set off from Shangqiu, Henan. During the journey, Zhao kept driving and sometimes pushed his mother’s wheelchair through the attractions (景点)along the way. He also shared videos of their trip online.
Zhao invited a friend to go with them and also hired (雇佣) a nursing worker to help during the journey, because his mother had difficulty speaking, eating and using the restroom. S
ometimes they had to drive for 10 hours a day and even have their meals in the car.
The 15,000-kilometer journey ended on July 12. Zhao said new life had begun and that they would like to visit Xinjiang again in his last video. Zhao’s mother liked his videos. “Most of the time she just wanted to make sure she looked pretty,” Zhao said and smiled.
The videos caught the attention of many people. Some people who have ALS patients at home asked Zhao for advice on traveling in Xinjiang. Zhao said he wanted to tell ALS patients that there was no reason for them to just stay at home, and that they must make the most use of every day to enjoy life.
6.Why did Zhao give up his job?
A.Because he didn’t like the workplace.
B.Because he couldn’t make enough money from it.
洪秀贤C.Because he wanted to spend more time with his mother.
D.Because he planned to start his own business in Xinjiang.
7.How long did Zhao and his mother’s trip last?
A.For about a week.    B.For about half a month.
C.For about a month.    D.For about half a year.
8.According to the last paragraph, which of the following may Zhao agree with?
A.More videos about ALS patients should be made.    B.Friendship is the most important thing in life.
C.It’s hard to find a good nursing worker.    D.ALS patients should also enjoy life.
9.What’s the main purpose of the passage?
信阳景点A.To show how beautiful Xinjiang is.
B.To give advice on traveling in Xinjiang.
C.To tell the story about a special mother-son trip.
D.To ask readers to volunteer to look after ALS patients.
10.What would probably happen next in the story?
A.Zhao would argue with his mom because of money.
B.Zhao would share more experiences with more people.
C.Zhao and his friends would enjoy themselves in Xinjiang.
D.More and more ALS patients would go abroad with Zhao’s mom.
Heatstroke happens when you’ve been in the heat for a long period of time or taken part in a physical activity in high temperatures, which causes your body temperature to reach 104ºF or greater. Heatstroke is the most serious form of heat injury and is considered a medical emergency. Serious heatstroke can cause organ damage and even death.
Symptoms of heatstroke include:
☆ Body temperature of 104°F or higher
☆ Skin will feel hot and dry and turn red as body temperature rises