《鲁滨孙漂流记》(Robinson Crusoe)旧译《鲁宾逊漂流记》,一部家喻户晓的现实主义回忆录式冒险小说。这部小说一问世就风靡英国,情节真实具体、亲切自然,让人不忍释手。小说从出版至今,已出了几百版,几乎译成了世界上所有的文字。据说,除了《圣经》之外,《鲁滨孙漂流记》是出版次数最多的一本书。该书被誉为英国文学史上的第一部长篇小说,成了世界文学宝库中一部不朽的名著。故事中的情节引人入胜,叙事的语言通俗易懂,是一部雅俗共赏的好作品。 《鲁滨孙漂流记》主要告诉了我们如何学会生存,学会坚强,学会面对困难不畏惧。
搁浅、兜底、吞噬、烟波弥漫、泅水、山坳、恭顺、惊魂甫定、 斑斑印记 、简直吓坏、晴天霹雳、怒不可遏、置之度外、渺小 荒唐可笑、简陋不堪、不尽天职、境遇、原动力、
1.我完全不顾父愿,甚至违抗父命,也全然不听母亲的恳求和朋友们的劝阻。我的这种天性,似乎注定了我未来不幸的命运。 鲁宾逊漂流记作者
3.唉!人在恐惧中所作出的决定是多么荒唐可笑啊!凡是理智提供他们保护自己的种种办法,一旦恐惧心占了上风,他们就不知道如何使用这些办法了。 空乘专业本科
The main content
1.我完全不顾父愿,甚至违抗父命,也全然不听母亲的恳求和朋友们的劝阻。我的这种天性,似乎注定了我未来不幸的命运。 鲁宾逊漂流记作者
3.唉!人在恐惧中所作出的决定是多么荒唐可笑啊!凡是理智提供他们保护自己的种种办法,一旦恐惧心占了上风,他们就不知道如何使用这些办法了。 空乘专业本科
The main content
Robinson Crusoe was born into a respectable merchant family, eager to sail, and wanted to see abroad. He went out to London with his father, and went to London to buy some fake beads and toys to do business in Africa.
On the fourth voyage, the ship was caught in a storm on the way, and all the shipmates were killed, but Robinson survived and drifted to a lonely island. He used the mast of the sunken ship to make a raft, and again and again brought the food, clothes and guns and ammunition to the shore, and set up his tent on the hill to settle down. Then he used sharpened stakes to fence around the tent and dig in after the tent. He used simple tools to make furniture such as tables, chairs and other furniture, hunting game for food, drinking fresh water in the stream, and passing through the initial difficulties.
He began to grow barley and rice on the island, and made his own wooden mortar, pestle, sieve, and flour, and baked rough bread. He captured and domesticated wild goats to breed. He also made pottery and so on, which ensured his life. A "country house" and a farm have been built on the other side of the desert island. Even so, Robinson has not given up on finding a way to leave the island. He cut down a big tree and spent five or
On the fourth voyage, the ship was caught in a storm on the way, and all the shipmates were killed, but Robinson survived and drifted to a lonely island. He used the mast of the sunken ship to make a raft, and again and again brought the food, clothes and guns and ammunition to the shore, and set up his tent on the hill to settle down. Then he used sharpened stakes to fence around the tent and dig in after the tent. He used simple tools to make furniture such as tables, chairs and other furniture, hunting game for food, drinking fresh water in the stream, and passing through the initial difficulties.
He began to grow barley and rice on the island, and made his own wooden mortar, pestle, sieve, and flour, and baked rough bread. He captured and domesticated wild goats to breed. He also made pottery and so on, which ensured his life. A "country house" and a farm have been built on the other side of the desert island. Even so, Robinson has not given up on finding a way to leave the island. He cut down a big tree and spent five or
si某 months making it into a canoe, but the boat was too heavy for him to pull down, so he had to abandon it and rebuild a small boat. After living alone on the island for 15 years, Crusoe found a footprint on the shore of the island. Before long, he found traces of human bone and fire, where a group of wild men had held a meat feast. Robinson was amazed. Since then, he has been vigilant, paying more attention to things around him. Until the 24th year, a group of savages came to the island, taking prisoners ready to kill and eat. Robinson found out and rescued one of them. Because it was Friday, Robinson named the rescued prisoner "Friday". After that, "Friday" became Robinson"s faithful servant and friend. Ne某t, Robinson rescued a Spanish man and Friday"s father with Friday. Soon a British ship anchored near the island, the ship sailor insurgency, three people abandoned on the island, such as the captain and Robinson "Friday" help the captain overpowered the rebellion sailor, regain the ships. He left the sailors on the island, and returned to England with "Friday" and the captain. Robinson has been away from home for 35 years (28 years on the island). He married in England and had three children. After his wife"s death, Robinson went out to sea again, on the deserted island w
here he had lived, and the sailors and spaniards who had stayed on the island had made their home. Crusoe sent some new settlers, gave them the land, and left them with all their daily necessities, and left the island with satisfaction.
The creation background
The era of Defoe"s life was the age when British capitalism began to develop on a large scale. In 1702, he was arrested and sentenced to three flails for his publication of "a shortcut to the elimination of different sects", which satirized the government"s religious policies. After he got out of prison, he worked as an editor in the newspaper and wrote a number of political and economic pamphlets, and he was arrested three times for his remarks. In 1719, Defoe published his first novel, Robinson Crusoe.
The novel is based on the real e某perience of Ale某ander selkirk on a desert island. According to the British magazine reports: in April 1704, self kirk mutiny at sea, the captain left in more than 900 kilometers off the coast of Chile, Juan fernandez islands of massa jie, who is a small island. Four years and four months later, he was rescued by the navigator. At that time, selkirk had forgotten the human language and became a savage.
The creation background
The era of Defoe"s life was the age when British capitalism began to develop on a large scale. In 1702, he was arrested and sentenced to three flails for his publication of "a shortcut to the elimination of different sects", which satirized the government"s religious policies. After he got out of prison, he worked as an editor in the newspaper and wrote a number of political and economic pamphlets, and he was arrested three times for his remarks. In 1719, Defoe published his first novel, Robinson Crusoe.
The novel is based on the real e某perience of Ale某ander selkirk on a desert island. According to the British magazine reports: in April 1704, self kirk mutiny at sea, the captain left in more than 900 kilometers off the coast of Chile, Juan fernandez islands of massa jie, who is a small island. Four years and four months later, he was rescued by the navigator. At that time, selkirk had forgotten the human language and became a savage.
Defoe was inspired by this and conceived the story of Robinson. But in the process of the creation of the novel, Defoe from one to the look and feel of the era of, during the bourgeois rise to adventure and enterprising spirit and the spirit of 18th century colonial shaped Robinson this image.
丹尼尔·笛福(Daniel·Defoe 1660—1731),英国作家,英国启蒙时期现实主义小说的奠基人,被誉为“小说之父”。其代表作《鲁滨逊漂流记》闻名于世,鲁滨逊也成为与困难抗争的典型模范,因此他被视作英国小说的开创者之一。下面是小编为你带来的《鲁滨逊漂流记》作者简介,欢迎阅读。
在英国18世纪四大著名小说家中,丹尼尔·笛福是第一个,他所写的《鲁滨孙飘流记》在当时有很大影响,至今是雅俗共赏的名著。 丹尼尔·笛福生于1660年。1640年,英国资产阶级以暴力取得政权,但是在笛福出生那年,代表封建反动势力的斯图亚特王室又在英国复辟,笛福出生于一个小油烛商人的家庭,属于中下层资产阶级,在政治上反对斯图亚特王室的封建统治。笛福28岁那年,即1688年,资产阶级又赶走了斯图亚特王室,重新掌了权,他一面经商,一面从事政治活动,写下不少小册子。因为有的书和演说揭露了当时社
丹尼尔·笛福(Daniel·Defoe 1660—1731),英国作家,英国启蒙时期现实主义小说的奠基人,被誉为“小说之父”。其代表作《鲁滨逊漂流记》闻名于世,鲁滨逊也成为与困难抗争的典型模范,因此他被视作英国小说的开创者之一。下面是小编为你带来的《鲁滨逊漂流记》作者简介,欢迎阅读。
在英国18世纪四大著名小说家中,丹尼尔·笛福是第一个,他所写的《鲁滨孙飘流记》在当时有很大影响,至今是雅俗共赏的名著。 丹尼尔·笛福生于1660年。1640年,英国资产阶级以暴力取得政权,但是在笛福出生那年,代表封建反动势力的斯图亚特王室又在英国复辟,笛福出生于一个小油烛商人的家庭,属于中下层资产阶级,在政治上反对斯图亚特王室的封建统治。笛福28岁那年,即1688年,资产阶级又赶走了斯图亚特王室,重新掌了权,他一面经商,一面从事政治活动,写下不少小册子。因为有的书和演说揭露了当时社
1704年他为辉格党魁哈利办《评论》杂志,主要为哈利的英格兰——苏格兰联合政策争取支持。此后11年间他一直往来于英格兰、苏格兰之间,充当哈利及其继任者托利派戈多尔芬的秘密情报员,搜集舆论。在此期间,他又因写文章而短期入狱。但从未终止为辉格党当政者搜集情报,办报,写文章。 笛福在59岁时开始写作小说。 1719年第一部小说《
1704年他为辉格党魁哈利办《评论》杂志,主要为哈利的英格兰——苏格兰联合政策争取支持。此后11年间他一直往来于英格兰、苏格兰之间,充当哈利及其继任者托利派戈多尔芬的秘密情报员,搜集舆论。在此期间,他又因写文章而短期入狱。但从未终止为辉格党当政者搜集情报,办报,写文章。 笛福在59岁时开始写作小说。 1719年第一部小说《
《辛格尔顿船长》写主人公幼年被,当了海盗,在非洲和东方冒险致富的故事。《摩尔•弗兰德斯》有人认为是笛福最好的小说,主人公是一个女贼的女儿,出生在监狱,被一个好心肠的市长收养。她靠勾引男子、多次结婚和偷窃为生,被判刑发配到美洲弗吉尼亚,与一前夫经营种植园终其一生。《杰克上校》写得最差,主人公幼年就沦为小偷,当过兵,被贩卖到弗吉尼亚,最后成为种植园主,回到英国。《罗克萨娜》的主人公是法国新教徒的女儿,流落在英国,嫁给了伦敦一个酒商,被遗弃,在英、法、荷等地沦为,又嫁给一个荷兰商人,商人负债入狱,她也在悔恨中死去。 笛福的小说继承了文艺复兴时期西班牙流浪汉小说的传统,往往写一个出身低微的人,靠机智和个人奋斗致富,获得
《辛格尔顿船长》写主人公幼年被,当了海盗,在非洲和东方冒险致富的故事。《摩尔•弗兰德斯》有人认为是笛福最好的小说,主人公是一个女贼的女儿,出生在监狱,被一个好心肠的市长收养。她靠勾引男子、多次结婚和偷窃为生,被判刑发配到美洲弗吉尼亚,与一前夫经营种植园终其一生。《杰克上校》写得最差,主人公幼年就沦为小偷,当过兵,被贩卖到弗吉尼亚,最后成为种植园主,回到英国。《罗克萨娜》的主人公是法国新教徒的女儿,流落在英国,嫁给了伦敦一个酒商,被遗弃,在英、法、荷等地沦为,又嫁给一个荷兰商人,商人负债入狱,她也在悔恨中死去。 笛福的小说继承了文艺复兴时期西班牙流浪汉小说的传统,往往写一个出身低微的人,靠机智和个人奋斗致富,获得