象鼻山 Elephant Trunk Hill (the Elephant Hill)两种表示都对。
何炅47岁生日伏波山 Fubo Hill (Fu Bo Mountain )
叠彩山 Piled Silk Hill (Mount Diecai /Diecai Hill )
独秀峰 the peak of unique beauty (Solitary Beauty Peak )
七星岩 the seven star crag 税种核定
芦笛岩 Reed Flute Cave
阳朔西街 Yangshuo West Street
龙胜梯田 the Terrace of Longsheng
Guilin is a key tourist city of well-known culture and history in China. Its tourism develops rapidly. Either comprehensive recipiency, scale of tourist industry, quality of tourist service or infrastructure, subsidiary facilities, leading function come to a higher level and grade. Fro
桂林的景点m 1980 to 1997, 60 million tourists from more than 150 countries and areas and tens of state leaders came to Guilin for a visit, deeply impressed and giving sincere praises. Guilin has developed into one of the well-known and first chosen tourist resorts.