Every body is a star in the sky.以下是店铺为大家搜索整理的2017年公共英语等级考试二级复习题及答案,希望能给大家带来帮助!
袁冰妍成毅醉酒事件1. Customer relations should be responsible for all of the following EXCEPT ______.
A. the quality of product or service B. customer inquiries and complaints
李玉刚和石头C. finding new resources for the company D. attracting new customers
2. What is the major feature of a global marketing strategy?
A. Uniformity B. Flexibility C. Localization D. Diversity
3. What is meant by “consideration” in a contract?
A. An item of considerable value given to the other party.
B. An item of value given to the other party.
C. Money in exchange of goods.
D. Careful thinking before signing a contract.
4. Which of the following is NOT true?
A. Packaging means more than the boxes, wrappings and other materials that go round the physical product.
B. Packaging can change the quality of a product.
C. Packaging can change a product in the minds of consumers.
D. Packaging can help to open larger markets.
5. To be a wise customer, we must evaluate ______ and choose to buy what is ______.
A. the price; the cheapest
B. the product quality; of top quality
C. the total product offer; of the best value to us
D. the after-sale service; provided with the best after-sale service英语二级考试
6. The most major function of money is ______.
A. a store of value B. the unit of account
C. the medium of exchange D. a standard of deferred payment
7. ______ points to the advantages of the advertiser’s product over competing products.
A、Primary-demand advertising B、Comparative advertising
C]Direct-action advertising D、Institutional advertising
8. When a person insures something, the written agreement between the insurer and the insured is called _______.蔡卓妍的老公
A. insurance policy B. claim C. liability D. auto insurance
9. A _______ is backed only by the insurer’s promise to pay when the interest and principal are due.
A、bearer bond B、debenture bond C、mortgage bond D、corporate bond
10. _______ is stock with first claim on the corporation’s earnings and assets after the claims of bondholders.
A、Preferred stock B、Stock exchange C、Common stock D、Stock certificates
1.-5. C A B B C
6.-10. C B A B A